Sacrifice of Praise

Two-minute read.

Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. 

Hebrews 13:15 

God’s constant presence in our lives means we have reason to offer sacrifices of praise continually. As Christ’s followers, we believe God’s purpose unfolds continuously; the Creator’s will prevails in all circumstances. We take lunch breaks, but the Lord doesn’t. God’s purposes always come to fruition on the highest mountain tops in the darkest moments. We have reasons to praise Him constantly.  

Having suffered the tragic loss of a young friend in the past months, we’ve walked through the valley of death. God calling home a loved one at only twenty years of age doesn’t seem right from my perspective, and it makes a sacrifice of praise difficult. But we praise God that she knew Jesus, that Christ met her in her moment of death, and that she now lives in His glory. We miss her presence on Earth, but I praise the Lord that she has eternal life with Him, and we will meet again one day.  

Sometimes, we must search for a reason to praise the Lord. Other times, we can lift our voices in thankfulness easily. But in all things, we can find a reason to offer praises to the Lord, not for all things, but in them. As we know, the devil slinks around, causing havoc, but God always wins the battle, and we can find a reason to thank Him in the fight. Finding one thing to praise God for helps you see more things. Eventually, you will have a continuous list of praise sacrifices to offer. 


Praise God for always working to unfold His purpose. 


Lord, thank You for constantly working on our behalf to unfold Your purpose. Please give us eyes to see and ears to hear Your praiseworthy actions in our lives. Let us offer continuous sacrifices of praise to You. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Divine Help

Two-minute read.

The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him. 

Psalm 28:7 

Covenant-faithful God, the psalmist trusts the Lord’s justice, which goes beyond the writer’s experience.  David, the author, knows his Protector will come through for him because God has done it before.  As the giant slayer, David remembers when the Lord helped him find victory over Goliath.  Warrior and defender of the faith, where his Commander leads, David knows he will win.  

Coming off an exhausting week of one challenge after another, reading about David’s joy at God’s anticipated judgment lightens my heart.  Pursuing Jesus and trying to do the next right thing tires me because I can’t see the result.  But we never know the seeds we plant; if we don’t scatter them, none will take root.  Reminding myself that feelings lie and that I only see part of the story helps me persevere.  Knowing the Lord works all things for the good of those who believe and trust in Him gives me hope.  

And people need hope.  Like David, trusting in God’s divine help fills our hearts with joyful anticipation and a song of thanks.  In the Lord, we have all we need.  Nothing will stop the Creator’s plan from unfolding; one day, He will call us home to glory and complete our work on Earth.  But until then, we can rely on the covenant-faithful God we serve to provide strength and a shield for our journey.  The Lord will give us divine help and make our hearts want to exult Him.  In God, we can trust. 


Praise God for His divine help. 


Lord, thank You for giving us divine help to persevere.  When we can’t see the fruit of our labors, help us remember You can.  Give us the strength we need to do the next right thing, and then the next one and the next one, in You, we have all we need. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Steadfast Prayer

Two-minute read.

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. 

Colossians 4:2 

The New International Version translation of Colossians 4:2 begins with, “Devote yourselves to prayer…” The original word for “devote yourselves” comes from the root meaning “to be strong,” implying persistence and fervor. “Being watchful” indicates a constant spiritual alertness. As Christ’s followers, we must maintain an active and constant prayer life and continuous contact with the Lord.  

My book, “Three Word Prayers for Every Day Living,” shares how I use simple prayers to stay connected to God. “Grace not anger” helps me control my emotions and change my thoughts and actions. “Joy not jealousy,” “love not hate,” and “pray not panic” all assist me in turning my thoughts to the Lord when negative emotions try to control me. Once I change the focus of my mind, giving a back seat to my feelings, I can gain a Godly perspective on worldly events and continue steadfastly in prayer as I let the Lord take the lead.  

Finding ways to stay connected to God throughout our day, whether with short prayers or another way, helps us fulfill today’s verse. The more attached we stay to the Lord, the more He can transform our lives, helping us become more like Jesus and less like ourselves. We will never stop sinning, not until God calls us home. But remembering what Christ did for us on the cross and staying connected to our heavenly Father through prayer will help us sin less. And sinning less helps us love God and others better, sharing the Savior’s light with the world. 


Praise God for steadfast prayer that keeps us connected to Him. 


Lord, thank You for giving us a way to connect to You through Jesus. Please help us maintain a constant connection as we remain steadfast in prayer and watchful in thanksgiving and allow You to transform and change us. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Peaceful Hearts

Two-minute read.

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.” 

Colossians 3:15 

The peace of Christ comes through obedience to Jesus. For the Lord’s peace to rule in our hearts, we must give Him the final decision in our thoughts and actions, letting nothing violate His commands. Gratitude and peace have a close relationship; through thankfulness, we connect to the Lord for His work in and through us. As we thank God for His peace, we want to preserve it through obedience, which promotes harmony with the Lord and others.  

A few weeks ago, I received an email not intended for my eyes. The author criticized me as a customer at their establishment. When upper management contacted me to apologize, I surprised them with my reaction. Instead of responding angrily, I chose grace, understanding the mistake, and letting the offender off the hook. As someone who has spent most of my life in customer service, I see both sides. Because I follow Jesus and know the grace He extends to me, I saw this as an opportunity to do the same. And so, the peace of Christ ruled my heart, creating harmony in the body; gratitude for the grace I’ve received helped me extend it to others.  

My initial reaction did not involve grace. When I first read the email, I wanted to strike back. But as I let the emotion take a back seat, the Holy Spirit began to nudge me in a different direction. Instead of reacting out of my hurt, I let the Lord take the lead, relying on His strength to respond differently. We can’t experience Christ’s peace if we don’t let Him rule our hearts and actions.  

Give Jesus control of your heart, becoming more obedient to Him every day. Create harmony in the body by developing an attitude of gratitude for the Lord’s transformational power in your life and then sharing it with others. 


Praise God for giving us His peace. 


Lord, thank You for giving us peace that surpasses all understanding as we obey You. Please help us align our thoughts and minds with Yours, allowing Your Spirit to guide and direct our actions. Let us represent You well today and always. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Do Not Be Anxious

Two-minute read.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” 

Philippians 4:6 

Becoming prayerful instead of anxious changes how we approach the future. Anxiety, as I define it, either focuses on something that COULD happen in the future or DID happen in the past. For instance, in 2012, a taxicab t-boned my rental car as I drove to work in Northern Virginia, totaling the vehicle. As a result, I battle anxiety while driving from past experiences that could happen again in the future. When that anxious thought enters my mind, I lift it in prayer to the Lord, thanking Him for protecting me then and trusting Him to protect me now.  

Prayer answers anxiety because it takes captive the fretful thoughts and turns them into an attitude of worship as we focus on God’s sovereignty. As we make plans, whatever our circumstances, we trust God to hear our petitions and provide whatever we need to complete our task. Only the Lord controls the future, living beyond the confinements of time we understand; he sees the entire story, whereas we only see the present moment. We will never move forward if we let our anxious thoughts control our actions. But trusting God and relying on Him will give us the strength to take the steps necessary to continue the journey.  

The Creator doesn’t want us to live with stomachs tied in knots, unable to eat or sleep as our minds worry about what “could” happen. God wants us to live fully and completely, trusting in Him, abundantly living in the moment, and enjoying every nuance. We can experience life to the fullest when we turn our anxieties into prayers and trust the Lord to provide all we need. 


Praise God for hearing our prayers and answering our needs. 


Lord, thank You for hearing our prayers, caring about our anxieties, and providing what we need to take the next steps in our journey. Please help us stay focused on You, identify our anxious thoughts, and immediately turn them into prayers. Give us victory over fretful thoughts. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Give Thanks

Two-minute read.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 

“In” all circumstances, not “for” all circumstances. Giving thanks to God “in” all circumstances makes all the difference when applying this verse to our lives. Miserable, awful, tragic things happen in life; the Lord doesn’t expect us to thank Him for those things, but amid them, we can find hope when we discover something praiseworthy.  

Corrie Ten Boom spent ten months in a Natzi prison, arrested for hiding Jews. Landing in Ravensbrück Concentration Camp with her sister Betsie, they smuggled a Bible into Barracks 28, a dismal, flea-infested place. 

“‘That’s it, Corrie! That’s His answer. “Give thanks in all circumstances!” That’s what we can do. We can start right now to thank God for every single thing about this new barracks!’  

Betsie Ten Boom1 

As fleas nipped at Corrie’s legs, her sister focused on today’s verse and found things to thank God for “in” the midst of their terrible situation: assigned to the same barracks, the Bible the guards didn’t see, the other women in the prison, the crowded room of people that could hear the gospel, for the fleas that kept the guards away and allowed them to do Bible study. 

“‘Give thanks in all circumstances,’ she quoted. It doesn’t say, ‘in pleasant circumstances.’ Fleas are part of this place where God has put us.” 

Betsie Ten Boom 

Betsie explains this verse better than I ever could. “In,” not “for,” find things to thank God whatever your circumstances. Betsie died in Ravensbrück two weeks before they released the prisoners; her heart tuned to God with words of thanksgiving for the fleas. 


Praise God in our circumstances, not for them. 


Lord, thank You for the example Betsie set for Corrie and us with her obedience to You amid horrible circumstances. As we traverse the day ahead, help us find things to thank You for in our circumstances. Let our hearts praise You in the events, not for them. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Steadfast Love

Two-minute read.

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!” 

Psalm 107:1 

Psalm 107 begins with an invitation to give thanks as the congregation prepares to confess God’s faithfulness. The Lord gathers His people from all directions, finding them regardless of location. Experiencing God’s deliverance motivates people to praise Him because of His steadfast love that endures forever.  

The image of Jesus carrying the lamb across His shoulders comes to mind as I meditate on today’s verse. Leaving the 99, Christ goes after the one lost lamb (Matthew 18:12-14). Knowing God pursues us fills me with hope. At times, I’ve stumbled off the righteous path and found myself lost in despair and misery, feeling far from the Lord. But He always finds me and draws me back to Him. The Creator doesn’t lose sight of His creation. With a watchful eye, the Shepherd leads us back to Him when we go astray.  

And so, we can lift our voices in praise, thanking God for His faithfulness and enduring love that never leaves us. Feelings lie, and circumstances distract us, but the Lord watches over us, nudging us back onto the narrow path. Beginning a month of thanksgiving and praise starts with a reminder of God’s faithfulness.    

“Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!”

Psalm 139:7-8  

Spend a few minutes thinking about how the Lord has shepherded you during difficult times. Thank Him for drawing you back into the fold when you’ve strayed. Meditate on God’s unconditional love for you and His constant presence in Your life. Like the congregation, lift songs of praise for the Lord’s love and faithfulness. 


Praise God for His faithfulness and steadfast love. 


Lord, thank You for never leaving nor forsaking us and for finding us when we go astray. Please help us stay on the straight and narrow path today, honoring and serving You well. We love You, Lord, now and always. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Mustard Seed

Two-minute read.

He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.” 

Matthew 13:31-32 

What we plant determines what we grow. A mustard seed, small in stature, grows large with proper care and nutrition. Faith, planted with a decision to believe, grows huge as we take steps to follow Jesus, doing what He tells us to do: love, forgive, honor, cherish. What we put in the soil will grow, whether good or bad. If we plant seeds of hate, we will harvest hate. If we plant seeds of love, we will harvest love. We choose the fruit we produce from the seeds we plant.  

As we end this month of harvest blessings, consider the seeds you plant in your heart. You control what you let into your being. If you spend more time watching the news than reading the Bible, seeds of hatred, bitterness, and resentment may take root. But if you plant seeds of scripture in your heart, you will produce a bountiful harvest of love and mercy. God’s word teaches love, forgiveness, and mercy. Faith in the Lord grows large when we spend time with Him daily.  

When life’s pressures squeeze you, the Spirit of the Lord will spill out of you. Instead of reacting like the world, you will respond like Jesus because you planted seeds of faith in your heart. Each day, we plant more seeds; we determine the crop by what we plant. Spend time filling your soul with God’s word and enjoy bountiful harvests of peace as you become more like Jesus, dying to self, living for others. 


Lord, thank You for planting seeds of love in our hearts through Jesus. As we take steps of faith, let it grow bigger than we can imagine as we give ourselves to You.  One day at a time, transform our lives and help us produce good fruit. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Growing Herds

Two-minute read.

They sowed fields and planted vineyards that yielded a fruitful harvest; he blessed them, and their numbers greatly increased, and he did not let their herds diminish. 

Psalms 107:37-38 

God causes bountiful harvests with His provision. Turning deserts into pools of water and flowing springs causes the fields to blossom. The Lord specializes in bringing things to life, as He did with Jesus. Taking our sins upon Himself, our Savior’s death immediately brought life:  

“At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.”  Matthew 27:51-52   

Reading through Matthew with friends, the pastors leading the study made the point that others came to life at the moment of His death. Now, over 2000 years later, people continue to experience new life through Christ, placing faith in Him and receiving His Spirit and purpose as they follow Him. Deserts become fields when the Lord gets involved. Springs flow, harvests grow, and life happens with the Creator.  

Each day with the Lord, your herds grow. You have a circle of influence in your life: family, friends, and co-workers. As you become more like Jesus, sharing the good news of His resurrection and the unconditional love He has for them, your circle will grow. God’s light draws people to Him, and receiving the Lord’s grace and mercy helps them let go of their past and begin again. Love like Jesus and watch your herds grow as people learn about the transformational power of Christ. 


Lord, thank You for turning deserts into productive fields as we give our lives to You. Please help us love well today, honor Christ with our actions, and share the good news of His resurrection through our words and deeds. Bless our efforts as we live for You. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Wise Ant

Two-minute read.

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. 

Proverbs 6:6-8 

Ants, lowly creatures in the scheme of things, have a productive life. Lord knows we have plenty of them around our house, scurrying to gather food for winter and prepare for the future. Solomon uses them to exemplify the difference between sluggards and industrious people. The Lord created us to work and gives each of us a unique purpose. Pursuing life with Christ reveals our divine tasks, ones only we can fulfill. 

“And when I run, I feel His pleasure. To give it up would be to hold Him in contempt. You were right, it’s not just fun. To win is to honor Him.” Eric Liddell4 

Eric Liddell ran in the 1924 Olympics to glorify God. After winning gold, Liddell moved to China, becoming a missionary. Dying in 1945 from an inoperable brain tumor, the Olympian spoke his last three words, “It’s complete surrender.”  God wants our whole life, disciplined and focused on Him, doing His work. Whether we run in the Olympics or raise our children to know Jesus, we each have divine tasks to complete. Once we fulfill our duties, the Lord will call us home to glory.  

Don’t waste the time the Lord gives you. Seek Him and discover His purpose for your life. Sometimes, God only reveals the next step; other times, He gives us divine vision; either way, we have a job to do. Like the ants, we prepare for the future one day at a time as we do the jobs God created us to do.


Lord, thank You for creating us for a purpose. Please guide and direct our steps, revealing Your will for our life as we follow You.  Let us complete our divine tasks well, honoring You with all we do.