One-minute read.

Preparing to cross the Jordan River, Moses encourages the Israelites. Because of his disobedience, God forbade Moses from entering the promised land. When the Lord told Moses to speak to a rock, bringing water from it, the leader disobeyed, striking the rock instead. And just like that, Moses lost his ticket to the promised land.
The Lord promises never to leave nor forsake us, but we must obey God to receive the promise. Often, we leave the Savior; He never leaves us. Everyone does it; we get caught up in our lives and rush ahead of the Lord, not including Him in our plans or blatantly disobeying His commands.
When we don’t forgive or ignore the needs of others, we disobey the Lord. Worshipping anything, more than God goes against His commands. Moses struck a rock instead of speaking to it and missed the Lord’s blessing. Disobeying God causes us to miss His gifts for us. The Lord doesn’t bless disobedience, but He does bless loyalty.
The closer we cling to the Savior, the more we will experience the richness of His blessings. Living abundantly with Christ requires obedience, but our rewards far outweigh anything. Live for Jesus, experience His presence in your life, and praise Him for guiding and protecting us.
Thank You for guiding, directing, and giving us commandments. Help us cling to You as we go through our days, blessing our loyalty as we strive to live obediently for You.