Spread the love

“The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.” (Proverbs 22:9 NIV)

The day of this writing, I woke up feeling anxious and depressed.  I was starting my sixth week of a healthier eating plan.  At this point, I’d lost 10 pounds.  But creating new habits is not easy.  Changing my lifestyle to better my health is exhausting.  Instead of 10 pounds, I feel like I should have lost 30.  Everyday is a battle to make right choices.  The journey is long, the road ragged. Discipline doesn’t happen in a day, it happens in a decade.   And sometimes, I don’t think I can take another step.

My daily discipline of starting with God is what carries me through at times like these.  The moment I read His word, I feel His peace begin to ascend.  Days like this one, I call in recruits to pray for me.  He renews His Spirit within me, and the weight begins to lift.  His word is what reminds me of today’s truth:

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” (Proverbs 11:25 NIV)

Refreshing others refreshes you.

Besides feeling low myself, I learned a friend had to say goodbye to her beloved furry companion.  Max was a dog that stole your heart the minute you met him.  Encouraging his mom seemed like a good thing to do to refresh someone.  Flowers always bring smiles, so I went to the grocery store.  Unfortunately, the flowers weren’t fresh since it was the end of the week.  However, the nice young man helped me find the best ones once I told him of my mission.  And then he did the sweetest thing that touched my heart dearly.  He made a special bouquet up for my friend, because he said, “I know the pain of losing a dog.”

Refreshing others, refreshes you.  By the time I left the store, my heart was brimming with God’s love.  The young man’s compassion healed my woes.  He hadn’t just helped my friend, he’d helped me.

In order to refresh others we have to get outside of ourselves.   We have to trust God’s purpose for our lives, even if it doesn’t make sense to us.  In other words, we hold God accountable to His promises.  Like the one we find in Romans 8:28 NIV:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV)

If we hold God to His word, truly believing its truth, we can refresh others.  No matter what circumstances may look like from your view, God has a different one.  He sees more, He knows more, He has a plan.  Trust Him.

Then go encourage someone, see what happens.

Question of the Day:

Who can you encourage today?

Further Reading: Job 31:1-33:33 NIV2 Corinthians 3:1-18 NIV, Psalm 43 NIV, Proverbs 22:8-9 NIV

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