Good Pleasure

One-minute read.

God takes pleasure in giving us access to His kingdom. Not wanting any to perish, the Lord invites all people, through faith in His Son, but not everyone accepts. Choosing their path and going astray doesn’t take much effort. Even as a follower of Jesus, I can stray from the righteous path. Having the Shepherd in my life means when I do falter, the Lord helps me find my way again.

Moving forward into the unknown can evoke feelings of fear and anxiety. But our heavenly Father doesn’t want us to worry; He wants us to follow and trust in Him. Taking one step at a time, the Lord leads us on our path of purpose, helping us fulfill our mission in life before He calls us back home to Him.

Currently, in limbo, Ron and I await the closing date of our new home. God’s guidance has led us to make a significant life change, and we both feel excited but apprehensive about what will come. As we try to wait well, seeking the Lord’s peace that surpasses all understanding, we’ve begun packing, trusting God to work out any problems that might arise. The Lord doesn’t want us to fret; He wants us to trust, so we do, one day at a time.

The one-time decision to follow Jesus requires a daily commitment to seeking and finding His direction. As we pursue Him, God leads us to our destiny.


Thank You for gifting us Your kingdom through Jesus. Please help us follow closely, living boldly for Christ and trusting Your guidance one day at a time.

Behold Your King

One-minute read.

Jesus came as a messenger of peace, fulfilling Zechariah’s prophecy that the king of Isreal would appear in humility, without pomp and circumstance (Zech. 9:9). If the Lord had come any other way, we wouldn’t have recognized Him as God. The ordinary became extraordinary with Christ.

Referring to the city of Jerusalem, “daughter of Zion,” personifies it. As the people cried out “Hosanna,” the Hebrew expression for “Save now,” Jesus did precisely that, ending Passover week on the cross, then walking out of the tomb three days later, offering salvation for all who follow Him.

People who oppose Christ never find the peace He offers. Living for themselves, bitterness and hatred brew in their hearts as they ponder their plights. With no control over life, they flounder in the darkness, refusing to turn to the light. Only Jesus can save any of us from ourselves. Following His way means denying ours. Life with Christ means picking up our cross, following Him, and becoming more like the Savior as we leave our selfish ways behind.

The Prince of Peace came to save the world. All who come to Him will receive the gift He offers. Not by our might but the Lord’s.


Thank You for the peace You offer. Please help us accept and share it with all we meet. More of You, less of us, as we strive to follow and obey.

Take Heart

One-minute read.

Nothing gives me more comfort than today’s verse. I repeat the words often, and “take heart” has become my lifeline. Jesus overcame any troubles we will ever face. Suffering a brutal crucifixion, the Lord defeated death and gave us a way to overcome our sins.

Relying on Jesus’s promise gives us strength to persevere. We can keep going when the world crushes in on us, knowing the Cross gives us victory. Defeating death, life doesn’t end when we take our last breath but begins anew in the heavenly realm. Our address may change, but life continues.

Jesus never promised an easy life; He told us we would have problems. But the Savior gives us everything we need to overcome our tribulations. Fear has no place in our lives as we cling to the Lord and let Him lead the way. In Christ, we find victory. Walking out of the tomb, the Miracle Maker defeated our greatest challenge, showing us the way to glory when we place our faith in Him.

Today’s troubles won’t last long. I can’t even remember my problems from this day a year ago; they’ve already passed as I face the issues of this day. A year from now, I’ll face different tribulations, which too shall pass. Jesus overcame our mountains long ago. He wants us to take heart and lean into Him, allowing the Prince of Peace to guide and direct our lives through today’s challenges.


Thank You for overcoming our troubles and giving us a new way of life. Please help us cling to You, allowing Your peace to rule our lives. Let Your light shine brightly through us as we follow You.

Confidently Say

One-minute read.

Understanding our value in the Lord’s eyes helps us speak confidently. With God as our protector, what can man do to us? David, a valiant warrior, faced Goliath confidently because he knew the Lord battled with him (1 Samuel 17). Before every skirmish, the shepherd boy consulted God and didn’t move without his Protector.

Think about the last time you rushed into a situation without consulting the Lord. How did it go? Not well for me. When planning for 2025, I didn’t have any leadings from the Lord, so I made my plan. And God laughed. The Lord changed my trajectory two weeks into the new year and gave me an entirely different path.

Let the Lord help you in whatever you do. Turn to Him for guidance, wait for His leading, then follow God wherever He takes you. Start with the Lord, and you can speak confidently about what’s to come. No matter how the Almighty guides you, He will provide all your needs, protect you from your enemies, and grant you victory.


Thank You for helping us deal with life’s dilemmas. Please guide and direct our paths as we take steps of faith and follow You. Grant us victory over our enemies, as You did David. Let us speak confidently with You as our Helper.

Nor Be Troubled

One-minute read.

Often, when people don’t understand our actions, they result in persecution. Following Jesus calls us to live counterculturally, like a salmon swimming upstream. People’s defenses cause them to react in hurtful ways.

Soldier mentality, a term author Julia Galef uses to describe people’s thinking, summarizes it well. Instead of seeking truth, people defend their beliefs against what they see as threats. The truth of the gospel threatens non-believers’ perspectives, resulting in persecution.

Jesus experienced this when arrested and persecuted for His teachings. Dubbing Him “King of the Jews,” the people cried for His crucifixion. Beaten and bloodied, the Lord carried His cross and received the punishment He didn’t deserve, Christ forgave His persecutors for “they knew not what they did” (Luke 23:34). Even on the cross, Jesus didn’t show fear, nor let them trouble Him, trusting His Father.

Persecution comes when people don’t understand or want to know. Challenging their beliefs puts them on the defensive and results in poor actions. But by standing firm in the Lord, we will experience His blessing and salvation. Man can do nothing to us when we rely on God’s divine protection and trust His promises.

Stand firm on the Rock today. Have no fear; let nothing trouble you; instead, trust in the Lord’s promises and let Him guide you on the path of righteousness.


Thank You for giving us a firm foundation on which to stand. As we trust in You, let us face persecution with love and grace. Help us live fearlessly and trouble-free as we follow You.

Cheery Soul

One-minute read.

Divine vindication brings cheer to the heart. When God rescues us from ourselves or the actions of others, it lightens our souls and brings joy to us. Only the Lord understands the cares we have and how to console us in our despair.

Reading Genesis and the story of Jacob and Esau, I feel bad for the burly older brother when his twin steals his blessing from their father, Isaac. As the story continues and Jacob leaves because of his deceitful actions, the deceptive twin finds himself at the mercy of Laban, the father of Rachel, whom Jacob desperately loves.

The young man readily agrees when Laban promises Jacob, his daughter, in return for seven years of labor. But when the time comes to take Rachel as his wife, Laban deceives Jacob, giving him Leah, the older sister, instead. As a result, Jacob becomes the victim of deception, just like he did to Esau. What goes around comes around, and divine justice comes in mysterious but effective ways. Jacob learned a valuable lesson, which eventually helped restore his relationship with Esau, who forgave him.

God loves us all, and His divine justice brings joy to our hearts. He helps us overcome our sinful ways and become more like Christ. Understanding our souls, the Lord knows exactly what we need to bring cheer to our hearts.


Thank You for knowing our innermost beings and what we need to console our hurting hearts. Please help us give our pain and disappointment to You, allowing You to bring divine vindication and healing to our souls.

Greatly Delights

One-minute read.

Delighting in the Lord’s commandments gives me peace. Living by God’s principles relieves my pressure. I don’t have to rely on my limited knowledge because I trust in the Lord’s all-knowing sovereignty. The Creator has a 360-degree view of past, present, and future. He knows the ins and outs of every situation, whether we think so or not. And so, when the Lord gives us a command, we can trust it.

For instance, forgiving others frees us from the hurt and pain of the offense, helps us pray for the other party, and maintains peace in our hearts. When a close friend hurt me with her actions, I felt the pain and shed tears over the incident. But because of the Healer’s command to forgive, I began praying for her, which helped me forgive her and gain a new perspective on the situation. Instead of feeling angry, I felt empathy, and God showed me how I could serve and support my friend. The Prince of Peace restored my soul, and His commands greatly delighted me.

God never promised a rose garden, but He did commit to walking with us on life’s journey. We can live abundantly through the Lord and enjoy His blessings as we delight in our Father’s commandments.


Thank You for giving us a guidebook for life, filled with Your commandments, which we can delight in. Please help us obey quickly and receive the blessings of obedience.

Rests Satisfied

One-minute read.

Proverbs deal with simple truths that convey the consequences of right or wrong actions. Called an aphorism, the memorable expressions typically get passed down by tradition from generation to generation. Many sayings today, such as pride goeth before a fall, come directly from the Bible.

Fear of the Lord means reverential respect for our heavenly Father, which motivates obedience and thus gives us safety and contentment. For example, in my twenties, I had a distorted view of sex and relationships, which brought me much heartache.

Tired of living in the pit, I turned to the Lord and followed His plan, which required abstinence. I found safety and contentment, no longer getting involved in unhealthy relationships, and developed a respect for God and myself as I began to understand His love for me in a new way, valuing myself as the Lord does.

God doesn’t give us commands to make life boring, but so we can have it to the fullest. Following the direction found in scripture helps us have healthy relationships, robust finances, and fruitful living as we submit to the Lord’s will.

Proverbs leads us on the path of righteousness as we fear the Lord and discover rest in Him. God does the heavy lifting as we submit and follow Him.



Thank You for Your word, which gives us direction. Please help us obey the wisdom in the scriptures, giving You the most profound respect. Bless our efforts as we follow You.


Thus Says the Lord

One-minute read.

Jacob means “follower, replacer, one who follows at the heal.”1 And Jeshurun means “upright.”2 God affirms the Israelites through the prophet Isaiah: Even though they are sinful, redemption comes through the Lord.

Made in God’s image, we don’t possess His perfection. Humanity comes with flesh that desires things not of the Lord. Why the Creator made us this way, I don’t completely understand. Without choice, we can’t love, grow or mature. Learning from past mistakes creates unforgettable lessons that push us forward and help us become more like Jesus.

Way Maker, the Lord rains down blessings upon us that provide direction, give hope, and propel us along the journey. When we stand before the Red Sea, God parts it for us. Nothing we do can save us; Jesus, our salvation, sent from above to guide us on the path of righteousness, leads the way.

Forming us in our mother’s womb, the Lord created us with purpose. Living our lives for Him, following closely at the Savior’s heels, shines light into the dark world. Like moths to a flame, Christ’s Spirit draws people to us, curious at our choices in the face of adversity, mystified by our peace that surpasses all understanding and confounded over our confidence in what we can’t see.

Trust the Maker’s promise to help you. Lean into Him today for strength and support. Follow closely at Jesus’s heels, mimicking His actions. Allow Your light to shine brightly as you change the world, one act of love at a time.


Thank You for forming us in our mother’s womb and creating us for a purpose only we can fulfill. Please guide our steps, strengthen our spirit, and let us fulfill the purpose You have for us.

  1. NIV Exhaustive Concordance Dictionary Copyright © 2015 by Zondervan. ↩︎
  2. NIV Exhaustive Concordance Dictionary Copyright © 2015 by Zondervan. ↩︎

Surrounds Us

One-minute read.

Placing our trust in Jesus gives us divine protection. I envision myself sitting beside a campfire, the Lord’s angels surrounding me, their wings protecting me from the evil lurking in the woods behind them. My love of camping and knowledge of the existing perils gives me the vision.

Collier-Seminole State Park, on the west coast of Florida, at the tip of the Everglades, has abundant wildlife. Upon entering the campground, signs warn of predators: bears, panthers, and alligators. Thick foliage surrounds the campsites, and bugs swarm as the night descends. In the murky night air, my imagination can go wild, and fear can grip me.

But then I think of the Lord’s presence surrounding me, His angels protecting me, and I place my trust in Him, not my imagination. Whatever scares us, God has the solution. The Lord protects His children. Seeking God’s will and obeying His commands gives us divine security, allowing us to live fearlessly for Him.


Thank You for surrounding us with Your angels and protecting us from the things that go bump in the night. Please help us live fearlessly for You, boldly following Your lead.