Held Tight

Five-minute read.

Even there your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast.

Psalm 139:10

Held tight.

Our excellent Comforter holds us in His hand.  God leads and guides us, like a father walking with their child.  My heart rejoices when I see parents holding their children’s hands.  Friends of ours with five little blessings running around their feet always have a hand attached to one of their kids.  Seeing them in church on Sunday mornings uplifts and encourages my heart as they prioritize gathering with other believers.

When Ron holds my hand, I instantly feel a sense of comfort and security.  When we first started dating, we played on a tennis team together.  Partnered in doubles, we met on the tennis court.  Before a match, we had dinner at a nearby restaurant one night.  Walking to the courts, we held hands, but Ron dropped my hand as soon as we saw the team.  No one knew about our newly formed relationship, and my Honey didn’t know if I wanted them to know, so he erred on the side of caution.

Eleven years later, I still feel the instant rejection of his hand leaving mine.  Of course, we worked through the issue.  But God never drops our hands.  Constantly in touch with us, the Lord holds on tight.  Just like my friends with their children, tightly grasping their hands as crowds of people move around them, not wanting them to get lost in the crowd.

As I move through my days, I take comfort in knowing the Lord’s got me.  I envision myself held in His hand, protected from the world around me, holding me tight.  Our Creator protects His creation.  Bad things come into our lives, but the Lord helps us navigate those times, leading us to solid ground.

“God never gives us more than we can handle,” a friend told me.  In the past three years, my friend has had one difficulty after another.  COVID’s shutdown began financial issues that cascaded into all areas of life.

“I’ve changed my opinion on that,” I responded.  For many years, I believed the same thing, but one day, I realized that God gives us more than we can handle.  When we can no longer do life alone, the Lord meets us and picks up the slack.  In our weakness, God’s strength carries us.  If God intended us to do life alone, He wouldn’t have sent Jesus.  And He wouldn’t hold our hand.

While watching T.V. at night, Ron will lay his hand beside mine to hold it.  One gesture conveys so much love to me without saying any words.  Holding hands and connecting with another person comforts the soul effortlessly and communicates affection.  Your Lord and Savior clings to your hand.  His warmth and energy constantly flowing into you.  Never leaving or forsaking us, God’s presence in our life reassures, comforts, strengthens, and carries us.  We don’t face life alone; we face it with the Lord.

Standing tall beside us, God holds our hand and helps us navigate the world.  One day, He will call us heavenly, but until then, the Lord walks with us, holding on tight.


God holds our hand.

Recently, I had one of those days.  Everything seemed to go wrong, and nothing I planned to do went as anticipated.  The printer refusing to print made me want to pull my hair out.  Then, I thought of God and His presence.  Instead of letting the frustration reign, I thought of the Lord with me in the moment and began to ask myself what I could learn from this situation.  As I centered my thoughts on God, I realized instead of letting myself get lost in anger, I could trust in Him, understanding that none of these issues would matter in a day, but my relationship with the Lord would.  Holding me in His hand, God guided me to a better attitude and acceptance of the things I cannot change.

Holding my hand, God guides me.

Journaling Questions:

  1. What do you picture when you think of God holding your hand?
  2. How do you find comfort knowing God never lets go of you?
  3. What direction do you feel the Lord taking you today?


Lord, forgive us for resisting Your guidance.  Let us feel Your hand in ours as we follow You today.  Allow Your comfort to surround us as we face life’s travel.  Give us confidence in Your presence as we cling to You.  Strengthen our belief as we admit our weaknesses and allow Your strength to carry us.  IJNIP. Amen

Far Side

Five-minute read.

If I settle on the far side of the sea,

Psalm 139:b

Far side.

Growing up in Pennsylvania, my older half-brother lived in Virginia.  Dad and Mom packed us into the back of the truck every summer, and we visited him.  I fell in love with the southern state, loving the intense heat, the smell of hops that fills the air around Busch Gardens, the hospitality that flows freely, and the opportunities I didn’t have in PA.  At a young age, I knew I wanted to one day live in Williamsburg, and when the opportunity came, I took it.

We choose where we settle.  In eighth grade, Mr. Stamler, my history teacher, assigned a project on our family history.  My ancestors came from Ireland and Germany, migrating to western PA from Connecticut in 1818 via an oxen-drawn wagon, living in a cave above the river for three years while they cleared the land for a homestead.

“I wonder where you will end up?” Mr. Stamler asked me when reviewing my project.  I’ve never forgotten his question, curious about where I will finally end up.  I didn’t consult God about the decision to move to Virginia, packing my Chevy Cavalier full of garbage bags filled with my Earthly possessions.  Asking the Lord for direction never occurred to me, thinking only of myself and my desires.

Thankfully, the Lord never abandons us, even when we make rash decisions that land us in unwanted places.  I don’t regret moving to Virginia, but I do regret flunking out of college in Pennsylvania and running away from my problems.  How would my life differ if I had stayed and dealt with the issues that caused me so much heartache?  What if I had graduated college in four years instead of seven?  I’ll never know the answers to those questions because I chose to do things the hard way, not dealing with my issues but running from them.

Wherever we go, the Lord goes with us.  Silently, He waits for us to turn to Him.  Unfortunately, we often wait until we have a problem before acknowledging His presence.  In God’s sovereignty, He doesn’t force us to live life His way.  True love requires a choice.  We must decide and commit to loving God, not dependent on feelings, but decisions.

Each morning, I decide to get up and read (or listen) to my Bible.  Reading plans with other believers via YouVersion encourages and uplifts me.  Now, I consult God when making a significant life decision, waiting for His direction before packing my bags.  When an opportunity arose to go to Egypt on a vision trip with ICM and visit churches, I sought God in prayer, taking the steps necessary to go and trusting the Lord to open and close the doors He wanted me to walk through.  When the organization canceled the trip because of the war in Israel, I took it as a closed door, trusting God’s guidance.

We can choose where we want to settle or allow God to guide us where He wants us to go.  People fear the Lord will call them to live in a hut in a third-world country, and sometimes He does, but more times than not, He doesn’t.  Jobs, military assignments, and family all determine where we eventually settle.  Letting the Lord lead us will take us places we can’t imagine.  But, as we’ve learned, wherever we go, so does God, even when we ignore Him in the decision-making process and settle somewhere not in our Creator’s agenda. 


Choose well.

Each of us can settle wherever we want.  God gives us free will and doesn’t force us to do anything.  We have choices, especially living in America, possibly too many options.  Following the Lord and submitting our lives to Him lets God choose for us.  Just like the door to Egypt closed, our divine Travel Agent will lead us step by step where He wants us to go.  Choosing well requires time and patience as we give God room to lead us.

God guides us.

Journaling Questions:

  1. Where have you always wanted to settle?
  2. What involvement does God have in deciding where you live?
  3. What decision do you need to submit to God and wait for His guidance?


Lord, forgive us for settling in places without first consulting You.  Thank You for never leaving us.  As we move forward, help us seek You first in all things.  Instead of letting the world dictate where we settle, help us let You guide us.  Take us where You want us to go so we can do what You want us to do.  IJNIP. Amen

No Limits

Five-minute read.

If I rise on the wings of the dawn,

Psalm 139:9a

No limits.

Continuing in the theme of God’s sovereignty, verse nine denotes the ends of the earth, from the breaking of dawn to the depths of the sea and everywhere in between.  With each new day comes fresh mercy from the Lord, an opportunity to start again, and try and do better than yesterday.

Recently, I started attending a 6:00 a.m. group strength class.  Since I rise early, it fits perfectly into my schedule.  Driving home, I have the privilege of watching the sun rise over the horizon, strands of brilliant light illuminate the sky as it begins its slow journey from east to west.  Something about the vibrant rays dispelling the darkness brings hope to my soul, invigorating and energizing me for the day ahead.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” Lamentations 3:22-23

Hope comes with the rising sun.  A new chance to make different decisions and choose another path.  With each day comes new lessons, only moving on to the next one when we’ve learned the current one.  God’s sovereignty allows us free will to do what we want, not forcing us to follow Him.  When we choose to do things the Lord’s way, He blesses our efforts, supporting us along the journey and helping us move into the next phase.

Our neighbor Stephanie came over on Halloween night, and we played Phase 10.  A fun card game, the first person to complete the final phase wins.  If you don’t finish a level, you must stay on it until you do.  My poor husband stayed on one level for several rounds, frustrating him to no end, but eventually, he completed the phase.  Just like in the card game, God takes us through phases.  We can’t move to the next level until we learn what He has for us on the current level.  Sometimes, we stay in the same place for years; other times, we pass through them quickly.  But in all things, life happens in the journey.

“At every stop, some people get on the bus, others get off.” Joyce Meyer[i]

Comparing the phases of life to a bus ride, Joyce Meyer made an observation about life that applies to everyone.  The people we travel through life with change.  Some stay with us throughout our entire lifetime, others only for a short while.  But as we move from one stage to another, someone comes, and someone goes.  God remains constant throughout the entire ride, driving the bus and watching as people come and go.  His heart aches with ours when people decide to get off the bus and rejoices when people get on it.

Living a life for the Lord accepts His sovereignty, recognizing we can’t hide from Him.  God calls for us to remain teachable, always learning and growing as we draw closer to our Creator.  Applying Jesus’ teachings will transform our lives in ways we can’t imagine.  Taking us through one level at a time, Christ goes before us, guiding and directing us on the journey.  When we get stuck by the side of the road, the Lord waits patiently with us until we learn the lesson and start moving again.

Take heart; God’s presence in our life covers everything.  Teaching and transforming us each day brings new hope.  Joy comes when we choose Jesus.


God gives hope.

Each day, we mess up.  Words come out of our mouths we didn’t mean to say.  Emotions take over our actions, causing us to do something we usually wouldn’t do.  Repeatedly, our imperfections find a way to reveal themselves.  But God gives us hope we can overcome them.  The Lord’s faithful, all-knowing presence in our lives nudges us forward, giving us as many chances as we need to learn the lessons He teaches.  One step at a time, the Lord transforms us into a new person, full of love, grace, and mercy.  In His sovereignty, God knows what we need to keep us persevering on the journey.

Transformation comes through perseverance.

Journaling Questions:

  1. What does the dawn of a new day make you think and feel?
  2. What lesson do you think God’s trying to teach you?
  3. How can you move to the next level of your journey with God?


Lord, thank You for your limitless involvement in our lives.  As we persevere on our journey with You, help us learn the lessons You teach.  Let us draw closer to You as we tune our spirits to Yours.  Transform our lives as we repeatedly obey You in big and small things.  Build our character, strengthen our integrity, and let us become more like Jesus with every lesson we learn.  IJNIP. Amen

[i] https://sermons.love/joyce-meyer/5320-joyce-meyer-the-test-of-confidence.html

You Are There

Five-minute read.

If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

Psalm 139:8

You are there.

Wherever I go, so does God.  Depths, sol in original Hebrew, refers to “grave; by extension, realm of death, deepest depths,”[i] The Lord goes with us, even to death.  Jesus overcame the deepest depths when He died on the cross.  Theologians debate what happened to Christ when he died.  We know that Jesus rose again, conquering death and leading everyone to eternal life.

Death scares me because of the unknown part of it.  Loved ones have gone before me, so I know they have the answer, and one day I will find out.  But I need not fear because God goes with us even in death.  Knowing Christ leads the way comforts me.

“That’s my song for you,” Ron said when I first heard “I Will Follow You into the Dark”[ii] by Death Cab for Cutie.  Dating at the time, he made the song his ringtone for me.  Listening to the lyrics, my love deepened for my future husband at that moment:

Love of mine, someday you will die
But I’ll be close behind; I’ll follow you into the dark.
No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white
Just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark.

No one on Earth loves me like my husband does.  His kindness and generosity continue to amaze me.  The more I get to know Ron, the more I love him.  And through my better half, I better understand God’s unconditional love, grace, and mercy.  Ron’s willingness to follow me anywhere, even into the dark, tells me of his deep affection.  My husband loves sacrificially, without conditions, and forever.  Ron’s not perfect, but he loves me perfectly.  And through Him, I’ve learned more about love.

So, when David talks about God’s presence wherever I go, I understand its love that keeps the Lord with me.  The heavenly Father doesn’t go with us into the depths because He must; God goes with us because He loves us so profoundly.  No one loves me more than God, not even Ron.  And no one loves you more than God.  Jesus came to Earth, living a sacrificial life to connect us with the Lord.  Following God’s Son will allow us to experience peace on Earth.  You will never regret trusting Jesus.

Why do we have to go to the deepest depths?  I don’t have an answer to that question.  Pain and heartache come with living life to the fullest.  Without grief, we wouldn’t understand love.  Maybe knowing death will one day come makes us appreciate today.  Keeping the shortness of life on Earth in perspective helps us appreciate it more.  Today will never come again.  Pain doesn’t last forever; joy comes in the morning. 

We can trust God’s promise; He goes with us wherever we go.  The Lord always desires our company, like a doting father with a newborn baby; He enjoys watching us live life.  With our Maker by our side, we can live life to the fullest, no matter what giants stand before us.  In God, we can trust.


God wants to spend time with us.

Wherever I go, God goes with me because He loves me.  I can have confidence that God wants to spend time with me.  When I lift my prayers to the Lord, He wants to hear them.  I’m not bothering Him.  Me calling on God doesn’t interrupt Him or annoy Him.  I can’t pray too much.  Unlike humans, our Creator doesn’t get irritated when someone calls a lot or constantly interrupts them.  The Creator wants us to have a constant connection with Him, always praying, always seeking, always thanking; wherever we go, You are there.

You are there.

Journaling Questions:

  1. How has someone on Earth shown you love?
  2. How would you describe God’s love?
  3. What does God’s unconditional love do for your life?


Lord, forgive us for ever doubting Your love for us.  Please help us receive Your love, allowing it to heal us from within our souls.  Open our eyes and ears to Your precious ways, constantly learning and growing.  Let us become more like Christ, loving as He did.  IJNIP. Amen

[i] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+139%3A8&version=NIV&tab=interlinear

[ii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iV_1ESMHaI

Positive Benefit

Five-minute read.

Or where shall I flee from your presence?

Psalm 139:7b

Positive benefit.

As a child, I ran away from home.  Leaving my little house on the hill, I ran to my grandmother’s house, less than a half mile away, and hid under her wrap-around porch.  Sitting quietly in the dimly lit corner, shafts of light shining through the slats, I heard people searching for me but didn’t leave my hiding spot.  At this point in life, I can’t remember what upset me so much I fled the safety of home, but I do recall how much worry I caused my family.  And the relief in my mother’s voice when my grandma found me.

Unlike my mother, whose presence I fled that day, we can’t flee from God, a positive benefit to having a Creator.  Whether we believe in the Lord or not, He always knows our hiding spots.  Just like that summer day, I hid under the porch, not alone, but accompanied by my Maker, who knew exactly my whereabouts and the condition of my young heart.

Thirty-three percent of the world’s population describe themselves as lonely, one in three people in the United States feel alone.  Even more startling, sixty-one percent of younger people feel chronically lonely, and fifty-one percent of mothers with young children report feeling lonely.[i] We have an epidemic of loneliness in our world today, and God offers a solution: a relationship with Him.

Ron and I live in a 12,000-person subdivision.  Our house nestles in between several others, with little room in between.  Everywhere I look, I see people, yet one in three of them feel alone.  In my younger years, before I developed the relationship I have with God today, I often felt lonely, and on occasion, I still do.  But knowing God, spending time with Him every day, and looking for His hand at work in the world around me takes away my loneliness and replaces it with confidence in the Lord. 

“For He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

My confidence comes from believing and trusting the promises God made.  When my faith begins to waver, I meditate on scripture.  Meditate means “think deeply or focus one’s mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.”[ii]Finding and centering my mind on the Lord’s promises helps me weather the storm, building confidence in the Creator’s presence and plan for my life. 

Embrace the positive benefit of the Lord’s constant presence in your life.  When loneliness begins to overtake you, center Your mind on Jesus.

“Jesus fed 5000, but only 500 followed Him after lunch.

He had 12 disciples, but only 3 went further into the garden,

and only 1 stood with Him at the cross.

The closer you get to the cross, the smaller the crowd becomes.”


Don’t let the devil get a foothold with his lies.  Even though you may feel alone, God never leaves you.  The crowd may get smaller, but the Lord doesn’t.  Intimacy with your Maker will fulfill all your needs if you trust Him.  Whatever circumstance you face today, God faces it with you.  The Lord moves mountains, calms the waves, and whispers in your ear, “I got this.”  Trust in Him.


Never alone.

Working from home alone can feel lonely.  Some days, I realize I haven’t seen a soul except my husband.  Life can seem tiny like I live alone in a bubble.  But I recognize feelings lie and don’t reflect reality.  Knowing I can’t flee from God, that He goes with me wherever I go, helps me find victory over feelings of loneliness.  Even though life can seem isolated, God always carries me in His hand, never leaving nor forsaking me.

God’s my constant companion.

Journaling Questions:

  1. What makes you feel alone?
  2. How can God’s presence help you find victory over loneliness?
  3. How does knowing you can’t flee from God comfort you?


Lord, forgive us for believing our feelings.  The next time feelings of loneliness surround us, help us identify the lie.  Remind us of Your Presence and that wherever we go, You go.  Let our faith grow each day as we rely more and more on You, not getting sucked into the things of this world but centering our thoughts on the hope You offer.  In all things, may You receive the glory and honor.  IJNIP. Amen

[i] https://www.crossrivertherapy.com/research/loneliness-statistics#:~:text=Statistics%20show%20that%20one%20in,children%20also%20report%20feeling%20lonely.

[ii] https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=592163180&sxsrf=AM9HkKkuWTZosk_kaCclUNV0G575XX-s9A:1702986353231&q=meditate&si=ALGXSlaYxyllm14_NEvUA9w95SVcf4Gc_Uq1YxjnSOqofcD1OqEl3aZ3tasGlLXtoMfBn4ugS3zMJqHErS5UMR2Wd_uAPcQHDSO5AJzOJAKnULsJqNq1pZM%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjuzJDFtpuDAxVEGlkFHXVcBEsQ2v4IegQIERBW&biw=767&bih=814&dpr=1.25

No Hiding

Five-minute read.

Where shall I go from your Spirit?

Psalm 39:7a

No hiding.

Ruah, the original Hebrew word for Spirit, means the seat of life, spirit being, especially the Spirit of God.[i] The seat of life comes from the Lord; every breath we take, we do so because of Him.  Nothing lives without the Creator’s knowledge; no leaf falls to the ground without Him knowing. We can’t hide from God, no escaping His eternal presence.

During my single years, somewhere along the way, I heard a challenge. Ask yourself this question. If your future spouse was with you at any moment, would they approve of your actions?   The pastor called this the “Eye Theory,” essentially acting as if our someday partner could see our current situation. Planting that seed in my mind made me think more about what I did and live more intentionally as I prepared for marriage.

God does see everything we do. His Spirit resides in all places; nowhere can anyone escape the Lord. His omnipresence means our Creator will always lead and hold the believer, no matter where we go. Darkness can’t ruin the light of God; the Lord dispenses the dark, illuminating it with His presence.

Guilt may make us want to flee from God. Sinning separates us from the Lord, causing us to want to hide. 

“Don’t check the cameras!” said five-year-old Benji, dressed in red pajamas. Talking with his mom, he held an open Christmas present that he “didn’t open.”  For three minutes, the video shows him pleading his case, eventually breaking into tears as he begs her not to check the cameras. Knowing the cameras would reveal the truth, he realizes he has no choice but to come clean.

“Yes, by accident,” the young tike says through gasping sobs, finally confessing his sin.[ii]

Benji had no problem believing his mom had a camera watching the tree. In today’s world, video surveillance happens everywhere. Watch any crime show, and you will see detectives using footage from street cameras, businesses, and homes to catch the criminal. Like cameras, God’s Spirit covers the universe, not a street He doesn’t see. The Lord forgives our wrongdoings and offers us a chance to try again.

We can come to our Protector with a humble heart, confessing we opened the present. Just as Benji’s mom folded him in her arms, comforting him after he admitted his guilt, God does the same for us.   The Lord wants us to come to Him with our sins, allowing Him to wipe away our tears and heal us from within our spirit. Following God means we align our soul with His, living life as one with the Lord.

Don’t fret because God knows everything, His Spirit always present, no matter where we go. Instead, embrace your Creator’s presence. Mold your life with God’s as you follow Him and serve Him. No need to fear the Maker’s reaction to your sins; He’s already forgiven them. Like the mom in the video, God desires us to come to Him and share our hearts, souls, minds, and bodies. The Lord created us; He knows our imperfections better than we do and still loves us.

Take comfort knowing you can’t hide from God’s Spirit. Embrace a relationship with God. Let Him into the darkest parts of your heart so He can shine His light, expelling the darkness. 


Embrace God’s presence.

Standing in line at Dollar Tree during Christmas, it wrapped down one aisle and around the next. Looking at the impatient people irritated at the wait, I thought of God and His love for them and me. Taking the opportunity to practice patience, instead of getting upset, I used the time to research new projects on Pinterest for my shop. Knowing God’s Spirit dwells with me, even in line at the dollar store, made me choose to respond differently to the aggravating circumstances, which resulted in peace to my soul.

Thank God for His never-ending presence, helping me become more like Christ and less like me.

God’s presence makes me live better.

Journaling Questions:

  1. What does it mean to you that God’s Spirit is everywhere?
  2. How can you become comfortable with God’s omnipresence?
  3. What does God’s presence mean in your life?


Lord, forgive us for trying to hide from You.  As we pursue You today, help us become comfortable with Your omnipresence. Let us respond to the world around us as you would have us do, sharing love with all. Hold us in Your arms when we falter; help us find our way again when we sin. Guide and direct us with every breath we take. In all things, let You receive the glory. IJNIP. Amen

[i] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+139%3A7&version=NIV&tab=interlinear

[ii] https://www.facebook.com/DailyMailVideo/videos/1199078980297484/

Unattainable Knowledge

Five-minute read.

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.

Psalm 139:6

Unattainable knowledge.

Nothing occurs to God; He already knows everything.[i] When I came across this note in Vine’s Expository, it struck me. How sad God never gets the joy of something occurring to Him for the first time.

Just this morning, I had an epiphany about my thought life. When God opens my eyes to a new truth, the first time something occurs to me, it frees me. Today’s freedom moment came when I realized I don’t have to think about a thought just because I have it.

For instance, I’ve started a strength training program to help battle aging. Since I began, my body weight increased. When I weighed myself today and saw the higher number reflected, I thought. “What a loser, doing all this hard work, and all you do is gain weight.”

But then I began coaching myself. Reminding myself consistent practice pays off. Even though I don’t see the results immediately, I must keep going, and eventually, it will all come together. Life has big moments, but most come from a string of repeated moments that lead to victory. Books don’t get finished the day you start writing them. I didn’t gain ten pounds in one day; good or bad, things happen over time. And the coaching continued until the positive thoughts took root, and I let go of the negative ones.

In other words, I don’t have to attach to the thought; I can let it go. And I can attach myself to the positive, life-giving thoughts that keep me moving forward. I find it thrilling when things occur to me for the first time, and I learn something new that helps me live more abundantly.

But God never has things occur to Him. He already knows everything there is to know. I will never truly understand the Lord’s sovereignty on this side of heaven; just too much for this human mind to grasp. And even though my Maker never has anything occur to Him, I bet He rejoices when I do.

Each step of faith we take, every truth we believe, every lie we debunk pleases the Lord. Creator of the Universe, nothing thrills God more than when we discover new things about ourselves and the world. Becoming more like Christ happens over a lifetime. The results will eventually show themselves. Nothing happens immediately for us, nor did God design life that way. To arrive at any destination, we must take the journey.

How our Mighty Heavenly Father knows everything, I will never understand completely. But I trust the Lord’s wisdom. Spending my waking hours trying to attain God’s thoughts will lead to frustration. Our Creator didn’t design us to know everything; the Lord made us to trust. Our life begins when we submit it to God and build a relationship with Him.

Just like starting a new exercise program, repeated practice creates confidence. The more we spend time with our Maker, the more faith we will have in His grand design. And we will begin to accept that we can’t know everything God knows, but we can trust Him anyway.


Accept the unknown.

Walking by faith means I must accept not getting answers to all my questions. In a world filled with sinners, including myself, bad things will happen. But we can find peace when we trust God’s sovereignty and ability to know everything. The Lord promises to make all things work to the good for those who believe and trust in Him. Instead of asking why, we can begin to question what? What do you want me to learn from this situation, Lord?   We don’t have to know all the whys because we know the One who does.

Trust God’s sovereignty.

Journaling Questions:

  1. What baffles you about God’s sovereignty?
  2. How can you become comfortable not knowing all the answers?
  3. What do you think the Lord’s teaching you today?


Lord, forgive me for questioning Your sovereignty. Instead of asking why, help me start asking what. Teach me Your ways; allow me to become comfortable living in the unknown, trusting Your knowledge. Thank You for guiding and directing us, loving us with every step we take. Help me become more like Christ as I follow You.  IJNIP. Amen

[i] Vines Expository Bible Notes: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+139%3A6&version=ESV

God Carries Us

Five-minute read.

You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.

Psalm 139:5

God carries us.

After praying for decades for someone to sit beside me in church, God brought Ron into my life. Nothing warms my heart more than when I feel his arm drape around my shoulders during service, pulling me into his shoulder for a reassuring hug. Whenever Ron wraps me in his arms, I praise the Lord for the gift of having someone hold me.

God always has His arm around our shoulders. You could say the Lord confines us. The original Hebrew word for “hem,” tsuwr, means “to cramp, i.e., confine (in many applications, literally and figuratively, formative or hostile) bind (up), fortify, [and my favorite] put up in bags.”[i]

Bags make me happy; the more pockets, the better. Of course, I also love totes with no pockets; bags of all types make me smile. Thinking of God putting me up in a bag, I picture the tote I bought a couple of weeks ago—black canvas, with a small logo on the front, no other markings. One small, dark, metal hoop wraps around the handle, another stitched into the top seam inside, places to hang keys and water bottles. One zippered pocket on the interior allows me to put small items.

Tote bags hold lots of items and give them room to move inside of it. Life inside God’s tote bag allows for our free will. Protected by the outside walls of the bag, the Lord’s arms carry us, even when we do not realize it—making sure to protect us from the world around us. Observing from above, the Lord knows what He allows into our lives. Nothing enters the Lord’s tote bag without His knowledge.

Now and then, our Protector allows things into our lives we may not want, but through them, we grow more like Jesus.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Trusting God through the storms we endure in life challenges anyone. Recently, an acquaintance passed away unexpectedly at the age of fifty-nine. Although I didn’t know the man well, his death rattled me. Pioneering tennis in our local area, the business owner positively impacted countless lives, yet the Lord called him home. Only a few years younger than him, the tennis coach’s sudden passing amid a vibrant life jarred me, a reminder of life’s fragility and God’s sovereignty. 

Why did God let that in my bag? Why does the Lord let any of life’s challenges into our bags: joblessness, financial insecurity, betrayal, tragedies, natural disasters, sudden losses, infidelity, the list goes on and on. If God cramps and confines us in His arms, putting us up in a bag that protects us, why does He let difficult things into our space?

Through life’s storms, God refines us into fine gems. If we didn’t go through the fire, we wouldn’t experience the refinement. We can trust the Lord has us in His bag, wrapped in His arms, confined and protected, not allowing us to endure alone but always with us.

Our Maker hems us in His arms, puts us up in a bag, and carries us. His reassuring gestures communicate unconditional love. All things work for the good of those who believe and trust in the Lord (Romans 8:28).


God carries us.

Next time you place your possessions into a bag, think of God carefully placing You in His tote. As you walk through your day, carrying the pouch with you, taking out and putting things into it, think about how the Lord does the same for us. Some things our Protector lets into our lives, other things He takes out of them. Whatever God does, we must trust He’s doing it for our good. We may not see the benefit of a situation, but we will eventually find it in our Creator’s presence.

In God, we can trust.

Journaling Questions:

  1. What comes to mind when you think of God bagging you up?
  2. How does knowing the Lord surrounds you build your faith?
  3. What things do you wonder why God let into your bag or took out of it?


Lord, thank You for surrounding and keeping us safe in Your arms. Forgive us for questioning why You allow certain things into our lives and take other stuff away. Please give us faith for the journey, guiding and directing our steps as we will enable You to lead us. IJNIP. Amen

[i] Strong, J., & Lindsay, G. (1975). Strong’s concordance: Bible dictionary ; study of the words of Jesus. P.T.L. Television Network.

Every Word

Five-minute read.

Before a word is on my tongue, you, Lord, know it completely.

Psalm 139:4

Every word.

Sometimes, I know what Ron will say before the words leave his lips, but most of the time, I don’t. To know someone’s words, we must understand what they think, and we don’t possess the power of telepathy. But God does, in His sovereignty, He knows our thoughts, and therefore, He knows the words that will come out of our mouths.

When I think of some of the words I’ve said, it embarrasses me. Times when gossip has left my lips, or I say curse words in anger make me blush. As I age, my words improve because I submit them to God. Learning to control my emotions and not succumb to temptation and share a juicy tidbit or let explicates come from my mouth comes with maturity. But, as always, I still have a way to go.

“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” Colossians 4:6

Understanding God knows my words before I speak them convicts me of what I say. Putting into practice Paul’s words to the Colossians means I must stop and think about what I want to say before I say it. The Lord always wants us to use gracious speech seasoned with salt. In Colossae, at the time of Paul’s letter, unbelievers charged Christ’s followers with misconduct, not unlike today. Because of the accusations, Paul urged believers to choose their words and actions carefully to avoid slander.

Every situation requires different words. When I coach a beginner tennis student, my language differs from teaching an experienced player. However, regardless of skill level, all students need assurance and encouragement. One rule of thumb I use when talking to anyone, student or otherwise, comes from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians:

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”  Ephesians 4:29

Simply asking myself, “Is this uplifting and encouraging?” before I let the words come from my mouth changes my language. Wanting to honor God with our lips means we must become intentional about what passes through them. And just as the Lord knows our thoughts, we must also know them. Often, we don’t realize the rabbit trails we follow with our minds, getting lost in our thoughts. Believing lies takes us places we don’t want to go; only with God’s help can we stay focused on the truth and keep our thoughts in line with the Lord.

Gracious speech, tinged with salt that uplifts and encourages the listener, comes from the Lord. We can change our words by aligning our thoughts with God. To bring our minds into agreement with the Creator, we must spend time with Him.  Praying, reading scripture, journaling, and connecting with other believers help us stay in tune with the Lord. The closer we walk with God, the more our thoughts and speech will align with Him.


Words matter.

Before we let anything slip from our lips, we must think about what we want to say. When teaching a tennis lesson, the student criticized himself after every mistake. Constantly berating himself, I stopped him midstream and said, “Become your own best friend.”

“What?” His look of surprise told me volumes. My student didn’t realize his negativity, so I spent the next few minutes giving him ways to change his thinking and become more optimistic about his game. Instead of focusing on mistakes, celebrate the victories, devise a game plan to improve weaknesses, and stop focusing only on the negative.

Gracious speech begins with gracious thinking. Aligning our thoughts with God helps us become more like Jesus, using only uplifting and encouraging words spoken with love and kindness.

Words give life if used properly.

Journaling Questions:

  1. How do your words impact those around you?
  2. In what ways can you improve your speech?
  3. How does understanding God knows your words before you say them make you feel?


Lord, forgive us for empty words that don’t give life to others. Please help us use our language wisely as we draw closer to You.  Help us become aware of our thoughts that lead to our words. Let our speech become uplifting and encouraging to all, giving life to the receiver and helping them draw closer to You.  IJNIP. Amen

Close Acquaintance

Five-minute read.

You are familiar with all my ways.

Psalm 139:3b

Close acquaintance.

Who knows you best in this world? My husband comes to mind for me. Although Ron knows nothing about me, he knows more than most. However, no one knows me as well as the Lord. God knows every hair on our heads:

But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.” Matthew 10:30

According to Healthline, humans have an average of 100,000 hair follicles.[i]  With 8.1 billion people on the planet, according to 2023 polls, that’s a lot of hair for the Lord to know. Yet He does. 

Cakan, the original Hebrew word for familiar in today’s verse, means to be familiar with; by implication, to minister to, be serviceable to, be customary.[ii]  Knowing us intimately, God knows our needs before we do. When my Mom landed in the hospital with an emergency Whipple procedure, removal of the spleen, part of her colon, and part of her pancreas, we found out she had pancreatic cancer. Praying fervently for the Lord to save her life, I discovered that God answered my prayer before I prayed. 

Ten years earlier, Mom had a blockage in her colon; surgery bypassed it by removing a small section of the organ. Cancer tends to grow towards scar tissue, which it did in my mother’s situation. Instead of the pancreatic cancer growing up through the midline of her body, around vital organs, it grew into the colon. As a result, the doctor removed the cancerous mass, adding years to my mother’s life and answering my prayer before I ever prayed it.

Knowing someone’s needs allows us to meet those needs. God uses His intimate knowledge of us to minister to our requirements, supplying us with our necessities at any time. Just like when I know someone has a need, I can meet it.

Because of my close acquaintance with my husband, I know his needs. When he has dirty laundry, I wash it. Because Ron cooks more than me, I clean the dishes and counters after he presents us with a meal. When his dad declined due to dementia, I found ways to support my husband as he took care of his father. Knowing Ron intimately gives me the privilege of serving him and meeting his needs when possible.

To help someone, we must know them. The Lord knows us better than anyone else and meets our needs. But we may not always agree with God’s decisions or how He meets our desires. Submitting to the Lord’s sovereignty means trusting Him, even when we don’t understand or agree.

Our Maker knows His creation. Familiar with us down to the hairs on our heads, God knows everything. When our hearts break, so does the Lord’s. When we celebrate, so does our Creator. Understanding our needs, God meets them long before we even know it. Not a breath taken happens without the Lord’s knowledge. Loving us unconditionally, nothing about us surprises God; we don’t need to hide anything from Him. The Lord already knows and loves us anyway.


God knows every hair on my head.

Because the Lord knows everything about me, I can let worry go. When something happens that I don’t understand, I can trust God does. Not only does the Creator know how many hairs I have, but He knows what He created me to do. Fulfilling my life purpose only happens when I submit to God and let Him lead me step by step where He wants me to go.

When war broke out in Israel, it canceled my mission trip to Egypt. Saddened by the events, I comforted myself in God’s sovereignty. Because nothing happens without His knowledge, I trusted the Lord’s plan for my life, and knowing that fact comforted me in my disappointment.

God knows my needs before I do, and He meets them.

Journaling Questions:

  1. How well do you think God knows you?
  2. In what ways does God show you His presence in your life?
  3. Knowing God knows the number of hairs on your head, how does that give you confidence in His sovereignty?


Lord, forgive me for doubting Your knowledge of me. Help me trust that You know every part of my being, meeting my needs before I have them. Please help me believe Your promises, relying on them daily. Let me become more like Jesus as I submit my life to You.  IJNIP. Amen

[i] https://www.healthline.com/health/how-many-hairs-on-a-human-head#:~:text=per%20square%20centimeter).-,Hair%20follicles,of%20hairs%20on%20your%20head.

[ii] Strong, J. (2012). Strong’s concordance. LENNEX Corp.