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Answered Prayers
Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Mark 11:24
Strong faith depends on prayer. Regularly talking to God develops a close relationship and dependence on Him. I know that when I pray, God will answer in one of three ways: yes, no, or not yet. We all must wait for answers to prayer. Sometimes, the Lord gives immediate responses, but usually, the response comes in time. Without a doubt, we can have faith that the Almighty will answer.
When my nephew Cody died from juvenile diabetes, a friend asked me why God didn’t heal him. After all, I had prayed for years for the Lord’s healing.
“God did heal him. Just not the way I thought. Cody never has to take another shot, check his blood, or watch his carbs. God healed him completely when He called him home.” Yes, I miss him every day, but I know we will meet again in heaven because Cody loved the Lord, and Jesus lived in his heart. Wherever I go, Cody goes with me; the love we shared never dies and lives forever.
The Lord’s not a vending machine in the sky that gives us whatever we want. God knows the best answer for our lives; we might not like His response, but in the long run, we’ll understand. As followers of Christ, our home lies in heaven, not on Earth. The things of this world will pass away, but our eternal home never will. God answers every prayer in the best possible way, in that we can have faith.
God answers prayers.
Lord, thank You for answering our prayers in the best possible way for us. Help us accept what we don’t understand and grow closer to You through our prayers. Comfort us in our pain. Strengthen us in our weakness, And in all things, let us trust You. IJNIP Amen