No Darkness

One-minute read.

This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.

1 John 1:5

John refers to the light Jesus shed on the Earth with His presence, contrasting the false teachers that spread lies. Christ manifested God Himself, overcoming death and, by doing so, defeating darkness. Light emphasizes the glory of the Lord, His splendor, truthfulness, and purity. Receiving salvation brings God’s light into our lives, revealing the truth that we can’t find any other way.

Because we live in the light of Christ, we have a different way of responding to the world around us. Instead of transforming to the darkness, we dispel it with God’s light and an attitude of love and joy. As a truth-oriented person, grace doesn’t come easy to me. I must lead with mercy and contain the bear, a childhood defense mechanism. With God, I find victory, controlling my strong emotions, not saying what I want to say, and beginning to lead more with grace.

Decide how you want people to remember you: crabby or kind. Crabby people put themselves first, kind people put others first, and they do it well with Jesus. By letting the Lord work in our hearts, dispelling the darkness, and letting His light shine through, we draw people to us instead of pushing them away.

Journaling Questions:

What can you do to share Christ’s light with others today?

How does allowing God to transform you change your life?

In what area do you need God’s help to become better?


Lord, thank You for helping us become messengers of light to the world around us. Fill us with Your Spirit, and help us lead with grace. When strong, negative emotions try to control us, give us victory in Jesus over them. Help us become better, not bitter.


Good Fruit

One-minute read.

“Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit.

Matthew 12:33

Whatever seeds you plant determines the seeds that grow. Jesus uses this parable to make a point with the Pharisees, a “brood of vipers.”  Religious leaders stalked around arrogantly judging others rather than loving them. When Christ came to Earth, He did so as an act of love. Every seed the Lord planted produced love, leading with grace and humility, and people responded to Christ’s counter-cultural message.

When we respond with love, we plant eternal seeds that have the power to change people’s lives and transform them. We don’t always see the results of the seeds we plant for Jesus. God will send others to water them and help them grow. But when we reach heaven, we’ll discover the fruit we helped produce for the Lord.

You can choose to have a crabby attitude and produce bitter fruit. Or you can develop a Christ-like approach to life by becoming more like Jesus. Leading with love, you can’t go wrong. For over 2000 years, the church has continued to grow as Jesus’s followers strive to plant Godly seeds, doing their best to produce good fruit for the Lord.

Decide to plant seeds of love wherever you go today. When the world throws you lemons, add sugar and make lemonade. Remember, this too shall pass. Our best days lie ahead of us; the better fruit we plant, the more people we’ll have to share them with.

Journaling Questions:

Who planted good seeds in your life?

Who helped water the seeds others planted in you?

How can you plant seeds of love today?


Lord, thank You for putting people in our lives who planted good seeds. Help us plant seeds of love today and every day. Let us produce good fruit as we strive to follow and obey You.  Allow us to become more like Jesus as we plant harvests of love.


Joyful Heart

One-minute read.

A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.

Proverbs 17:22

Our emotional condition affects our physical one. A healthy attitude makes a world of difference. How we approach life determines what we receive back. When we have a joyful heart, not only will we bring joy to others, but we will find it ourselves.

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Proverbs 11:25

Blessing others helps them and develops a joyful heart in us. We can become better or bitter when trouble happens; we have a choice. Following a God who considers our obstacles future victories, everything we encounter works for the good of those who trust and believe in the Lord. Even in our darkest days, we can count on the excellent Comforter to help us. God fills our hearts with joy when we trust and obey Him.

Joy comes when we put Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last: JOY. Remember the acronym JOY, and you will find your heart filled with it, becoming good medicine for those around you. As you refresh others, you will find refreshment. Decide to develop a better attitude, shine your light on the world around you, and discover a joy-filled heart that gives life to you and everyone you meet.

Journaling Questions:

How can you add JOY: Jesus, Others, Yourself, to your life?

Who can you encourage today with a joyful heart?

Who has encouraged you with a joyful heart?


Lord, thank You for teaching us how to have a joyful heart. Please help us develop a life around JOY: Jesus, Others, Yourself. Let us refresh others and find the refreshment that comes with it. Help us shine our light brightly to the world around us.


Attitude of Jesus

One-minute read.

Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,

Philippians 2:5

Displaying a humble attitude, Jesus set the perfect example for us. We can choose how we react to the world around us and control our attitude. Developing an attitude of gratitude will help us remain humble and imitate Christ. Focusing on what we do have instead of what we don’t have gives us a more positive outlook, rather than envy and jealousy, which rots the bones.

Jesus had a tranquil heart, not jealous, but realistic. Staying in close contact with His heavenly Father through prayer, Christ persevered in His ministry with a loving and humble attitude. The only way we can do the same comes through continuous prayer and allowing the Lord to search our hearts and refine us. When placed in pressure situations, we can use the challenge to practice a humble attitude.

Yesterday, I talked about the roadside assistance we needed on the way home from vacation. Speaking with the agent who answered the phone, I couldn’t hear her well because of the traffic and her broken English. Beth of old would have exploded in anger, but I reacted differently because of how Christ has transformed my life. Instead of letting my frustration control me, I stayed calm, asking God for help, taking deep breaths, and reminding myself that I could do hard things with Jesus.

Maintain a tranquil heart by keeping your eyes on Jesus. Mimic the Lord’s attitude with His help. You can do hard things with God’s help.

Journaling Questions:

What type of situation challenges your attitude the most?

What can you do today to respond more like Jesus when trouble arises?

How does developing an attitude of gratitude help you?


Lord, thank You for giving us Jesus to show us how to have a humble attitude. When life’s stresses bear down on us, help us maintain an attitude of love and humility. Give us what we need to serve You well.


Reward of Confidence

One-minute read.

Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.

Hebrews 10:35

Remembering what God did for us in the past helps us remain confident in Him now. Often, we have short memories and quickly forget how the Lord rescued us in days gone by. When trouble occurs, we panic and don’t remember our confidence comes from God.

“I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”

Psalm 121:1

On our way home from a camping trip, the steel belt in our tire separated from the rubber, causing it to explode. Stranded on I-95, we called for roadside assistance and waited two hours before they came. Panic wanted to overtake me as cars rushed by at 70 miles an hour. But then I focused on God, praying and asking for His protection and peace as we waited. Once I remembered where I got my help, I could find peace.

When we forget God’s presence in our lives, we lose our confidence and can find ourselves floundering. But like Peter, when he cries out for help while walking on water, the Lord extends His hand and steadies us as soon as we ask.   Remembering what God did will give us the confidence to call on Him again and receive His help.

Journaling Questions:

What did God do for you in the past that gives you confidence today?

How does asking God for help give you confidence?

What do you need God’s help with today?


Lord, thank You for helping us in the past. Help us remember to call on You in times of trouble, receiving Your peace and mercy. Let us not forget that You have our backs, now and forever.


Confidence in Christ

One-minute read.

Confidence in Christ

Such confidence we have through Christ toward God.

2 Corinthians 3:4

Writing to the Corinthians, Paul tells them the source of his confidence, Christ.  The apostle doesn’t rely on his judgment, disowning the ability to make a competent assessment based on his merit.  Instead, Paul gives all glory to God for his work, following Jesus and imitating the Savior his confidence.

In the early 1900s, WWJD became a famous saying because of Charles Sheldon’s book, “In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do?”  The abbreviation became popular again in the 1990s as Christ’s followers used it to help them act like the Savior.   Youth across America wore wristbands with the WWJD sprawled across them, helping them make moral choices based on Biblical principles.  Paul says that his confidence in Christ comes from doing what Jesus did.

Likewise, when we respond to the world around us like Jesus, we can have confidence in our actions.  The Great Commandment in Mark 12:30-31 simplifies our decision: love God and others.  Jesus led with love in all things.  He came to Earth as an act of love, led His ministry, and died on the cross, all to show His affection for us.  When we lead with love, even if we fail, we can have confidence; the Lord works all things out for those who believe and trust Him.

Journaling Questions:

How does doing what Jesus did challenge you?

In what way can you lead with love today?

Who do you know that represents Jesus well?


Lord, thank You for sending Jesus to save us and set an example for our lives.  As we face challenges today, help us do what Jesus did. Give us divine wisdom to respond in love, represent Christ well, and honor You.


Godly Character

One-minute read.

Godly Character

And He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts; for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God.

Luke 16:15

What the world esteems, God finds detestable. Knowing our hearts, the Lord doesn’t value material things; He looks at intent. Jesus refers to the Pharisees who combined gaining wealth with piety. Paid for their teachings, the religious leaders persuaded men of their purity while hiding their greed. But God knew their hearts and their wicked intent. We can’t hide anything from the Lord; He knows and sees everything we do.

“Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?

Psalm 139:7

Understanding God’s presence in our lives helps us become sure of ourselves. Golfing on vacation, next to the last hole, I double-parred, which ruined my score. Debating in my mind, I came up with many reasons to “forget” a few strokes, but then I thought of the Lord. Golf allows me to work on my integrity; counting every stroke helps develop my character. God doesn’t care about my score, but He does care about my honesty. So, I entered “8” on my scorecard and walked surefooted, knowing I did the right thing.

Caring about the Lord’s opinion instead of people will develop your character and help you prioritize the important things in life. Money doesn’t last, and material things disappear, but a Godly character lasts forever.

Journaling Questions:

What area of your life do you try to hide from God?

How does knowing the Lord knows your heart change your thinking?

What can you do today to help develop Godly character in your life?


Lord, thank You for holding us accountable for our actions and teaching us what matters. Help us when temptation makes us want to hide things from You. Please give us the strength to do the right thing, no matter the situation.


Walk Wisely

One-minute read.

Walk Wisely

He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But he who walks wisely will be delivered.

Proverbs 28:26

In life, we have two perspectives: horizontal and vertical. When we look at life from a horizontal perspective, we have a limited view, relying only on what we can see from our viewpoint. But when including a vertical perspective, we look for what God sees, giving us a broader view and gaining His wisdom.   Instead of self-sufficiency, we have God-sufficiency, walking wisely with Him.

My husband showed me a viral video of a single mother baking herself a birthday cake to celebrate the day alone but not wanting her kids to feel sorry for her. The video got thousands and thousands of views as she gleaned support. But then, her ex-husband posted a response video telling the truth: she lost custody of the kids, had an arrest record, owed back child support, wrote fraudulent checks, and stole money. Horizontal views limit our perspective; vertical views give us the whole story.

When we seek the Lord, He opens our eyes to what we can’t see. Instead of the limited story, we get the entire tale. Someone’s hurtful actions come from their pain, something we can’t see. We only see the water’s surface; the Lord knows what lies beneath. When we seek His wisdom, we don’t rely on ourselves; instead, tuning into the Almighty’s heart and walking wisely with Him.

Journaling Questions:

When has relying on your limited perspective caused you trouble?

How has God given you His wisdom in the past?

How can you seek God’s wisdom today?


Lord, thank You for giving us Your wisdom when we seek You.  Help us recognize when we have a horizontal perspective and remind us to look for the vertical perspective. Let us walk wisely as we seek You in all we do.


Righteousness and Peace

One-minute read.

Righteousness and Peace

And the effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness, and trust forever.

Isaiah 32:17

God promises to give us a life of righteousness and peace when we follow Him. The Lord wants to bless us, but when we live on our terms, not following God’s commands, we’ll experience hardship. Only when we seek guidance from the Creator can we stay on the right path, which leads to peace.

On vacation, Ron and I had lunch at a restaurant, ordering fried green tomatoes as an appetizer. Unfortunately, the kitchen server delivered them to the wrong table. By the time the waitress realized the mistake, the people at the table had already eaten some, so she comped them the appetizer and ordered us another one.

My flesh immediately got angry, and I stewed on the fact that we had to pay for ours, but they got one free. Preaching to myself, I told myself God can bless whoever He wants. And overreacting did no one any good, trying to bring me back into the Lord’s will, controlling my emotions and not saying anything. When the waitress brought our check, she also comped us the appetizer. Staying focused on God helped me maintain my response, not lash out in anger, and remain on the righteous path, leading to the Lord’s blessing and His peace.

Living a righteous life only happens when we apply God’s word to our lives, seek His wisdom, and discover His peace. Where our human desires will make us doubt our decisions, following the Lord will help us become sure of our walk.

Journaling Questions:

What does a righteous life look like to you?

How can you develop a closer walk with God today?

What area of your life do you feel out of alignment with God’s will?


Lord, thank You for leading us along the path of righteousness. Help us become more confident in following Your guidance as we pursue a closer relationship with You.  Give us eyes to see and ears to hear the steps you want us to take today and every day.


He Hears Us

One-minute read.

He Hears Us

This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.

1 John 5:14

Prayer builds our confidence in God, which helps us become sure of ourselves. Life with Christ assures us of our heavenly home in the future and His presence in our lives now. Talking to God connects us to Him in the moment. When we ask God for things, He hears us and answers according to His will.

Watch a child with their father. Kids know he hears them and answers when they ask Dad for something. The answer depends on the request. Like a child with an earthly father, we can confidently believe God will answer our prayers. We’ll get a positive response if the desire aligns with God’s will. But when we ask the Lord for something out of His will, He won’t grant the request. But we can count on an answer; often, we will wait for it, but the Lord always responds to us when we pray.

Faith in listening to God helps us become sure of ourselves and our path. The Lord wants us to ask and talk about everything in our lives. Prayer connects us to our Creator and gives us confidence in our purpose as we follow Him closely.

Journaling Questions:

How much do you talk to God?

What request have you hesitated to ask God to give you?

What prayer are you waiting for God to answer?


Lord, thank You for answering our prayers. Help us align our hearts with Yours, desiring the same things You desire. Let us become more like Jesus as we develop a closer relationship with You and become sure of the purpose You have for us.