Rejoice in Hope

One-minute read.

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

Romans 12:12

Maintaining fervor following Jesus takes effort. When we first become believers, discovering the grace of the Lord and accepting it into our lives brings with it an ardor as we enjoy forgiveness and a reset for the future. But as time progresses and trials pop up, a danger can arise of slipping back into our old ways as spiritual fervor wanes. At times like these, we must push through, and Paul tells us how: rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer.

Pushing through takes determination, discipline, and effort. Coaching a young student and developing her serve, after our last lesson, she told me about a tournament she entered. I challenged her to use the new serve and not revert to her old one, even though she would probably lose points and maybe even the match. Typically, when a player gets in a pressure situation, they revert to what they know instead of pushing through, using the new technique. Like tennis, to reach the next level, we must persevere in the new way of life and not revert to our old habits when life’s pressures close in on us; otherwise, we’ll never grow and never get better.

Revive your soul by rejoicing in hope, practicing patience, and constantly connecting with God through prayer. When you do, you will develop a new way to respond to life and discover a continued zeal for the Lord that only comes from walking closely with Him.

Journaling Questions:

What causes your spiritual fervor to wane?

What do you do when you feel distant from God?

How can you rejoice in hope, practice patience, and pray constantly today?


Lord, thank You for giving us a recipe for success in our spiritual lives. Please help us keep our fervor strong as we attempt to rejoice in hope, practice patience, and constantly connect with You.  Energize our souls as we seek You.


Think About What You Think About

One-minute read.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Phil. 4:8

Centering our minds on exalted things helps us radiate positive energy as we practice what we learn from Jesus. We can choose what we think about at any moment. As a friend told me, we can restart our day anytime. So, if you find yourself heading down a negative path, stop and refocus your mind. Think about whatever is honorable, just, pure, lovely, and commendable. Change the direction of your thoughts by changing the focus.

“Keep the Son in your eyes” remains one of my favorite ways to redirect my thoughts. I first heard the phrase from Pastor Sam at JCC3 in Williamsburg, and I’ve never forgotten it. Anytime my thoughts distract me, the six words help me to think about what I’m thinking about and refocus my thoughts on Jesus, who possesses all the qualities Paul describes in his letter to the Philippians. To control our thoughts, we must give them over to God, submitting them to Him.

Maintain a positive attitude today by thinking about what you think about. Replace negative mantras with honorable and just thoughts. When you look for the good things in life, you will find them. Sometimes, we must dig to find the gold in our lives, but we will discover the payload when we do. Look for things worthy of praise and think about those things.

Journaling Questions:

How often do you think about what you’re thinking?

In what ways can you change your thoughts today?

What do you have to praise God for today?


Lord, thank You for giving us honorable, just, and excellent things to consider. Please help us keep the Son in our eyes as the day unfolds, focusing on praiseworthy things, not things that will steal our joy. IJNIP. Amen

Do Not Consent

One-minute read.

My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.

Proverbs 1:10

Peer pressure makes us do things we wouldn’t otherwise do. Saying no can seem impossible, but not giving consent keeps us from getting into trouble. During Ronald Reagan’s presidency, his wife Nancy started the “Just Say No” campaign, which educated children on how to avoid drugs. The program used role-playing scenarios, allowing kids to practice saying no. By teaching students skills to resist peer pressure and other social influences, the program became an effective tool in the fight against drugs.

No matter what their age, everyone experiences some peer pressure. Maintaining a healthy weight and not eating snacks at night helps me accomplish my goal. But my husband loves to snack, so I battle the temptation not to eat. Shopping with the girls can entice me to spend money I don’t need to spend. And driving with the flow of traffic can make me want to speed. Temptations come in all shapes and forms, some worse than others. If we don’t think ahead and practice saying no, we’ll find ourselves in trouble.

“Just say no” seems easier said than done. Like the students, we must practice saying no to peer pressure, whatever form it takes. Looking ahead and anticipating situations that will entice us help us prepare for them. We can say no and not consent when enticed with things that would cause us harm.

Journaling Questions:

What type of peer pressure causes you problems?

How can you practice saying no to peer pressure?

How can you prepare ahead for potential peer pressure situations?


Lord, thank You for giving us ways to say no to temptation. When people try to entice us to do things we shouldn’t, help us stay strong and stick to our principles. Give us opportunities to practice saying no and become better at avoiding temptation.


Turn Away

One-minute read.

Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of the evil. Avoid it; do not go on it; turn away from it and pass on.

Proverbs 4:14-15

As a person who constantly pushes the limits, I envy my friends who follow the rules, no matter what. In college, my girlfriend and I ran into a bunch of cute guys at a convenience store who asked us for a lift. I immediately said yes. However, my friend said no because her dad told her she couldn’t have more than two people in her car. As the driver, I had to submit to her, but I thought we missed our chance to meet guys.

Actually, she did the right thing, and I respect her for it now more than I ever did then. You won’t walk in evil ways if you never start down the wrong path. My poor judgment regarding men took me down many wrong paths and caused me heartache. However, my friend avoided those issues because she followed her father’s rules.

Our heavenly Father gives us guidelines by which to live. When we follow and obey Him, we’ll turn away from evil paths before we start down them. Not submitting to peer pressure becomes more manageable when we don’t put ourselves in a position for them to tempt us. Just like my friend didn’t get sucked into the boy’s ploys, we’ll avoid trouble by obeying our heavenly Father. Don’t enter the path of the wicked; avoid walking with the evil, turning away to a more abundant life in Christ.

Journaling Questions:

When did you enter a wicked path?

What rules of God do you need to apply to your life?

How can you become more obedient to God?


Lord, thank You for giving us guidelines to apply to our lives and helping us not walk down wicked paths. Let us avoid the way of evil by staying on the straight and narrow, following You closely. Let us honor and glorify You in all things.


Love of the Father

One-minute read.

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

1 John 2:15

John’s addressing the Gnostic-type opponents and their untrue assertions. Gnosticism developed in the 2nd century and taught that salvation came through secret knowledge, defining Jesus as spiritual and not human, the physical world as evil, and the spiritual world as good.[i]  Gnostic means “to know” or “knowledge,” not intellectual but mythical and tells the secret of salvation. 

Where Christianity believes all who call Jesus Lord experience salvation, Gnostics believe salvation only comes to the enlightened, a select few. Gnosticism caused heated debates within the church and eventually a separation. John warns believers not to follow these false teachings because they are of the world and not of Jesus. Anyone who loves the world doesn’t have God’s love in them.

Staying focused on the truth of Jesus will dispel any lies. Studying a dollar bill so well lets you immediately notice slight differences in counterfeit bills. False teachers often have similar teachings to Jesus but with subtle differences. The more we study Christ’s life and ministry, the faster we will identify false teachings. God’s light shines through those who follow Him; false teachers live in darkness, shedding no light on the world around them.

Journaling Questions:

When have you experienced false teachings?

How can you identify false teachings quickly?

How does Jesus’s light shine through you?


Lord, thank You for exposing false teachings in our lives. As we study Jesus’ life and ministry, help us quickly identify the lies we believe. Let the truth of the gospel illuminate our lives and expel any darkness.



Wise Counsel

One-minute read.

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law, he meditates day and night.

Psalm 1:1-2

Opening the book of Psalms, “Blessed is the man,” evokes joy and gratitude as the Psalmist praises the Lord for His provision.  Living a devoted life to the Lord means seeking wise counsel from God and not taking bad advice from someone with wicked intentions. Meditating on God’s word helps us discern which path to follow, walking straight and serving the Lord with all our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. 

Mockers do not regard the Lord and His commandments, ignoring instruction and stirring up strife with their words.  Devoted to themselves and not interested in others, mockers cause harm wherever they go. Christ’s follower’s delight comes from studying, knowing, and memorizing God’s Word and then doing it.  Unlike mockers, they put God and others first, leading with love and looking out for the best interests of others.

Putting God’s word into practice refreshes our souls as it becomes our chief desire.  Fearing the Lord’s opinion more than people starts the journey.  Growing and maturing in Christ brings joy as we become more like Him.  Living a righteous life develops a strong character as we continually follow God’s command and delight in His law.

Journaling Questions:

When has bad advice caused you a problem?

What does it mean to you to delight in God’s law?

How can you meditate on God’s word more?


Lord, thank You for giving us Your word as a guide to live our lives. Help us meditate on it day and night, applying it to our lives and living righteously. Let us become more like Jesus as we pursue You wholeheartedly.


Close Friends

One-minute read.

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 18:24

Loyal friendship comes from unexpected places. Some people only last a season, but others go the distance, traveling through life with us, our connections closer than that of a brother. I met one of my dear friends while working as a game room attendant in high school. Video games lined the walls of the ski lodge, and I would hand out change from my little office to the patrons. 

“Hi, I’m Laura.”  When my now lifelong friend introduced herself to me, I had no idea what journey we would go on together. Car accidents, boyfriends, husbands, children (hers), ministry issues, losing our parents, her first grandbaby, we had no way of knowing what life held for us that long ago summer day when she introduced herself to me and our friendship began.

According to the Pew Research Center, 8% of people say they have no close friends, only 38% say they have five or more, and 53% report having 1-4 close friends.[i]  Our technological world gives us many internet connections, but our physical friendships dwindle. Everyone needs friends and close relationships that support and help us through life, both the good and bad. Following Jesus teaches us how to have strong connections with God and others. Practicing what the Savior commands and loving God and others will help you develop friendships with people who stick closer than brothers.

Journaling Questions:

How many loyal friendships do you have?

Who sticks closer than a brother in your life?

What can you do to develop loyal friendships?


Lord, thank You for giving us friends that stick closer than a brother. Help us develop relationships that last a lifetime, creating loyal connections that we can count on in times of trouble. With You at the center of our relationships, we can have the three cord friendships that don’t break.



Renew Your Mind

One-minute read.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2

Dedicating your life to Jesus will transform it. The more you pursue a relationship with the Savior, the more your life will change. You will begin to respond differently as you learn about Christ’s teachings and how He responded to the world around Him. Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit to help us become more like Him.  Knowing we need help to transform our minds and not conform to the world around us, the Lord gives us what we need.

For instance, becoming a writer takes commitment. Lots of people talk about writing but never write. When I began this journey, my husband told me I needed to develop a process. And so, I did. Then, every day, I repeat it. As I described my process to a friend, I think of it like crocheting an afghan. First, I decide what I want to do, then I figure out a pattern, then I do it. But without the commitment, I wouldn’t finish the project, and I would never write anything.

In the same way, committing to live like Jesus means we develop a process of following Him and getting to know His ways. The more we complete the process, the more we transform, not becoming like the world but mimicking the Savior. The more I become like Jesus, the more I fulfill God’s purpose: loving God and others.

Journaling Questions:

How has Jesus transformed your life?

What can you do today to develop a closer relationship with Christ?

What area of your life do you want to transform?


Lord, thank You for helping us transform and become more like Jesus. Protect us from conforming to the world around us, leading us to become more like Christ. Help us mimic the Savior’s responses instead of the world.


Wise Walk

One-minute read.

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Proverbs 13:20

Who we hang out with today determines our tomorrow. Pier pressure makes us do things we wouldn’t otherwise do. Know who influences you and how. Find people you want to emulate and hang out with them. Learn how they do life, why they make the decisions they do, and how they persevere through life’s storms. Pursue healthy relationships, ask people to lunch, take them to coffee, and go on a walk with them. Determine who you want to influence in your life, then find ways to spend time with them.

In tennis, playing against people better than you, the same as you, and at a lower level helps you develop your game best. Walking with Jesus, we should have people who mentor us, people on the same level as us, and people we mentor. Developing a well-rounded network helps us continue to grow, have support for the journey, and lead others to Jesus. We must walk with the wise to become wise and share what we learn with others.

Living intentionally and thinking about who we surround ourselves with will help us become the best version of ourselves. God created us to live in a community with others, and we can determine what that community looks like. If we let people on a negative path influence our lives, we’ll end up in the pit with them. But when we pursue relationships with wise people, we live victoriously in Christ with them.

Journaling Questions:

Who has the most influence in your life?

Whose life would you like to emulate?

How can you pursue new relationships with people today?


Lord, thank You for giving us wise people in our lives. Help us pursue relationships with people who will support us in our relationship with You, growing more mature and wiser as we spend time with them. Let us fulfill our potential as we pursue wisdom through Your children.


Relaxed Life

One-minute read.

And which of you, by being anxious, can add a single hour to his span of life?

Matthew 6:27

Worry shortens our lives in more than just a physical way; it steals the joy from the present moment. Take advice from someone who has wasted too much time worrying about things that never happened and missed out on some pivotal moments. When I think back to my younger years and the events I didn’t attend, the invitations I didn’t accept, and the memories I didn’t make because I lost myself in anxiety and worry, I have regret.

“Worry isn’t going to do any good.”

My mom tried to help me with my obsessive worrying. Only as I grew older and had the unexpected happen did I see the value in her words. Anxiety focuses our thoughts on one of two things: what happened in the past or what could happen in the future. We miss the present when we let our minds get stuck in the past or the future. With little chance of our worries coming to fruition, we must take Jesus’s words to heart and not waste our time. Instead, we can find ways to cope with our anxiety and stay grounded in the present.

Jesus wants us to live in the now, and He wants us to live fully present. We can accomplish that goal when we keep the Son in our eyes. Trusting in the promises of the Lord and allowing Him to control our lives, we can release our worries to Him, knowing He already has an answer. God promises us hope and a future; He has the best plan for our lives if we let Him lead and we follow.

Journaling Questions:

What worries are stealing joy from you today?

How can you let go of your anxiety and trust Jesus?

What promise of God’s do you need to meditate on today?


Lord, thank You for taking care of all our concerns. Help us remember that worrying does no good for anyone, and most of what we worry about won’t happen. Let us live with peaceful hearts as we give control of our lives to You, trusting Your plan for our lives.