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“Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.  By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is  with me—a prayer to the God of my life” (Psalm 42:7-8 NIV).

The only way to live life in the deep end is with God.  Deep calls to deep, heart calls to heart. In this Psalm, David’s heart is crying out to God’s heart.  God’s love is the answer to David’s cry. The deep connection I have with God is in my heart. Our hearts are where God meets us.  When we connect with Him, we’re opening up the corners of our hearts and presenting them to Him. God doesn’t do shallow, He does deep. 

I chose today’s scripture because of the beauty of the words.  David’s cries are poetic as he openly implores the Lord for help.  The deep connection shared between David and God is easily seen. This morning, as I write this, it’s the sixth anniversary of my mother’s passing, a day I did not think I would survive.  I remember, being on my knees, crying out to God for help. I didn’t know how I would go on without her in my life. But here I am, six years to the day later, He’s carried me all the way.  He answered the deep cry in my heart with His daily love, HIs night song has been with me. God doesn’t do shallow, He does deep.

God doesn’t do shallow, He does deep.

If God did shallow, our struggles wouldn’t be so hard.  We wouldn’t have to make the hard choices of what the right thing to do is.  God wouldn’t care. But He does care. He understands how difficult life’s pressures are, He uses those situations to refine us.  Diamonds are made because then endure high temperatures and pressure over a long period of time. God uses our struggles to create diamonds.  When we open our hearts to Him, as we reveal it’s deepest secrets to Him, He refines us.

When my mother died, God used her death to refine me.  I drew closer to Him as the days and weeks passed, allowing Him to be my comforter.  He began to show me things about my mother I had never known. I began to understand why she had done some of the things she did which I never understood.  I began to see clearly, my Mom was following Him. She was setting an example for me to follow. My Mom wasn’t a big talker, but her actions spoke volumes. As St. Francis of Assisi encouraged us to do: she preached the gospel always, using words only when necessary.   I didn’t see it clearly until after she was gone. God doesn’t do shallow, He does deep.

Question of the Day:

What in your life is God using to take you deeper with Him?

Further Reading: Leviticus 19:1-20:21 NIV, Mark 8:11-38 NIV, Psalm 42:1-11 NIV, Proverbs 10:17 NIV

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