Bad Leaders

One minute read.

Daily Reading: Daniel 2:24-3:30, 1 Peter 4:7-5:14, Psalm 119:81-96, Proverbs 28:15-16

Daily Verse: “Like a roaring lion or a charging bear is a wicked ruler over a poor people.” Prov. 28:15`

Bad Leaders.

Solomon compares wicked rulers to roaring lions or charging bears hunting for their prey. Dangerous and destructive, political tyrants think only of themselves, causing people experiencing poverty to crumple under their leadership.

Thankfully, our forefathers designed a government that has checks and balances. Like the triune God, three system branches work together to run our country. Sometimes, one party has a majority, and sometimes the other does, but even so, accountability helps prevent tyranny.

On the other hand, Hitler destroyed the democratic institutions in Germany and tried to conquer Europe while eliminating people he deemed not worthy of life. Ruling until his death, Hitler committed suicide in April of 1945. Hitler killed 11 million people during his reign, a roaring lion hunting his prey. 

Pray for our leaders that God rules their hearts and minds. Let our country turn back to the Lord, living for Him, one nation under God.

Lord, bless our nation. Please turn our hearts and souls back to You, submitting to Your commands and living for an audience of One. IJNIP. Amen

Fear of the Lord

One minute read.

Daily Reading: Daniel 1:1-2:23, 1 Peter 3:8-4:6, Psalm 119:65-80, Proverbs 28:14

Daily Verse: “Blessed is the one who fears the Lord always, but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity.” Prov. 28:14

Fear of the Lord.

Reverential fear of the Lord means respecting His sovereignty in our lives.  Raised in a Protestant home, my parents instilled the fear of God in us.  I worried more about the Creator’s anger than I did my parents; by doing so, I avoided trouble.

However, when I hardened my heart to God and His commands in my late teens and early twenties, I found myself in trouble.  Partying too much, getting involved in the wrong relationships, and having no respect for life itself, my early years exemplified chaos and calamity.

But then I found my way back to the Great Comforter, who took me in His arms and soothed my aching heart.  Following Jesus healed my self-inflicted wounds and gave me a new life filled with hope.  Day after day, I became whole again.

Give God top priority in your life, worshipping Him with reverential fear and submitting to His sovereignty.  Live to please an audience of One, and the rest of life will fall into place.

Soft hearts become like Christ; hardened ones find nothing but trouble.

Lord, forgive us for hardening our hearts towards You.  Please help our hearts remain soft and malleable as we live in reverential fear of You.  Guide and direct us to the places You want us to go; let us learn what You have for us and become more like Christ daily.

Effectual Repentance

One minute read.

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 47:1-48:35, 1 Peter 2:11-3:7, Psalm 119:49-64, Proverbs 28:12-13

Daily Verse: “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.” Prov. 28:13

Effectual repentance.

Finding God’s mercy requires owning up to your sins. Concealing sin causes angst and turmoil, trying to hide them more trouble than confessing. Admitting wrongdoings and receiving God’s forgiveness brings an indescribable freedom you can’t find any other way.

Even though earthly consequences still exist for your actions, God’s mercy makes them easier to accept. And often, when you confess your sins, it lessens the punishment.

When I unintentionally hurt a friend at lunch with my words, I apologized. Not only did my confession restore the relationship, but it also lifted the guilt off my heart.

Sin comes with our human nature. As long as we walk the earth, we will fall short of perfection. But asking for mercy and confessing our sins will bring us back into right relationship with God, lift our hearts, and let His light shine to the world around us.

Don’t fret; confess and find freedom from the sins that plague you.

Lord, forgive us for not confessing our sins. Please help us become comfortable admitting our faults and receiving Your mercy. Keep us on the straight and narrow as we follow Jesus closely. IJNIP. Amen


One minute read.

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 45:13-46:24, 1 Peter 1:13-2:10, Psalm 119:33-48, Proverbs 28:11

Daily Verse: “A rich man is wise in his own eyes, but a poor man who has understanding will find him out.” Prov. 28:11


Money doesn’t make a person wise, but some think it does. Just because someone has a huge bank account doesn’t mean they have wisdom. Putting on an act, others can see through the pretention.

Small things give away the truth. Chatting with our waitress one night, she told us how she mispronounced a nearby town, but no one corrected her. “They knew you weren’t local. Isn’t it funny the things that give us away? And I would have corrected you.”  Smiling, she agreed and thanked me.

Just like the waitress’s mispronunciation of “Gloucester” gave her away, so did the rich person’s actions. Unwittingly, they show their foolishness in some tiny way that others spot immediately.

Eliminate self-deceit by becoming more self-aware. Ask those you trust for feedback on blind spots in your life. Others can see what we can’t, and listening to their words helps us become more honest.

Poor men can spot a poser full of self-deceit.

Lord, help us see the areas of self-deceit in our lives. Reveal the truth to us so we can serve You better. Let us walk in integrity as we follow You one day at a time. IJNIP. Amen

Just Rewards

One minute read.

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 44:1-45:12, 1 Peter 1:1-12, Psalm 119:17-32, Proverbs 28:8-10

Daily Verse: “Whoever misleads the upright into an evil way will fall into his own pit, but the blameless will have a goodly inheritance.” Prov. 28:10

Just rewards.

Corrupting others leads to destruction. Taking advantage of someone’s naivete and causing them to head in the wrong direction has consequences. Everyone has weaknesses that can lead to corruptible behavior, but those who walk with integrity will find victory in Jesus.

Preparing for a mission trip, I ordered several tops from Amazon. World events cause the leaders to cancel the trip. As a result, I spent a morning returning all the items I’d purchased. I couldn’t find one shirt and thought it hadn’t arrived, so I reported the issue to Amazon, who promptly refunded the money.

However, I found the shirt hours later. “Free shirt,” I thought at first, but then, thinking of my husband’s integrity, I contacted Amazon, informing them of the mistake. 

If my husband had been the opposite kind of person who didn’t mind breaking rules and taking freebies, I might have made a different choice. Thank God I married a man who helps me walk with integrity.

Lead people on the path of integrity; don’t corrupt them. Rewards don’t come to those who cause others to fall.

Lord, forgive us for succumbing to corruption. Please place people in our lives who will lead us on the path of integrity. IJNIP. Amen

Honest Poverty

One minute read.

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 42:1-43:27, James 5:1-20, Psalm 119:1-16, Proverbs 28:6-7

Daily Verse: “Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways.” Prov. 28:6

Honest poverty.

Wealthy people who acquire their riches from dishonest means can’t compete with honest poverty. Money, although necessary for life, doesn’t define it. And doesn’t mean happiness.

When I think of some of the happiest people I’ve met, I always think of El Salvador. Living in abject poverty, with no doors on the mud homes, no glass panes on the window, trash piled everywhere, and a bacteria-filled water cistern sitting beside their tiny abode, they lived an abundant life in Christ. 

After hosting us for lunch, they ushered us into their church, an empty room with old plastic chairs and chickens. Singing in off-key voices, accompanied by a lone guitar, their joyous faces praised the Lord amidst honest poverty.

In contrast to money-obsessed people with no integrity, willing to do anything for more, their faces don’t emulate joy.

Focusing on Christ and finding things to praise Him over will bring peace, no matter your circumstances. Honest poverty brings more joy than dishonest wealth.

Lord, thank You for providing all our needs. Forgive us for any lack of integrity we have done. Help us find joy in our circumstances as we focus on Jesus, praising Him for the work He does in our lives. IJNIP. Amen

Perceiving Justice

One minute read.

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 40:28-41:26, James 4:1-17, Psalm 118:19-29, Proverbs 28:3-5

Daily Verse: “Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it completely.” Prov. 28:5

Perceiving justice.

Character defines how you look at justice. People with evil intent have a different outlook than those who pursue God. Justice, in this context, refers to the legal rights of people. However, some individuals don’t think that way. Instead, justice must benefit them, or it’s not justice.

Strong character applies God’s justice to life’s circumstances, whether it benefits them or not. Christ’s followers understand that life centers around the Lord, not them. And sometimes, God uses the consequences we receive for our actions to grow and mature us further.

In my younger days, I thought winning more important than anything else. Following the Lord and applying His principles to my life teaches me resolution means more than winning. Justice doesn’t always mean it benefits me. Glorifying God means more.

The Lord defines justice and dolls it out. Following Him will help us understand and follow God’s commands. Centering our lives around the Creator will give us clear direction, keeping us on the straight and narrow to living life to its fullest.

Lord, thank You for giving us laws to live by and the faith to follow them. Please help us glorify You in all we do. Develop our character as we live by Your justice and the legal rights of people. IJNIP. Amen

Nation’s Stability

One minute read.

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 39:1-40:27, James 2:18-3:18, Psalm 118:1-18, Proverbs 28:2

Daily Verse: “When a land transgresses, it has many rulers, but with a man of understanding and knowledge its stability will long continue.” Prov. 28:2

Nation’s stability.

Whoever rules a country determines its stability. Many people will vie for power during difficult times, causing instability and angst. We see power struggles in countries all around the world, including our own.

According to the New York Times, the world has only known peace for 268 years of the past 3400, 8 percent of recorded history. Wars over power happen constantly.

The current conflict in Israel over land canceled the mission trip to Egypt I had planned. Terrorists vying for power killed innocent civilians from all over the world in their ploy to take over. Instability in the Middle East affects everyone.

People vying for power never end. Stability comes with a knowledgeable and discerning leader. Unfortunately, power struggles cause continuous change and instability. 

As Americans, we have the right to vote, and we should exercise it. 

Lord, I pray for peace in our world. Please give us discernment and wisdom when exercising our right to vote. Help us see the truth and vote for discerning and knowledgeable leaders. IJNIP. Amen

Righteous Confidence

One minute read.

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 37:1-38:23, James 1:19-2:17, Psalm 117:1-, Proverbs 28:1

Daily Verse: “The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Prov. 28:1

Righteous confidence.

Wicked people flee, even when no one pursues them. Guilty consciences prompt them to become fearful and suspicious of everyone. On the other hand, people of integrity don’t worry about people following them because they have a clear conscience.

“Catch Me If You Can,” the 2002 movie based on the life of Frank Abagnale Jr., who claimed to pose as a Pan American World Airways pilot, Georgia doctor, and Louisiana parish prosecutor, all before the age of 19. Leonardo DiCaprio, who played Frank, spent the entire movie looking over his shoulder, evading the FBI. 

Tom Hanks portrayed the FBI agent who eventually captured Frank didn’t spend time looking over his shoulder. Because Carl Hanratty, Hank’s character, had a clear conscience, he didn’t worry about what lay behind him, only what he could see in front. Chasing Frank kept the officer plenty busy.

Guilty conscience causes paranoia and suspicion. But people with clear minds can keep their eyes focused on the moment without worrying about someone pursuing them.

Lord, forgive us for our wicked ways. Please help us maintain clear consciences to enjoy the life You’ve given us. Let us continue to pursue You with all our heart, mind, body, and soul. IJNIP. Amen

Preserve Income

One minute read.

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 35:1-36:38, James 1:1-18, Psalm 116:1-19, Proverbs 27:23-27

Daily Verse: “Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds,” Prov. 27:23

Preserve income.

To manage wealth, you must know what you have. Money comes and goes quickly, but knowing the condition of your flocks allows you to manage it.

When Solomon wrote this passage, flocks represented money to people. Whether you had one sheep or a dozen, they represented assets you could barter or sell for provision. As with cash, the better you managed your flocks, the more wealth you had.

We use Mint to manage our money. Opening the free app instantly gives us a financial picture of what we have. With one glance, we can look at all assets and take account of our flocks. Each month, we tithe, save, and live on the rest. 

Tithing puts God first in our lives and finances. As a step of faith, we trust the Lord’s provision, knowing He can do more with 90% than I can 100%. Learning and applying God’s financial plan will give you healthy flocks.

Human labor and divine provision combine to create healthy flocks.

Lord, forgive us for not taking good care of our flocks. Please help us know the condition of our finances and apply Your teachings to what You give us. Provide the faith we need to put You first in all things. IJNIP. Amen