One-minute read.

Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.
John 14:1
Jesus wants to encourage the disciples whose uncertainty and discouragement have weakened their faith. Urging them to believe in God and Himself, Christ urges them to set their hearts at ease. The Savior wants the same for us when we get discouraged. When our faith wavers and doubt grows, we must rely on God’s promises to help us keep going. We can control our thoughts and fill our hearts with hope when we meditate on the Lord’s word.
The Bible contains thousands of promises to help us live a divine life with peaceful hearts. Repeatedly, God tells us to fear not, for He walks with us. The Lord promises to provide our every need and guide us along the path of righteousness. Developing a relationship with our Creator will build our faith as we memorize and meditate on His promises. But we can’t do what we don’t know.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
Jesus tells us how to have peace and believe in Him. The Lord overcame the troubles of this world when He turned a crucifixion into a resurrection. Live resurrected in Jesus, let your heart’s trouble go as you trust God!
Journaling Questions:
What troubles your heart today?
What promise of God do you need to rely on today?
How can you develop your relationship with Jesus?
Lord, thank You for giving us promises to rely on today. Please help us find the words to build our faith and spur us on the journey. Build our faith as we trust You, doing our best to put into practice Your word.