Strong and Courageous

One-minute read.

Preparing to cross the Jordan River, Moses encourages the Israelites.  Because of his disobedience, God forbade Moses from entering the promised land.  When the Lord told Moses to speak to a rock, bringing water from it, the leader disobeyed, striking the rock instead.  And just like that, Moses lost his ticket to the promised land.

The Lord promises never to leave nor forsake us, but we must obey God to receive the promise.  Often, we leave the Savior; He never leaves us. Everyone does it; we get caught up in our lives and rush ahead of the Lord, not including Him in our plans or blatantly disobeying His commands.

When we don’t forgive or ignore the needs of others, we disobey the Lord.  Worshipping anything, more than God goes against His commands. Moses struck a rock instead of speaking to it and missed the Lord’s blessing. Disobeying God causes us to miss His gifts for us.  The Lord doesn’t bless disobedience, but He does bless loyalty.

The closer we cling to the Savior, the more we will experience the richness of His blessings.  Living abundantly with Christ requires obedience, but our rewards far outweigh anything.  Live for Jesus, experience His presence in your life, and praise Him for guiding and protecting us.



Thank You for guiding, directing, and giving us commandments. Help us cling to You as we go through our days, blessing our loyalty as we strive to live obediently for You.


Respect God

One-minute read.

Nothing people can do compares to what the Lord can do.  Fearing God means having a healthy respect for His sovereignty.  The Creator can and will do whatever He wants.  People who deny His existence and turn their back on God’s presence will experience the consequences.  Having just finished a study of Revelation, those who choose to separate themselves from their Maker have a bleak future ahead.

Humility leads to a relationship with the Savior. One must admit they don’t know everything or have all the answers to life’s difficult questions. Pride keeps us from submitting our will to the Lord. Wanting to do everything in our way and time, waiting for God’s guidance puts a crick in things. But we must bow to the Lord’s authority to receive the blessings He offers.

My heart aches for those who don’t fear God and give Him the proper respect He deserves.  Not only do they miss out on the Lord’s blessings in this world, but they miss the glory that awaits them in the next.   Put God first in Your life, submit to Him, and receive abundant life, now and to come.  Don’t fear people; fear life without the Savior.  The enemy wants you to believe you don’t need God or that He exists; don’t fall for his lies.

Give the Lord the rightful place in your life, above all others, worship Him.  Allow Jesus to direct Your paths, following Him closely to your eternal home.



Thank You for sending Jesus to save us.  Please help us keep our priorities straight, with Him leading our lives.  Give eyes to see and ears to hear to those who believe the devil’s lies.  Let them come to You and find the saving grace offered.


God Answers

One-minute read.

David credits the Lord with rescuing him from the Philistines at Gath. The warrior wants others to know what God did for him so they can also seek divine strength. As we follow Jesus, experiencing His saving grace in myriad ways, our faith deepens. As we draw closer to the Lord, we want to share what we have found with others so they can experience it.

Life’s fragility becomes a stark reality when near-death experiences happen.  Taking care of my in-law’s property, we had to haul the riding lawn mower on a utility trailer.  One day, after finishing the mowing, in a rush to get home, I pulled the pin out of the trailer with the heavy tractor still on it.  The tongue of the cart flew up because of the unbalanced weight, barely missing me.  To this day, I praise God when I think of that moment, realizing He saved me from certain death.  And I learned my lesson about slowing down and listening to my husband.

David had a much more life-threatening experience escaping the Philistines.  The Lord’s deliverance made him joyful, and David wanted everyone to know what God did.  As do I when I think of the many times the Lord has protected me from my foolish actions.

When we cry out to the Creator, He answers.  In our fears, the Lord has a remedy, His peace that surpasses all understanding.  Face today confidently, knowing the Lord will answer Your call and rescue you from whatever dilemma you face.



Thank You for protecting us from ourselves, delivering us from our enemies, and answering our calls.  Please help us not forget Your presence as we face the day’s troubles.  Let us live abundantly in You.


Unworldly Peace

One-minute read.

Confidence in God gives you unworldly peace.  Nowhere in scripture do you find promises of a trouble-free life, but you do find the Lord’s covenant not to leave us when challenges arise.  And everyone has problems, whether they look like they do or not.  We find the Creator’s peace when we focus on His goodness.

For Christmas, 37 years after graduation, I received a sweatshirt from my high school alma mater. When I first opened it, my stomach filled with dread at the memories of those difficult years. My Dad’s leg amputation, cancer, and death overshadow that period.  My girlfriend, who sent it to me, said, “You need a DuBois sweatshirt,” when I thanked her for the gift.

And her words changed my thoughts.  I gained a new perspective as I pondered the good that happened during those years.  Yes, bad things did happen, but so did many good things.  I met my lifelong friend Laura, who helped me find Jesus again.  I learned to play tennis and had my first job.  And the Lord never left my side through it all.

Focusing on Jesus allows us to access His peace, gain a new perspective, and give us hope as we persevere through life’s challenges. Eventually, the Lord will call us home, and we’ll live with Him forever, basking in His glory, today’s troubles gone forever.



Thank You for never leaving nor forsaking us and for giving us Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Help us keep our eyes on You today and always.


Be Not Dismayed

One-minute read.

Have you ever felt so low you didn’t know how you would stand up? I have many times, and each time, the Lord lifts me up and helps me persevere.

When War Room[i] debuted in 2015, it profoundly affected my life.  Ron and I saw the movie at a local theater. The film tells the tale of an older lady who has a prayer closet where she goes to meet with the Lord.  Containing nothing but a wooden chair, she takes her Bible, gets on her knees, and goes to war with the Lord.  As the story unfolds, miracle after miracle happens, people’s lives change, and God’s victory rules.

Leaving the theater, I knew exactly how I would spend my evening.  Cleaning out the guest room closet, I made my war room and have met the Lord there ever since.  The days I’m on the floor and can’t get up stand out the most.  In my dismay, the Lord’s right hand lifts me to my feet and gives me the strength to carry on.  Today’s verse makes me think of the times my heavenly Father has held me tight, picked me up, and not let go.

He will do the same for You.  To receive the Lord’s assistance, we must seek it; when we do, we have nothing to fear.



Thank You for picking us up when we find ourselves in despair.  Please help us remember Your presence in our battles, allowing You to lead us to victory.  Let us hold on tight to Your right hand and never let it go.



God Helps

One-minute read.

When I’m scared, I grab Ron’s hand.  Something about the human connection brings me peace in the moment.  But we have an even greater tie that binds us; the Lord holds our hand and never lets it go.

We don’t always feel God’s presence, especially when life seems out of control.  But if we look for the Lord, we will find Him.  When the wise men sought baby Jesus, they found him wrapped in a manger.  The world’s Savior came in humble circumstances so we could relate to Him. 

God wants to connect and help us with whatever trials we face.  Salvation creates a bond that never breaks.  Jesus’s Spirit within us empowers us to live boldly and confidently in Him. Bringing light into the darkness, the Lord goes before us, leading the way.  We don’t have to know everything; we only need to know the next step.  With God ordering our steps, He will guide us on an adventure we can find no other way.

Hold on tight to the Lord.  Live fearlessly today, knowing God’s got you.  Follow His lead and enjoy the day as you journey with Jesus.


Lord, thank You for holding onto us and never letting go.  Please help us feel Your presence today as we face the challenges.  Give us Your peace that surpasses all understanding, no matter what comes our way.


Perfect Love

One-minute read.

Love and fear can’t exist together.  Incompatible, the two emotions represent opposite ends of the spectrum.  Experiencing and receiving Christ’s love removes us from the “fear” of God’s wrath and judgment.  Referring to the troubles of this world, not the reverential fear of God, allowing today’s problems to overwhelm us denies the Creator’s love for us and fails to trust Him.

People without faith in the Savior live with the fear of judgment.  One day, we will stand before the King and answer for our thoughts and actions on Earth.  Placing faith in Christ removes that fear from us since He accepted the punishment we deserve.  Therefore, we have nothing to fear in this world; the Lord has saved us from today’s troubles and prepared a place for us with Him in glory.

Bask in the light of the Savior’s love and let Him dispel any fears you may have.  Walk confidently through your day, knowing that God has the answer no matter what comes your way.  Christ died to demonstrate His love for us, and living boldly for Him honors His sacrifice. Let perfect love remove any fears you face, and experience the freedom found only in Jesus.



Thank You for giving us perfect love through Jesus that dispels all fear. Please help us receive the gift You offer, understanding that we can do nothing to earn it.  Let us live fearlessly for Christ today and always.


Bold Spirit

God didn’t give us spirits of fear, nor does He want us to live wrapped up in frantic emotion. Increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, and nausea, all symptoms of the primal emotion that can grip us. The powerful feeling varies for different people, but we all experience it in one way or another.

Years ago, I took my niece and nephew to Water Country amusement park. As soon as we arrived, we hustled to their favorite ride, a tall, towering water slide that used inflated tubes to whisk people around its curves. Excited, the kids ran ahead of me, not waiting to board their tubes and spiral away from me. 

Fear gripped me.  My mind filled with all the things that could happen before we reconnected.  Their innocent action impacted me negatively and caused us to go home early.  They didn’t realize the potential danger that awaited kids, separated from guardians, in a public situation where predators lurked.  But I did.  And my fear controlled my actions, ruining the day for the kids.

Decades later, I still regret my overreaction to that event.  Allowing the fear to dictate my response, I lost out on making precious memories with my two favorite kids.  Now that one of them resides in heaven, I regret it even more.

Trusting God and accessing His power, self-control, and love allows us to tame the beast of fear and not allow it to dictate our actions.  Tap into the Savior’s strength and put fear in its place.  Don’t let the emotion steal your joy.  Live abundantly with Christ.



Thank You for giving us Your Spirit to strengthen and guide us.  Please help us tame the fear that tries to overtake us and live boldly for You instead.  Let us experience freedom in Christ as You desire.


Easy Yoke

Five-minute read.

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” 

Matthew 11:29-30 

Putting on Jesus’s yoke refers to the discipline of discipleship. A yoke, put on animals for heavy pulling, distributed the workload between the two beasts. Christ wants to help us with life’s burdens, but we can’t receive His assistance if we don’t put on His yoke. We can accept divine strength for the troubles of this world when we develop a daily discipline of yoking ourselves to the Savior and allowing Him to take our challenges.  

The last day of the year provides the perfect opportunity to let go of the past and embrace the future. Determine today to yoke yourself to the Lord and receive rest for your soul. Remembering that today’s troubles won’t last and glory awaits us will help you persevere through today. “You will find rest for your souls” comes from Jeremiah 6:16:  

“Thus says the Lord: “Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’” 

When we encounter crossroads in life and don’t know which way to walk, we can trust Jesus. Putting on His yoke allows the Lord to direct us as He guides us down the ancient paths. Walking in the good way gives rest to our souls, following the Lord’s teachings, and doing our part means trusting Jesus will do His. Forgive, pray, and serve others as Jesus calls us to do, and we will find His rest. Knowing we’ve done all we can gives us peace of heart and rest for our souls.  

Let go of the past, cast your burdens on Jesus, putting on His yoke. Let the Lord walk with you on the journey, carrying your troubles. The Prince of Peace wants to share your challenges, but when we don’t turn to Him, we can’t receive Christ’s tranquility. Jesus never said we wouldn’t have problems; He promised we would. But the Savior also promised that He overcame them for us, and we could trust Him, no matter the issue. Victory comes from the cross, won thousands of years ago, giving us abundant life. Claim yours today.  

Align yourself with Christ, put on His yoke, and experience the Lord’s peace that surpasses all understanding. Allow the Creator to usher you into the coming year with a restful soul and calm assurance of His guidance. Live in victory, claiming the promises of the cross, and rest in the Lord. 


Lord, thank You for the promise of rest we can find when we yoke ourselves with Christ. Please help us develop the discipline necessary to enjoy the tranquility of life with Jesus each day. No matter the situation, the Savior has the answer, and we can find rest in Him.  

IJNIP. Amen 

Teaching Them

Five-minute read.

Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” 

Matthew 28:20 

Discipleship requires teaching. According to Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, Disciple means “𝘢 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘳 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘰.”x  Born Oct. 16th, 1758, Noah Webster’s faith grew when he had a family. Raised in a Christian home, his father served as a deacon. However, Webster didn’t engage in his faith until 1808 when his daughters, Emily (17) and Julia (15), attended a revival meeting and had a conversion experience. Inviting their parents, Noah and Rebecca, they too felt “God’s touch,” and their lives changed forever.x   

Webster’s discipleship came through his definition of language, heavily influenced by his faith. At age 70, after decades of research, it had 70,000 entries, more than any other dictionary.xi  At the time, people learned to read with the Bible, used in schools and at home. Defining the words found in scripture will draw anyone closer to the Lord. I did an entire devotional, 𝘋𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥: 𝘈 365-𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘚𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘑𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦xii that looked at the original meaning of a word each day, and I learned more than I ever imagined. 

God’s word teaches us how to live like Jesus. Through the pages of the Bible, we meet ordinary people who live extraordinary lives because of their faith. The Old Testament points to the need for the Savior, and all things work for the good of those who trust and believe in the Lord. By learning what God commands, we can do what He says. When we practice Christ’s teachings, we will experience life change.

For example, Jesus tells us to forgive 7 times 70. He gives us that command for our sake, not the offenders. When we hold onto unforgiveness, we plant seeds of bitterness in our hearts, which will then produce bitter fruit. But forgiveness defeats bitterness by planting seeds of grace that will grow and produce mercy. Holding onto an offense only hurts you. Once you let go of the hurt and give it to God, you will experience freedom. And the Lord never leaves you, with you through it all.

Jesus sets an example for us to follow, teaching us to obey His commands. The Lord doesn’t expect us to do it alone; He travels with us until the end. Learn from the scriptures and allow them to transform your life, as Noah Webster let them transform his. Become more like Jesus as you implement His teachings into your life.


Lord, thank You for discipling us and showing us how to live.  Please give us the tools we need to implement and follow Your commands.  As we strive to become more like Jesus, bless our efforts. 

IJNIP. Amen 



