Continuous Provision

One-minute read.

Continuous Provision

Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.

Proverbs 13:11

Prosperity comes through honest investment. God talks more about financial management in His word than He does salvation. The Lord knows the vital role money plays in our lives and the control it can have over us if we let it. As the saying goes, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”  The primary Biblical financial guideline has three parts: 10% tithe, 10% savings, and living on the rest. If you apply that strategy to your money, you will control your money instead of it controlling you.

For the majority of my life, paychecks come once a month. At first, I had difficulty adjusting to not receiving a weekly or bi-weekly paycheck. But now, I find it much easier to budget. Our tithe goes out first thing, savings automatically get deducted from our bank account, and then we live on the rest. Some months, we get to the end and have a little left; others, we have a lot. But every month, we have something left in the budget. God blesses your efforts when you put Him first in your finances.

Start tithing and saving today. Give God the first 10%, then find an app like Acorn that rounds up your spare change from debit transactions and puts it into a savings account. You will eventually grow an oak from small acorn investments if you give it enough time. Watch how the Lord blesses your efforts.


Small investments pay big dividends.


Lord, thank You for teaching us how to manage money. Help us apply Biblical wisdom to our finances. Show us ways we can tithe first and then save, building a nest egg for rainy days. Bless our efforts as we make minor changes to build financial security with You.


Abounding Love

One-minute read.

Abounding Love

For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you.

Psalm 86:5

God repeats Himself repeatedly. He promises that all who call on Him will receive His goodness, forgiveness, and love. David knew the truth of this fact, honest about His need for the Lord in His life. We all need the Almighty’s assistance. God didn’t design us to live alone; we need His guidance and others to help us learn and grow.

Love requires action. Out of love, God created the world and filled it with beauty. Out of Love, God created Adam and Eve, knowing people need companions. Out of Love, Jesus came to Earth, born in a manger, lived a carpenter’s life, and then fulfilled His ministry before dying on the Cross and experiencing resurrection so that we could have a relationship with the heavenly Father. Love abounds when you live with Jesus, following Him and applying His teachings to life.

Hope springs eternal in our hearts because God’s love abounds. Pouring from heaven, opening our lives to the Lord allows Him to fill us with His light and share it with the world around us. Love overcomes hate, light overcomes darkness, and with the Lord, He gives us the ability to do both.


God’s love abounds in our lives when we follow Him.


Lord, thank You for Your abounding love that You generously give us. When the enemy tries to convince us of lies, expel them quickly, not letting them take root in our hearts and minds. Let us live confidently, knowing You love us and have a purpose for our lives that only we can fulfill.


Answers Pleas

One-minute read.

Answers Pleas

 And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”

Psalm 50:15

Humbling ourselves before the Lord, breaking the spirit of pride, and asking for help will elicit a response. How often do we demand things from God, thinking we know better than He does what we need? But when faced with impossible situations, we find ourselves seeking help from the Creator, realizing that maybe we don’t know best. 

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

Prov. 16:18

Nothing makes us fall to our knees faster and let go of pride than a fall. When we humbly cry to the Lord on day of trouble, He answers our plea. Problems abound in everyone’s life. How we respond to the turmoil depends on our heart posture. Pride will lead us down a sinful path, but humility will help us to follow the Lord and live divinely. God teaches us in our adversity, growing and maturing us as we seek Him for help. Tapping into the Almighty’s strength will help us overcome our weaknesses.

Trust that God will answer your pleas when you approach Him with a humble heart. The Lord strengthens our faith when He answers our pleas and delivers us from trouble. Remember to give God the glory when you experience His deliverance. You can have faith in the Lord that He will rescue and restore you.


God answers our pleas for help.


Lord, thank You for answering our pleas for help in the day of trouble. Help us remain humble and hungry for more of You.  Grow and mature us as we face the storm, becoming more like Christ with each day that passes.


Fulfills Desires

One-minute read.

Fulfills Desires

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4

When we delight in the Lord, we align our hearts to His. Instead of submitting to our flesh, we submit to God’s will. A divorced friend of mine struggles with the “blessings” her ex-husband has. From outward appearances, his life overflows with material things while she struggles to live within her means. Living separate from God, her ex’s wicked ways can easily cause an adverse reaction and jealousy. My friend chooses to give her life to Jesus; the more she submits, the more peace she finds, letting go of the bitterness and anger and instead delighting in the Lord.

During my single years, I had the same type of dilemma. Watching my married friends, I felt envious. Some of my well-meaning friends would give me this verse and assure me God would fulfill the desires of my heart. Once I submitted my will to the Lord, trusting Him whether He gave me a husband or not, He fulfilled the desires of my heart; He gave me peace that surpasses all understanding. Eventually, I did get married, but years passed before the Lord brought me my mate. God wanted me to find satisfaction in Him first, and I did.

We have a choice in responding to challenging situations; instead of wallowing in self-pity and envy, we can submit to the Lord and trust Him to resolve the problem. The Lord does fulfill the desires of our hearts when we align our hearts with His, finding contentment in the gifts He gives us.


God fulfills the desires of our hearts when we delight in Him.


Lord, thank You for fulfilling our hearts’ desires and helping us find satisfaction in You, content with the blessings You give us. When our hearts become bitter and envious, help us focus on the gifts we have instead of focusing on the things we don’t. Let us live in Your peace that surpasses all understanding. IJNIP. Amen

Delivers Us

One-minute read.

Delivers Us

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.

Psalm 34:17

God hears our cries for help and comes to our aid. One of my most uttered prayers remains the same; I learned it from my mother, “Lord, help me.”  When I can’t find my keys, “Lord, help me.”  Amid a difficult situation when I don’t know what words to say, “Lord, help me.”  When tragedy happens and knocks me to my knees, “Lord, help me.”  And God always does.

During my last hospital stay after suffering a second deadly blood clot that required surgical removal, I found myself struggling to process the events. 

“Lord, help me process through this,” I cried from my hospital bed.

Knock, knock, knock.

“I’m the hospital chaplain. Do you mind if I stop in for a visit?”

Barely had I whispered the prayer than the Lord answered in the form of the hospital chaplain, who talked to me for over an hour, helping me process the events just as I had asked. By the time he left, I had talked through the complex emotions. He asked questions that helped me find clarity. The Lord delivered me from my troubles with a visit from a chaplain.

God hears our cries and tunes into our needs long before we ask for help. Nothing happens to us the Lord doesn’t know. And He always has an answer when we turn to Him.  God delivers us from our troubles when we seek Him for help.


God delivers us from our troubles.


Lord, thank You for hearing our cries for help and delivering us from trouble. Please help us remember to ask You for deliverance. Protect us from our destructive ways, lead us away from temptation, and deliver us from evil. In You, we trust.



One-minute read.


The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 27:1

In God’s presence, we experience His light and salvation. Nothing compares to time spent with the Lord. Confidence comes from knowing the Almighty. Once saved, always saved. Experiencing the Savior’s saving grace will change your life forever.   With God on our side, we needn’t fear; He becomes our stronghold.

Maoz, the original Hebrew word for stronghold used in this verse, refers to a fortress, a place of protection, and a helmet. We can hide in the arms of the Savior and let Him fight our battles. 

On a recent RV trip, we didn’t book enough nights. Speaking at a friend’s church about my new book, Living Divinely, we had to check out before the service and move to a different site. We tried everything not to have to switch, but nothing worked.

We finally gave up and gave it to God. The day before we left for the trip, the KOA called and told us our site had opened up for another night. When we placed the dilemma in God’s hands, He solved the problem. 

Big or small, we can take refuge in God. Our fears dissolve when we let the Lord protect and fight for us. God promises to take care of us; we should let Him. With the Lord as our salvation, whom shall we fear?


We can take refuge in God’s stronghold.


Lord, thank You for protecting us and giving us a hiding place. Forgive us for trying to solve our problems without You.  When fear takes root in us, help us overcome it with our faith in You.  Help us live fully, knowing You have our back.


Protective Comfort

One-minute read.

Protective Comfort

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff,  they comfort me.

Psalm 23:4

Portraying the Lord as a Shepherd, David gives us a picture of a caring, providing, and protecting heavenly Father, concerned with the welfare of His sheep. The rod and staff come in handy for keeping the wild animals at bay, clubbing the predators, and gently controlling the sheep, steering them from harm’s way. Shepherds keep constant vigilance over their flock, night and day, leading them through the hills and valleys.

God protects us from things we will never know about until we reach heaven. Guiding and directing us, we need not fear evil. Sometimes, the Lord allows uncomfortable events that challenge our faith into our lives. Health diagnoses, tragedies, and relationship problems we didn’t see coming all take us through the valleys of life. During these times, our Shepherd leads us through them, putting us back on stable ground.

“Even though I walk through the valley of death, God’s with me,” I said at my mother’s funeral. Standing before the congregation just days after her passing, I felt the Lord’s comfort as I uttered the words. In our darkest days, God wraps His arms around us, carrying us through them. We can count on the Lord’s protective comfort, no matter what the situation. In Him, we can trust.


God protects and comforts us.


Lord, thank You for shepherding us through the trials of life, comforting and protecting us from evil. Let us lean into You on the dark days, allowing You to carry us when we cannot walk. Help us live in Your peace that surpasses all understanding as we place our trust in You.


Rescues Us

One-minute read.

Rescues Us

I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.

Psalm 18:3

David, the author of Psalm 18, has confidence in the Lord’s deliverance. Throughout his lifetime, God showed up repeatedly for the shepherd boy turned king. Calling upon the Almighty, David defeated Goliath, escaped Saul’s attacks, and experienced military victory after victory, always giving God the glory. Remembering how the Lord rescues us from past challenges helps us confidently praise Him for what He will do for us now.

“But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.”

2 Thess. 3:3

Spiritual warfare exists all around us. Whispering lies in our ears; the enemy tries to pull us away from our faithful, heavenly Father. But when we call on the Lord, He saves us from the devil’s ploys. As campers, we fight the battle against insects. On a recent trip to Georgia, the “no see ums,” tiny flies, attacked at every turn. Using a fogger, a bug repellent, I sprayed the ground around my chair to protect me from their little bites, then applied bug spray to my body, successfully thwarting their efforts. In the same way, God protects us from our unseen enemy.

Surrounding us with His angels, the Lord protects us from enemy attacks and rescues us from his ploys. We can confidently praise God, knowing He rescues us from our enemies. Like David, we can worship our Rescuer, knowing victory comes from Him.


God rescues us from enemy attacks.


Lord, thank You for faithfully protecting us, rescuing us from the enemy, and keeping us safe. Remind us to call out to You when the enemy attacks, thwarting his efforts and giving us victory. All glory to You.


Supply Our Needs

One-minute read.

Supply Our Needs

 And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

Paul assures the Philippians, who gave so much to others, that they now find themselves in need, that the Lord will provide. Generosity breeds generosity. We can’t outgive God, no `matter how much we try, and when we find ourselves lacking, the Lord will send provisions. Christ’s followers through the centuries have relied on this promise, and God always comes through.

Personally, these eighteen words carried me through years of facing layoff after layoff. Every six months, when another round occurred, I meditated on today’s verse—memorizing and reciting Phil. 4:19 helped me dampen the fear and anxiety, trusting God would provide no matter what happened. Even if I lost my job, the Lord would give me another one, just like He did in the past.

Whatever need You have, rely on God’s promise to meet it. Whether financial, relational, or health-related, go to the One who has all the answers and the riches. Trust the Lord’s promises, and let your faith overcome your fears. Eighteen words can help you face the giant before you and defeat it. The Almighty controls every resource and will distribute them to you, fulfilling needs, meeting provisions, and giving you a way to persevere on the journey. Rely on the Lord’s word to help you keep going. Expect God’s provision, and it will come.


God provides all our needs.


Lord, thank You for supplying all our needs through Your glorious riches. As worry and anxiety overcome us, remind us of Your promise and help us defeat them with Your words. Let us live confidently in You, knowing wherever You guide us, You will also provide.


Constant Presence

One-minute read.

Constant Presence

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

Following God’s law and obeying His commandments gives us access to His strength. By meditating on the scriptures, we will learn how the Lord wants us to live:

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8

“Meditate” means to “mutter.”[1]  The phrase “from your mouth” refers to the custom of muttering as people studied and reflected on the scriptures. Therefore, when we meditate on God’s word, muttering it repeatedly, we experience the Lord’s presence more vitally. When we invite Jesus into our Hearts, His Spirit dwells within us, never leaving nor forsaking us. But often, we leave Him, distracted by the world around us. Meditating on scripture helps us remember the Lord’s presence and live a life of faith over fear.

Our fears and anxieties show us where we don’t trust God. To defeat the enemy, we must combat our worries with scripture, meditating on the words until they take root in our hearts and eliminate our fears. God goes with us wherever we go, a constant presence in our lives. The more we tune into Him, the freer we become from the anxieties of this world.


God never leaves us.


God, thank You for never leaving us nor forsaking us. When fears and anxieties arise, please help us find scripture to combat the enemy. Let us live a life of abundance as we meditate on Your word and apply it to our lives, overcoming the world’s worries one day at a time.

