Christ Will Return

One-minute read.

Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the Earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Matthew 24:30-31

Jesus will gloriously return on the clouds of heaven. Angels will blast the trumpet, and the Lord will gather His people together. Only God knows when, but without a doubt, the Savior will come, as promised. Christ fulfilled over 300 prophecies when He entered the world, the mathematical odds so extreme that it proves His identity. Only the Creator’s Son could accomplish that feat; if Jesus did it once, He will do it again.

God keeps His promises, every one of them, And the Lord will keep this one as well. One day, the Almighty will blast the trumpet, and those who went before and those still living will come together for a heavenly reunion. Our minds can’t comprehend the events that will take place, but we will experience joy like never before. 

Gathering His people from the four winds, the Gospel will have reached the ends of the Earth. Every place under the sky will have heard the good news of Christ’s birth and resurrection, having the opportunity to place their faith in the Savior. What a glorious day awaits those who choose Jesus. Although life on Earth comes with hardship, the few years we spend here will diminish as we experience eternal glory with Christ.


One day, Jesus will return and reunite His family.


Lord, thank You for keeping Your promises and giving us the hope of an eternal future with You filled with no more tears and no more heartache. Let us wait well for the day You call us home and show us Your glory.


Great Mercy

One-minute read.

Salvation is far from the wicked, for they do not seek your statutes. Great is your mercy, O Lord; give me life according to your rules.

Psalm 119:155-156

Only God can deliver and redeem. People look for salvation in many places, but only Jesus can save us. Many movements take root, but only the Lord’s lasts. Over the past four years, false teachings have led people astray as they look for artificial solutions. Humans make horrible saviors because they always have an ulterior motive.

Jesus has one motive: to save us from our sins and reconnect us with our heavenly Father.  God loves us in our muck and mess, but He doesn’t want us to stay in it. As a result, He sent His Son to give us a way out of the pit and a new way to live.

God’s word has guidelines to apply to our lives and become more like Jesus. Applying His rules to our actions will make us people of integrity, trustworthy, loyal, and faithful. We will discover a fullness to life we can’t find any other way as the Lord strengthens our character as we take steps of faith, doing what He tells us to do.

Following Jesus and living according to His rules helps us become the best version of ourselves and more like Christ. Change can happen anytime; with the Lord, you can always begin again. God gives us fresh mercy every morning and the opportunity to try again.


God offers new mercy every day.


Lord, thank You for new mercies every morning. Please help us accept the grace You give us and change our ways, one day at a time. When we falter, give us the strength to try again, confessing our sins and allowing You to renew our hearts.


Christ’s Influence

One-minute read.

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Matthew 5:14-16

Culturally, the Jews considered themselves the light of the world. But when Jesus came, He became the true light, offering salvation to all. Symbolizing purity,  light exposes the truth and illuminates darkness, bringing life to those who see it. Like cities shining at night, no one can hide the light of Christ.

Attending training for my job in Hackensack, NJ, in the early 2000s, the New York City Skyline took my breath away. Looking across the river, sparkling lights illuminated the sky, outlining the buildings and creating a visual masterpiece. Millions and millions of bulbs dominated the evening, outshining the stars in the sky, inviting viewers to come and experience the city that never sleeps.

Light draws you to it, just as Jesus’s love draws us to Him, influencing our lives and making us vessels of His Spirit. Faith attracts people to us as they witness our lives, seeing the Lord’s light shining from within our souls, bringing hope to those around us. Like moths to a flame, when we live for Christ, we will pull people to us as their curiosity makes them question the origin of the glow. Sharing how Jesus changes our lives, illuminating and influencing them for the Lord, helps others discover the gift available to all. Shine Christ’s influence in your life for all to see, illuminate the dark world around you with Jesus’ unconditional love.


Christ’s influence lights up our lives for all to see.


Lord, thank You for Christ’s influence in our lives, lighting up our souls and the world around us. Please help us share Your love well with all we meet, helping them come to know the saving grace of Jesus, transforming their lives, and drawing them into a relationship with You.


Godly Ability

One-minute read.

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 14:12-13

Jesus wants the disciples to do even greater work than He accomplished with the help of the Holy Spirit. After Christ ascended, the Spirit came upon the disciples, and Peter’s first sermon at Pentecost had more converts than during Jesus’s entire career. Through the disciples, God multiplied Jesus’s ministry after His departure. Prayer gives power to God’s children when they align their hearts with His and pray in Jesus’s name.

The Lord’s not a genie in the sky that gives us whatever we want. Our prayers must become consistent with God’s character and purpose. We know what Jesus desires us to do with our lives: spread the Gospel’s good news to the ends of the Earth and love God and others with all we have. If our prayers align with Christ’s desires, God will answer accordingly. But selfish prayers that serve only us won’t receive the same response.

Following Jesus means His desires become ours. Not wanting any to perish, the Lord calls us to share what we know and help people find God’s grace and mercy, given freely to all. When we accomplish our task, the Lord’s kingdom grows, and people discover the peace that surpasses all understanding and comes only through Christ.   We have a purpose and mission; fulfilling our divine tasks requires prayer that aligns our hearts with the Lord’s and helps us do our job well.


Godly ability comes through prayer.


Lord, thank You for giving us a mission and purpose and the means to fulfill it. Please align our hearts with Yours, and what we ask in Your name, let us receive it as we strive to love You and others well. Please help us continue to spread the good news of the Gospel to the ends of the Earth.


Heavenly Recognition

One-minute read.

And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.

Matthew 10:42

Jesus promises no one will lose their heavenly reward for following Him. Every small act we do matters to God, including giving a drink to someone who thirsts. What we consider insignificant, the Lord thinks of as significant. God notices when we encourage anyone in the faith, even in the minutest ways. You never know how an encouraging smile will spur someone on their journey.

Jesse Owens, an American Olympian, befriended Carl “Luz” Long in the 1936 Olympics when Long shared a technique to help his long jump. Owens, bending to his knees to pray before the competition, led Long to faith in God.

“That hour in Berlin when I first spoke to you, when you had your knee upon the ground, I knew that you were in prayer. 

Then I not know how I know. Now I do. I know it is never by chance that we come together. I come to you that hour in 1936 for the purpose more than der Berliner Olympiade…I think I might believe in God,” Last Letter from Long to Owens before suffering a fatal wound in battle.[i]

Jesse Owens gave Carl Long a glass of water in the form of a bent knee, which led the Nazi soldier to believe in God and give his life to Him. Small actions receive heavenly recognition, change lives, and have eternal impact. You never know how you may impact someone’s life with a glass of water.


Small actions have heavenly rewards.


Lord, thank You for noticing the smallest things and rewarding our efforts. Please help us remember that You see everything, even the tiniest acts of kindness towards others. Let us encourage others in the faith, helping them draw closer to You and experience Your eternal joy.



Godly Family

One-minute read.

“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.

John 14:18-19

Jesus, speaking to the disciples, wants to reassure them of His support. As spiritual children, they felt helpless in an unfriendly world when Christ died on the cross. And so, when Jesus reappeared to them after His resurrection, it assured them of God’s presence, guidance, and protection. Their heavenly Father wouldn’t abandon them but instead give them the Holy Spirit to help them navigate the rough waters of life as they shared the Gospel with others. Eternal life comes through Jesus, who never leaves us nor forsakes us.

Sometimes, we can feel alone and adrift in life. When the world’s pressures wash over us, we lose hope. But Jesus wants us to take heart, knowing His Spirit lives in us and never leaves us. Feelings lie, but the Lord doesn’t. One day, God will call us to our spiritual home in heaven. But until that day, we have a job to share the Gospel with all we meet by loving the Lord and others. As we develop our relationship with God through prayer, His word, and fellowship with other believers, the Lord will guide us on our journey, helping us fulfill the purpose He has for us.

God adopted us into His family when we gave our lives to Jesus. He promises never to leave us nor forsake us. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we have a Godly family that loves and supports us, becoming God in the flesh to us during difficult times. We may feel alone, but feelings lie. The Holy Spirit lives within us, going everywhere we go, guiding and protecting us on our journey.


God adopts us into His family.


Lord, thank You for adopting us into Your family through Jesus. When we feel isolated and alone, reassure us of Your presence, defeating the devil’s lies and giving us strength to persevere through life’s storms. Let us honor and serve You well.


Providential Clothing

One-minute read.

 Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin,  yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass, which is alive in the field today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!

Luke 12:27-28

Worrying about material things can consume us—Solomon, who had unending resources, dressed grandly but couldn’t compete with the beauty of a simple lily dressed by the Lord. Flowers last but a moment; our lives last for eternity. If God dresses flowers that quickly perish lavishly, how much more care will He take for us? Not trusting the Lord’s provision in our lives shows a lack of faith. By pointing our attention to the Creator’s care for His creation, Jesus reminds us that God has our back, caring for us even more than the withering flowers.

Hanging from the fence around our back deck, I have flower boxes. Currently in a heat wave, I must water them daily so they don’t wither. When I watered them yesterday, I thought of how we need Jesus’s living water to fill our spirits and help us persevere in the hot heat of life. Christ gives us living water through the Holy Spirit that nourishes us from within our souls, like the cool water, feeds my flowers, helping them blossom and grow into beautiful bouquets that bring joy.

God provides all our needs through His presence. We don’t need to worry about what we will eat or drink. The Lord dresses us in providential clothing, His light shining out from our hearts, making us blossom and grow into His beautiful flowers. God has our backs, He will provide our needs, and He dresses us in providential clothing from the Holy Spirit’s shining light that pierces the darkness with love.


God provides all our needs.


Lord, thank You for providing all our needs, clothing us in the cloak of Christ, powered by the Holy Spirit, and letting Your light shine through us. Please help our faith grow as we trust Your provision, knowing You will meet all our needs.

IJNP. Amen

Intimate Relationship

One-minute read.

But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

“And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

Matthew 6:6-8

Prayer connects us to the Lord, and the more we talk to Him, the more intimate our relationship becomes. But God doesn’t want us to use prayer to impress others. Public versus private prayer tests our motives. Praying more in public than private could indicate your motives have more to do with what people think than what the Lord does. Sincere, heartfelt prayers in private reveal a heart that desires intimacy with God over people’s praise, and the Lord hears them.

Secondly, praying long, empty prayers to impress others doesn’t impress God. Our Creator knows our needs before we do. In my book, Three Word Prayers for Everyday Living, I tell how short prayers helped me overcome anger issues and deal with difficult emotions by connecting with God and allowing Him to transform my heart. Seeking the Lord through prayer acknowledges our weaknesses, taps into His strength, and causes transformation, leading to a new life in Christ.

God hears our pleas, bending to listen to our heartfelt prayers said in private. We don’t need an audience to connect with the Lord; we need a heart set on Him.  Desiring communication with us, God knows our needs and fulfills them when we trust Him.  Develop an intimate relationship with God through prayer and discover life fully with Jesus. Pray in private, and let the Lord amaze you with His answers.


God desires an intimate relationship with you.


Lord, thank You for hearing our prayers and checking our heart’s motives. Please help us draw closer to You as we come to You with our desires. Let us align our hearts with Yours as we diligently seek You.


Joy-Filled Life

One-minute read.

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.

John 15:9-11

Love unites Christ’s followers, the branches that attach us to His divine vine. By becoming part of Jesus’s family, we develop obedience and joy. Obeying God causes fruitfulness that results in joy. Jesus wants us to live a whole life in Him and doesn’t want us burdened but spontaneous and happy instead. The more obedient we become, the more joy-filled our life. As we see the fruit produced by following Christ, we will experience more joy as we realize we couldn’t do it on our own strength.

To live spontaneously in Christ, obey His commands, and do them, we must first know what Jesus wants us to do. In Mark, when asked what commandment we should prioritize above all others, God’s Son gives a simple answer:  love God and others with all we have. And so, when faced with everyday life situations, the question we should ask ourselves remains the same: How can I love God and this person in this moment?

We must dig into the scriptures to discover how to love and see what Jesus did. Learning how the Lord responded to non-believers, religious zealots, and everyone in between helps us know how to do so. Christ always responded with love, putting His heavenly Father’s wants and desires first, others next, and His own last. Joy comes to those who put Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last.


A joy-filled life comes when we follow Jesus.


Lord, thank You for giving us Jesus for our salvation and showing us how to live a joy-filled life. Please help us become more and more obedient as we get to know Christ better and do what He did while on Earth. Let us show our love for You by loving others and receiving the joy that comes with it.


Inner Peace

One-minute read.

 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. You heard me say to you, ‘I am going away, and I will come to you.’ If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.

John 14:27-28

Experiencing the calmness of God gives you inner peace despite the circumstances. As Jesus faced the cross, he felt troubled, but His heavenly Father gave Him the peace to complete His mission. Knowing the Lord approved of His actions helped Jesus do what He had to do. We can have the same peace as we strive to live obediently for God, moving forward without fear or hesitation.

The world gives false peace based on self-reliance that doesn’t last. As much as we think we control our world, we don’t. Every breath we take comes from the Lord; nothing we do can make us live one minute longer than the Lord intends. We can’t control the actions of others or their thoughts. We will face troubles in this world, and how we respond to them determines where we place our faith. Trusting the Lord will bring us peace as we move through the storm, but trying to maneuver rough waters without Him will leave us adrift and alone.

What we have in the Lord beats anything the world has to offer. In Him, we can discover the peace that surpasses all understanding. Because of Jesus, we need not fear death, and we can experience grace and mercy that we can’t find any other way. Living in the unconditional love of the Lord gives us His strength to persevere despite the troubles we encounter. In Him, we can discover inner peace.


Peace comes from the Lord.


Lord, thank You for giving us peace we can find no other way. As the storm winds blow around us, keep us afloat. Let us persevere with faith as we trust You to either calm the storm or calm us in it.