Peaceful Hearts

One-minute read.

Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.

John 14:1

Jesus wants to encourage the disciples whose uncertainty and discouragement have weakened their faith. Urging them to believe in God and Himself, Christ urges them to set their hearts at ease. The Savior wants the same for us when we get discouraged. When our faith wavers and doubt grows, we must rely on God’s promises to help us keep going. We can control our thoughts and fill our hearts with hope when we meditate on the Lord’s word.

The Bible contains thousands of promises to help us live a divine life with peaceful hearts. Repeatedly, God tells us to fear not, for He walks with us. The Lord promises to provide our every need and guide us along the path of righteousness. Developing a relationship with our Creator will build our faith as we memorize and meditate on His promises. But we can’t do what we don’t know.

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

Jesus tells us how to have peace and believe in Him. The Lord overcame the troubles of this world when He turned a crucifixion into a resurrection. Live resurrected in Jesus, let your heart’s trouble go as you trust God!

Journaling Questions:

What troubles your heart today?

What promise of God do you need to rely on today?

How can you develop your relationship with Jesus?


Lord, thank You for giving us promises to rely on today. Please help us find the words to build our faith and spur us on the journey. Build our faith as we trust You, doing our best to put into practice Your word.


Release Burdens

One-minute read.

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.

Psalm 55:22

Learning to cast our burdens to God will help us stay on the right path, confidently walking with Him. The Lord already knows our struggles, the ones we have and will have. God wants us to share our problems. Relationships require communication, and life involves community, beginning with our connection to the Lord, our Savior, our Comforter, and our Sustainer.

Identifying our problems leads to solutions. If we don’t acknowledge we have a burden, we can’t begin the journey to overcome it. Without awareness, we can’t find victory. Knowing the struggle and then sharing it with God and others helps us defeat the enemy and find the Lord’s sustenance.

Controlling emotions under pressure challenges me. I want to respond in anger when life’s frustrations pop up. Identifying the ingrained response helps me to overcome it. Praying and asking the Lord to remove the bitter root helps me defeat the burden that causes me more problems. Once I identified the issue, I could develop coping techniques to respond differently, not causing harm but instead finding victory through the Lord.

Ask God to help you identify the burdens in your life. Get to the root of the problem with the Lord and discover freedom from your issues. Partnering with the Lord will help you overcome life’s challenges and find His peace and sustenance to help you stand firm. Let the Lord fight your battles and give Him glory for the victory.

Journaling Questions:

What burden do you need God’s help with today?

How can you rely on God’s sustenance freshly?

What does a partnership with God look like for you?


Lord, thank You for sustaining us on the journey. Help us identify our burdens and give them to You.  When we want to take back our problems, give us the strength to leave them with You, trusting You for victory.


Kingdom Perspective

One-minute read.

“Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Matthew 6:34

God doesn’t want us worrying our life away. The Lord wants us to rely on Him to provide all our needs. Fretting about what might happen tomorrow steals joy from today. Ninety-one percent of the things we anguish over never occur.[i]  And for the other nine percent, it’s never as bad as we imagine. Dealing with today’s problems will give us enough to do; we don’t need to borrow trouble by worrying about what might happen tomorrow.

The Lord gives us enough grace for today. Whatever happens tomorrow, God will provide more grace for then. Wasting today’s grace on what might happen tomorrow does no good. Staying present now helps us live life to the fullest and doesn’t allow us to miss today’s blessings. Thinking about future problems takes us out of today’s game. Don’t write the book; enjoy the scene.

Don’t borrow trouble. Let the day unfold, trusting God will give you whatever you need to survive. Instead of wasting time and energy on things that will never happen, stay grounded in the present, enjoying the blessings of today. When your mind starts to stray, remind yourself that the Lord will give you what you need when you need it, not a moment earlier. Relax in the arms of the Lord, let Him handle your problems, and let your worries drift away.

Journaling Questions:

What trouble have you borrowed lately?

What have you worried about in the past that never happened?

How can you stay grounded in the present today?


Lord, thank You for handling our problems and giving us the grace we need when we need it. Please help us focus on today and not worry about tomorrow. Don’t let the enemy steal our joy or waste our time. IJNIP. Amen


Peaceful Hearts

One-minute read.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

John 14:27

“Eirene,” the original Greek word for peace, means harmony, tranquility, safety, welfare, and health, with an emphasis on lack of strife or reconciliation in a relation, as when one has “peace with God.” Discovering peace through Jesus comes when we place our faith in Him instead of things in the world. Submission differs from obedience. Submitting our lives to Christ means acknowledging that He sees the whole picture. 

When Ron and I went to the Player’s Golf tournament in Florida, we chose a hole and sat by the green, waiting for our favorite golfers to play through. When we watch golf from the comfort of our living room, we have a broader perspective as the camera switches from one hole to the next, able to watch multiple players simultaneously. In the same way, in life, our horizontal perspective only sees the green in front of us. But God’s vertical perspective sees all 18 holes. Making peace with God means accepting that He sees the whole course while we only see one hole.

And once we accept the peace God offers, we trust His authority. As life unfolds, we submit to the Lord’s leading, knowing He has a plan and purpose for us we can’t see. Giving up control, we let Jesus take the wheel of our life, steering us wherever He wants to take us. We need not worry about the challenges that arise; obstacles represent future victories to the Lord. Faith overcomes fear as we move forward, one millimeter at a time. The Lord’s peace rules in our lives the more we let go and let God.

Journaling Questions:

Where do you lack peace in your life?

How does giving control to God make you feel?

What area of your life do you feel God’s peace most?


Lord, thank You for giving us peace and helping us give control of our lives to You.  When we struggle to let go, give us the courage to trust You more. Let us live in peace with You.


[1] NIV Exhaustive Concordance Dictionary Copyright © 2015 by Zondervan.

Cast Your Cares

One-minute read.

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

Peter tells believers to “cast all your anxiety” on the Lord. No matter what worries your mind, God wants to help you with it. We can’t receive the Almighty’s assistance if we don’t ask for it. Living in a fallen world, Christ’s followers struggle with the same issues as non-believers. But we have a God who wants to help us and will help us when we turn to Him. We don’t serve an indifferent Savior; He cares about all our struggles.

Jesus has an intimate involvement in all our lives. Caring for each of our struggles, the Lord has the answers we need. Whether searching for lost keys, trying to stay afloat during a financial upheaval, or helping us navigate the rough waters of a health scare, Christ has the answer. In Him, we can find peace.

“For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”

2 Corinthians 4:17-18

The world’s problems will last for a moment, the glory of heaven far outweighing our Earthly struggles. Looking to the cross for hope, we will find the strength to persevere through our struggles and discover the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Journaling Questions:

What care do you need to cast to the Lord today?

How does knowing that this too shall pass help you find peace?

What hope does the cross give you?


Lord, thank You for caring about all our struggles, big and small. As we face problems today, help us quickly give them to You, seeking You first and not letting anxiety steal joy from us. Give us Your peace that allows us to persevere in the storm.


Peaceful Living

One-minute read.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Phil. 4:6-7

Peaceful living comes from God. When anxiety begins to weave its threads into your mind, turning to the Lord and starting a conversation will help you defeat the enemy. Prayer beats anxiety.   Begin by thanking the Creator for listening and caring about your concerns. Trust that He hears what you say. Then, lift your worries to God and let Him fight the battle for you. Experience the Lord’s peace as you exchange your anxieties for His gift.

During my last hospital stay, a misread on the monitor showed a spike in my heart rate. The incident created anxiety in me; I began to use my Fitbit to monitor it, causing more fretfulness. Turning to God in prayer, I asked Him to rid me of my anxiety. Later that afternoon, I lost the Fitbit and realized the Lord answered my prayer. Instead of replacing the smartwatch, I bought a $10 sports watch from Walmart and have not had a problem since that day, gaining God’s peace that surpasses all understanding.

Instead of fretting, pray. Begin a conversation with God, thanking Him for working all things to the good, then telling Him your concerns. Lay your burdens at the foot of the cross and leave them there. Let God fight your battles as you enjoy His peace that surpasses all understanding.

Journaling Questions:

What causes you anxiety?

How can you thank God during the situation?

What do you want God to do for you today?


Lord, thank You for answering all our worries. Help us defeat anxiety by giving our problems to You, trusting You for an answer. Let us experience Your peace that surpasses all understanding as we repeatedly turn to You for help.


Renewed in Spirit

One-minute read.

To put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.

Ephesians 4:22-24

God wants us to discard our old lifestyles as we begin a new life with Him. Every day, we get fresh mercy from above that gives us the chance to do better. As long as we live, we’ll struggle with our sinful nature. The Lord knows our trials and tribulations and gives us the Holy Spirit to help us renew our minds and put on the new self with true righteousness and holiness.

After speaking at Life Community Church in May, a friend shared his anger struggles and how he overcame them. Someone advised him that you can restart your day at any moment. Applaud yourself for doing better than before, and start again. I’ve applied those words to my life since he said them.

When golfing with my husband one morning, we had a rough start. The group behind us tried to steal our tee time while the group in front of us added an extra player after three holes, slowing down play. As my anger wanted to overtake me, I thought of my friend’s words and decided on the 6th hole to restart my day and let it all go. Looking up to the heavens, I asked God for a reset, then started again.

Renew your spirit with Jesus repeatedly. Let the Lord help you change your attitude as you become more like Christ, leaving your old ways behind.

Journaling Questions:

What old ways do you need to put behind you?

How does Jesus help you put on your new self?

What can you do to renew your spirit today?


Lord, thank You for giving us new life in Christ. Please help us to put on our new selves every day, leaving our past further and further behind us. Let us have the attitude of Jesus, leading with grace and mercy and loving everyone we meet.


Imitate Good

One-minute read.

Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God.

3 John 1:11

John, the elder, speaks to Gaius and encourages him to continue doing good. Concerned Gaius may experience pressure from Diotrephes and his supporters, John wants to help him persevere. Surrendering principles means submitting to evil. The disciple reminds Gaius that Jesus set the perfect example for him and us. Imitating Christ will not only please God but also help us continually do the next right thing with a positive attitude.

Never crabby, warm, and tender, connecting with others through the heart, doing what Jesus did will guide us on the right path. We need an example to follow. As a tennis coach, I demonstrate the stroke first, then let my students mimic my actions. Sometimes, I need to make slight adjustments; other times, they do it perfectly without further assistance. In the same way, Jesus came to Earth to show us how to live. Reading scripture and studying His life will help us become more like the Savior and live fuller.

“Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

1 Corinthians 15:33

Who we spend our time with affects how we act. Developing a support system of Christ’s followers will help us not succumb to the pressure of the world. Jesus helps us live a good life for the Lord when we do what He did, loving God and others well.

Journaling Questions:

Who influences your life the most?

What can you do to become more like Jesus?

How does having a network of believers help you maintain Christ’s principles?


Lord, thank You for giving us an example to follow in Jesus. Bless our efforts as we strive to become more like Christ. When the world’s pressures tempt us away from You, draw us back into Your arms. Let us represent You well.


Delightful Word

One-minute read.

A man has joy in an apt answer, And how delightful is a timely word!

Proverbs 15:23

Saying the right thing at the right time brings joy to the receiver. “Being able to read the room,” as my husband says, helps us know what words to use and when. Without a doubt, I have failed many times at reading the room well, but the older I get, the better I become. To know the appropriate speech, we must think about the other person. Trying to uplift and encourage will help us to use the right words at the right time.

I felt deflated after speaking at Life Community Church over Memorial Day Weekend. Posting the video on Facebook took courage, as I don’t like seeing myself in videos. But two days after posting it, I received a text from one of my friends that spoke right to my discouraged and tired soul, lifting me up and bringing me joy. Knowing all the hard work had touched someone’s life and helped them find hope made it worthwhile. Apt answers at the right time bring joy.

When offering advice to someone, make sure they want it. Don’t kick them when they already feel down. Instead, use words that will build them up, give them hope, and bring joy to their lives. As Christ followers, we have building permits, not demolition notices. How we use words determines whether we build or demolish the other person. Well-chosen words will delight the receiver and give them joy.

Journaling Questions:

When has someone given you an apt answer that turned your day around?

When did you tear someone down with something you said?

How can you read the room well, speak life, and give delightful words to people?


Lord, thank You for allowing us to use our words wisely. Please help us to always give apt answers to people, building them up and not tearing them down. Let us read the room well, knowing when to speak and when to keep quiet.


No Darkness

One-minute read.

This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.

1 John 1:5

John refers to the light Jesus shed on the Earth with His presence, contrasting the false teachers that spread lies. Christ manifested God Himself, overcoming death and, by doing so, defeating darkness. Light emphasizes the glory of the Lord, His splendor, truthfulness, and purity. Receiving salvation brings God’s light into our lives, revealing the truth that we can’t find any other way.

Because we live in the light of Christ, we have a different way of responding to the world around us. Instead of transforming to the darkness, we dispel it with God’s light and an attitude of love and joy. As a truth-oriented person, grace doesn’t come easy to me. I must lead with mercy and contain the bear, a childhood defense mechanism. With God, I find victory, controlling my strong emotions, not saying what I want to say, and beginning to lead more with grace.

Decide how you want people to remember you: crabby or kind. Crabby people put themselves first, kind people put others first, and they do it well with Jesus. By letting the Lord work in our hearts, dispelling the darkness, and letting His light shine through, we draw people to us instead of pushing them away.

Journaling Questions:

What can you do to share Christ’s light with others today?

How does allowing God to transform you change your life?

In what area do you need God’s help to become better?


Lord, thank You for helping us become messengers of light to the world around us. Fill us with Your Spirit, and help us lead with grace. When strong, negative emotions try to control us, give us victory in Jesus over them. Help us become better, not bitter.