Act of Grace

One-minute read.

Act of grace.

Nothing feels better after a long day working in the yard, covered in grit from head to toe, than taking a shower. Cleansing our bodies with warm water rejuvenates, giving us new life. In the same way, when the Lord gives us grace, it washes away our sins, purifies our hearts, and renews us. Unlike taking a physical shower, turning on the water, scrubbing ourselves clean, and rinsing off, receiving God’s grace requires only one thing: that we receive it. 

Nothing we do earns the Lord’s mercy; we can’t work our way into heaven. God’s grace rains down on us from above, washing us thoroughly without human effort. Forgiveness blots out sin. As we receive the Lord’s grace and accept His gift, we must give it to others.

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

God’s grace multiplies; His never-ending stream of mercy flows into us and out to others. The more we learn to accept divine forgiveness, the quicker we forgive others. If you read the Bible 4 or more times a week, your likelihood of sharing your faith increases to 228%.[i]  Leading with grace will share the Gospel faster than anything else. Divine forgiveness leads to forgiving others and sharing the love of Jesus.


Lord, thank You for leading with divine forgiveness and showing us how to do the same. As we learn to accept and receive Your gift of mercy, help us share it easily with others. Strengthen and encourage us as we walk through the day, facing giants we didn’t see coming. Help us find victory in Jesus as we follow You.  IJNIP. Amen


Abundant Mercy

One-minute read.

Divine forgiveness.

We can do nothing to earn God’s grace. The Lord gives us His mercy when we cast ourselves upon Him, asking for it. Defined as “courteous goodwill,” grace comes from God’s goodness. Of course, if we don’t acknowledge we need the Creator’s mercy, we can’t receive it. Some people struggle with admitting they have sin in their lives. Everyone has distorted thoughts, and if we believe them, they will take us away from God.

Distorted thinking blinds us from reality. To receive God’s grace, we must discover the lies we believe and replace them with truth. Anyone who says they don’t sin has distorted thinking. Only when they remove the lie can they admit their shortcomings and turn to the Lord for help. Accepting Christ into your heart helps illuminate the lies, replace them with God’s truth, and receive His mercy.

When we humble ourselves before the Lord, He freely gives us His mercy. God blots out our transgressions. Jesus shows us a different way to live, leaving our sins behind and discovering a new life. Let down the walls of your heart, confess your transgressions to the Lord, and let Him cleanse you. God has fresh mercies for us every morning. No matter what happened yesterday, today, we can try again, hopefully doing better than the day before.


Lord, thank You for freely giving us grace when we turn to You.  Illuminate any distorted thoughts in our mind, replacing them with Your truth. Help us live fully in Christ as we pursue new life in Him. With each day that passes, let us become more like Jesus. Assist us in making better choices today than we did yesterday. Let our actions glorify and honor You. IJNIP. Amen

Rejoice in Forgiveness

One-minute read.

Rejoice in forgiveness.

Becoming upright in heart means receiving God’s forgiveness. Whatever sins lie in your past, the Lord forgives when you lay them at the foot of the cross. We can let go of our old ways and begin anew. Changed behavior reveals an upright heart and relays a profound apology.

Nothing reveals my sinful nature more than becoming one with another person in marriage. Maintaining a healthy relationship requires changes in behavior, not just an apology. When Ron feels I don’t appreciate him, I must evaluate what I’m doing and then change my behavior. Saying “please” and “thank you” helps me remember all he does for me and appreciate him. But he can quickly feel taken for granted if I don’t say the words. 

In the same way, when we confess our sins to the Lord, we can rejoice at the opportunity to change our ways and become more like Christ. Instead of continuing down a sinful path, we course correct and follow Jesus, doing what He would do. The closer we follow Christ, the more upright our hearts become, giving us plenty of reasons to rejoice and thank our Savior.

Shout for joy as you receive the Lord’s forgiveness. Each day, we become more like Christ, putting away our old selves and cloaking ourselves in Jesus’ love.


Lord, thank You for forgiving us. Help us become more like Christ as we change our ways and do what Jesus did. Let us overcome the desires of the flesh as we apply Your word to our lives, allowing it to transform us into new people. Hear our shouts of joy as our hearts become upright and our lives reflect Jesus more and more each day. IJNIP. Amen

Steadfast Love

One-minute read.

Steadfast love.

Surrounded by God’s love, we can rely on the Lord to protect us from life’s storms. During gusting winds, His protection keeps them at bay. We can always turn to the Lord at any hour, and He will answer our cries. But those who deny God’s existence can’t experience His presence or protection. Without belief, we can’t find what Jesus offers. Sorrows abound for those who live life without Christ.

Without hope, sorrows abound. Jesus gives us hope that today’s troubles won’t last because His death on the cross overcame them. We find the hope of victory and the strength to persevere with Christ.

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

If you don’t believe in Jesus, you have no hope. The troubles that ail unbelievers overwhelm them because they can’t see any way out. But for Christ’s followers, He shows us how to overcome today’s problems because we hope for a better tomorrow. In the light of eternity, the issues of today pale, and mountains become molehills as we focus our eyes on Jesus and trust in Him.


Lord, thank You for giving us hope through Jesus. Praise You for overcoming the troubles of this world and giving us peace. As we face today’s mountains, help them become molehills as we focus on Your promises. Let the promise of eternity remind us that the troubles of this world will pass, and one day, we will live in heaven with You.  IJNIP. Amen

Bits and Bridles

One-minute read.

Bits and Bridles

Horses and mules have bits and bridles that keep them in check; the Lord uses other things for us. Paul had his issues:

“So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited.” 2 Corinthians 12:7

Paul doesn’t tell us the identity of the thorn in his flesh, but he does share with us what it prevented: egotism. Receiving revelations from God can swell anyone’s head, making them think highly of themselves. But the Lord knows how to keep us in check. When an alcoholic man asked his pastor why God didn’t take away his desire to drink, the minister responded with a question.

“What do you do when you want a drink?”

“Get down on my knees and pray.”

“Would you pray as much if you didn’t have the desire to drink?”

Each of us has some thorn in our side, the thing we talk to God about the most. If we didn’t have the problem, would we spend so much time in conversation with the Lord? My blood likes to clot. After two blood clots, I will now take blood thinners for the rest of my life. I spend much time talking to God about my blood, discovering His grace and a heightened closeness to the Lord. My thorn in the flesh keeps me tightly connected to my Maker.

Think about your thorn. Ponder how it brings you closer to God. Would you talk to Him as much if you didn’t have it?


Lord, thank You for keeping us in check. Thank You for the problems that draw us into a closer relationship with You.  Help us accept our limitations and trust You to make the impossible possible. Fill our hearts with Your Spirit, hold us close in Your hand, and help us become the best version of ourselves. IJNIP. Amen

Wise Living

One-minute read.

Wise living.

Shifting from encouraging God’s protection when we seek Him, the Psalmist now quotes the Lord’s promises of instruction. The Bible provides an instruction manual for life, from handling finances, having healthy relationships and bodies, and living abundantly. Following Jesus helps us find and fulfill our purpose, giving our lives meaning. By seeking the Lord’s counsel, we will find it.

God reveals eighty percent of His will through scripture. The Ten Commandments give us guidance on loving Him and others. Applying them to our lives will help us fulfill God’s greatest commandment.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31

Jesus gave us the greatest commandment: love God and others. Following Him will help us do it. As we get to know Christ, invite Him into our lives, and learn about Him through scripture, we will become better lovers. Jesus teaches us how to forgive and pray for people. He shows us how to encourage people and help them become their best version. Christ helps us become more like Him every day we follow Him.

If you want direction for life, look no further than the Bible. In it, you will find all you need to live life to the fullest.


Lord, thank You for Your instruction manual. As we open the Bible and begin looking for direction, open our eyes to see and hear what You have for us. Show us how to apply Your word to our lives, helping us live abundantly in Christ. In all things, we give You the glory. IJNIP. Amen

Hiding Place

One-minute read.

Hiding place.

Growing up in the countryside of Pennsylvania, I loved our little house on the hill, overlooking our neighbor’s houses below, the church we attended sitting opposite us on the next hill. Our concrete driveway sloped to a flat surface; the garage sat at the end. Two bushes grew between the garage and the driveway, no longer there. Inside those bushes, I found the perfect hiding place. Crawling into the small space, I would read and live in my imaginary world, safe from the outside world and its dramas.

God gives us a hiding place. When we turn to Him in our troubles, He protects us, holding us in the palm of His hand. Always available and ready to hear our prayers, the Lord never leaves nor forsakes us.

“Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!” Psalm 116:2

Can’t you picture God bending down to hear your prayers? I can. Like a beloved Grandfather leaning in to hear the thoughts of his grandchild, God bends to listen to us. Crying out to Jesus in our time of need will help us find a secure hiding place from the world’s troubles. When we turn to Him in prayer, we can discover God’s peace that surpasses all understanding. The Lord’s ready to listen when we start praying.


Praise You for never leaving nor forsaking us and giving us a hiding place during life’s storms. Thank You for preserving us from trouble and surrounding us with shouts of victory. Let us live boldly for You, knowing You always have our back, and we can rest in You.  IJNIP. Amen

Great Adversity

One-minute read.

Great adversity.

Likened to rushing water through a ravine, draw close to God through prayer in time of need, and He will protect you. Life comes with adversity; no one has smooth sailing; storms can come upon us without warning, knocking us off our feet and causing panic and turmoil. But when we stand on the Rock, the howling winds of adversity won’t blow us off of it. Firmly, we will survive the storm, taking refuge in God.

My husband lived in Missouri during his childhood. One day, playing in the yard, a tornado blew through their town. Ron still remembers the sound of the locomotive-like winds as they began to roar. His mom grabbed her children, ushering them to safety in the basement. When the cyclone passed, it took out their neighbor’s house, leaving a pile of rubble, but thankfully, their home remained unscathed.

Offering prayer to the Lord during difficult times protects us. Like Ron and his family found safety in the confines of the basement, we find refuge under God’s wings. Houses with no foundation will crumble, but ones with a firm foundation persevere. Prayer takes us into God’s presence and connects us with the sovereign Lord who controls everything, even life’s storms.

Find safety in God’s presence. Trust Him to either calm the storm or calm you in the midst of it. Either way, you will find refuge.


Lord, we praise You for protecting us amid great adversity. Thank You for keeping us grounded and secure during life’s storms. Give us the peace that surpasses all understanding as we face the howling winds. Let us find refuge in You, standing firm on the Rock. IJNIP. Amen

Open Book

One-minute read.

Open book.

“Did you pray today,” the large, white, square sign read on the back of an 18-wheeler we saw headed south on I-95.

“Yes, I did. I’m praying right now,” I said when Ron brought the sign to my attention. Paul tells us in his letter to the Thessalonians to pray continually, keeping a constant flow of communication open with God. Constant confession keeps me chatting with God. Currently, I’m confessing my anxiety to Him that plagues me after my recent health scare. My thoughts want to go places they shouldn’t, so I pray to capture them and bring them into obedience to Christ.

Not covering up our shortcomings but confessing them helps us move forward, learn our lessons, and grow as people. The Lord forgives us, and we must learn to forgive ourselves. When we recognize sin in our lives, we should immediately take it to the Lord, not trying to hide it but instead dealing with our faults.

Living abundantly in Christ happens when we acknowledge our sins, don’t try to cover them up, and confess them to God. If necessary, we may need to seek forgiveness from someone we’ve injured. If so, the Holy Spirit will prompt us to take the right steps. But all confessions start first with God, then with others.


Lord, thank You for Your immediate forgiveness. Help us forgive ourselves as quickly as You do. Teach us through our mistakes, mature us, and let us become more like Jesus as we keep the lines of communication open. Give eyes to see and ears to hear what You have for us, guiding us on the path of abundant life. IJNIP. Amen

Weakened Strength

One-minute read.

Weakened strength.

When someone has unconfessed sin in their lives, it weakens them. Living with the heaviness of their wrongdoing weighs them down. My mom had a wooden box where she kept rare change. She collected Susan B. Anthony dollars, minted from 1979-1981, that honored the women’s suffrage leader, the first woman to appear on a coin.[i]  I would steal one of these coins for months and use it to buy candy. The weight of my sin caused me much grief. I knew Mom would eventually find out, yet I kept doing it.

The longer I continued my errant ways, the weaker I became. Knowing I not only sinned against my mom but also God plagued me. Living with the constant fear of Mom catching me stole energy from me. Eventually, Mom found out, and I had to pay the price for my sin. She hid her special box from me, and I never stole from her again. But I didn’t repent until I got caught. Even now, decades later, thinking about it, shame fills me. Not only did I disappoint Mom, but God as well.

Obeying God gives us strength, but anything that goes against His will weakens us. If we want to tap into the Almighty’s power, we must walk in His ways. Unconfessed sin will separate us from the Savior and weaken our souls. Right hearts live right with God.


Lord, help us unburden ourselves to You.  Give us the courage to submit and humble ourselves before You, admitting our hidden sins and feeling the weight lift from our shoulders. Strengthen us as we seek You, learning to live like Jesus, letting our past go, and finding hope for a different future. IJNIP. Amen
