Holy Work

One-minute read.

Holy Work

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

Proverbs 16:3

Commit means “roll” in today’s verse. God wants us to roll our burdens onto Him, depending on His assistance to accomplish our tasks. Our work becomes holy when we commit our jobs to the Lord and let Him help us. Not everything we put on our calendar pleases the Lord, but when we roll our burdens onto Him, God weeds out the things we shouldn’t do and prioritizes divine tasks.

For years, I have written Proverbs 16:3 in my journal at the beginning of the week, usually on Sunday mornings, and then I pray over everything I have on my calendar for the next seven days. Lunch meetings, tennis classes, writing agendas, exercise classes, prayer meetings, trips, whatever I have scheduled gets prayed over and rolled onto the Lord. As the week unfolds, some things drop off my calendar, and others get added. Having prayed over my agenda, I know the Lord leads the way, and I trust when unexpected changes take me places I didn’t have on my calendar.

Roll your burdens onto the Lord. Talk about your calendar with Him.  Ask God to help you prioritize your time and talents; He will help you make the most of your days. Trusting God with your work will help you accomplish the divine tasks He has for you. Living for Christ will give you a pep in your step and an attitude of gratitude for the work He gives you to do.


God establishes our plans.


Lord, thank You for establishing our plans and helping us make the most of our time. As we roll our burdens onto You, help us complete our tasks, trusting Your guidance. Let our work become holy as we commit it to You, letting You turn the mundane into the divine. 


Good Plans

One-minute read.

Good Plans

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11

Jeremiah, speaking to the exiles, encourages them with today’s promise. Despite their circumstances, the Lord has good plans for the Israelites that give them hope and a future. Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, reiterates the promise for those who place their faith in Jesus:

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” Phil. 1:6

Bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people. Why, we don’t know. But we can trust God’s promise of hope and a future. Often, what we judge as bad turns out good. When I lost my job, it devastated me, but if that event hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t have started on my current journey, living my God-given dream of becoming a writer. The Lord had to get me into a position that forced me to do something different; my loss preceded my gain.

Each day, eternity unfolds. Following Jesus, we mustn’t judge the circumstances around us too quickly because He hasn’t finished the story. No matter what we experience in this world, our heavenly home awaits us, far better than anything we can imagine. God promises a future filled with hope, and He will deliver.


God has good plans for you.


Lord, thank You for giving us hope for the future. As we face today’s challenges, let us take heart in Your promise, knowing that You have good plans for us and our welfare, not evil. Help us persevere in the hope of things yet to come, knowing that in all things, You work them to the good of those who trust and believe.


Strength for the Journey

One-minute read.

Strength for the Journey

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

With a majestic view from above, those who wait on the Lord will receive the strength of eagles, mounting up on wings and soaring effortlessly through the sky, able to continue the journey without becoming weary. God supports our efforts and gives us the energy to complete our mission. The Lord can hold up the stars and provide strength for our tired bones. In Him, we have all we need.

My bones feel weary as I battle a head cold. Each morning, I wake, hoping the pressure in my head will decrease and my dry cough will disappear. Little by little, my body’s miraculous healing powers help the cough subside. God’s presence at times like these comforts me. I can hear my heavenly Father saying, “Rest.” 

Finding strength in the Lord helps me move forward despite my situation. Knowing my strength comes from my Maker, I trust His diagnosis. Resting my weary bones, I trust the Lord to provide all I need for the journey ahead as I wait for my health to improve.

God provides the strength we need to fight whatever battle we face. Waiting on the Lord’s direction gives us the power to soar through the skies like a mighty eagle, effortlessly continuing our journey. Sometimes, we must rest before we take flight. Other times, we’ll mount up with wings and soar. Either way, the Lord guides us on our journey.


God provides our strength.


Lord, thank You for strengthening our journey, letting us mount up like eagles, and gain a majestic view of the path ahead. Help us trust in Your provision, lay our weariness at Your feet, and accept divine assistance on our journey. In You, we have all we need.


Sufficient Grace

One-minute read.

Sufficient Grace

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

God’s divine reply to Paul’s thorn in his side surprised the apostle. Instead of removing the thorn, the Lord told Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you.”  Accepting God’s answer, Paul boasted of his weakness because he gained the Lord’s strength through it. Would Paul depend on God as vehemently if he didn’t have the thorn? Probably not.

As a person who had two blood clots, I consider it a thorn in my side. On blood thinners for the rest of my life, I must constantly monitor what I eat and do so it doesn’t interact with my medication. As a result of my thorn, my relationship with Christ has deepened. I talk to God more, seek His direction in ways I never have, and rely on His grace to strengthen my weakness. I now understand what Paul meant when he said he would boast in his weakness more than I ever have.

We all have things in our life we wish we didn’t have. Thorns that cause weakness make us rely on God’s strength. Drawing closer to the Lord, we will experience sufficient grace for our trials. As Paul did, we can become content in our sufferings, knowing they glorify God. Boasting in our weaknesses illuminates the power of Jesus in our lives, our weaknesses made perfect in the Lord’s grace.


God gives us sufficient grace for our weaknesses.


Lord, thank You for Your sufficient grace. As we accept the thorns in our flesh, help us relish in Your strength. Let us accept our weaknesses as an opportunity to glorify Your strength in us. Help us find contentment in the storm as we trust You, knowing You will give us the grace we need to survive


Rest for the Weary

One-minute read.

Rest for the Weary

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:28-29

After teaching four hours of tennis lessons, my entire body hurts. Coming home, taking off my tennis shoes, and putting my feet up brings relief. My weary bones welcome the soft cushions of the recliner as I rest. God wants us to live in His rest, not carrying our burdens alone. Putting on His yoke, we can relax and let our souls rest in the Lord.

To put on God’s yoke, we must develop a daily discipline of seeking Him. We can’t find His rest if we don’t spend time with Jesus. Establishing a routine helps us wear the Lord’s yoke. Each morning, spending time in the scriptures, allowing God to search our hearts, and laying our burdens at His feet will enable us to put on His yoke, receiving rest for our weary souls.

Like putting up our feet after a hard day’s work, we can let go of the day’s stresses, trusting God will take care of them. Tired souls need the Lord’s rest to persevere on the journey. Renewing our strength by trusting in God’s promises will spur us onward to victory. But our weary souls won’t find rest if we don’t seek the Lord, choosing to put on His yoke.

Make the choice today to put on God’s yoke, trust His promises, and find rest for your weary soul.


God will give you rest if you put on His yoke.


Lord, thank You for giving us rest for our weary souls. Help us put on Your yoke as we seek You, laying our burdens at Your feet. Renew our spirits, give rest to our souls, and help us move forward on the journey, refreshed and energized. Let us learn the lessons You have for us and apply them to our lives, continuing to grow into a new creation. IJNIP. Amen

Established Steps

One-minute read.

Established Steps

The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way;  though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand.

Psalm 37:23-24

Nothing touches my heart when sitting on the beach, watching families play around me, like seeing a dad holding his toddler’s hand, introducing him to the ocean. With wobbly steps, the child teeters towards the massive waves, not concerned as he clings to his father’s hand.

We can confidently walk toward the oncoming waves of life, knowing the Lord guides our steps, holds our hand, and walks with us. Nothing we encounter in life will surprise God. Bad things will happen, the Lord allows them into our lives, but we don’t face them alone.

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4

When you feel knocked down by one of life’s waves, think of God holding your hand, helping you find your footing again. Shifting sands may make your path wobbly, but our Father’s hand will help you walk confidently forward, finding joy in the journey as you trust Him.  God establishes your steps. Though the waves continue to batter the shore, the Lord will help you to stand firm when you cling to Him.


God establishes our steps and holds our hand.


Lord, thank You for establishing our footsteps and holding our hands as we face the waves of life. Please help us remember Your presence when life presses in on us, facing the storms with confidence, knowing You walk with us. Help us overcome life challenges, relying on Your presence to guide us to victory. IJNIP. Amen

Overcome the World

One-minute read.

I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

Overcome the World

Jesus proclaimed victory over the world, wanting His disciples to experience peace. Knowing the events to come, His followers would scatter as Jesus endured the agony of the cross; Christ wanted the disciples to understand that despite the momentary appearance, He would ultimately gain victory on the third day. 

 “His disciples said, “Ah, now you are speaking plainly and not using figurative speech! Now we know that you know all things and do not need anyone to question you; this is why we believe that you came from God.” John 16:29-30

Our peace comes from Jesus, just as it did for the disciples.  Accepting Christ into our hearts means the Holy Spirit lives within us, never leaving us alone, guiding and directing our path, helping us become the people God intended.  As God’s Son, Jesus knows all, one with His Father.  Joining with Him on the journey draws us into an intimate relationship with our heavenly Father, allowing us to share Christ’s victory.

When life presses in on you, as it will, remember Jesus’s words, take heart, knowing that He overcame the world and shared His victory with us.  Look at the mountain before you and introduce it to Jesus, who will help you move it.


We have peace because of Jesus, who overcame the world.


Lord, thank You for Jesus and the victory He gives us.  Let peace transcend our lives as we trust in You. When tribulations come our way, help us remember Christ’s words, take heart in them, and trust His promise.  Allow us to live peacefully despite our outer circumstances.  IJNIP. Amen

Not Leave

One-minute read.

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

Deuteronomy 31:8

Not Leave

In speaking to Joshua, Moses repeats what he told the Israelites: God goes before them, never leaving or forsaking them. The Lord’s promise stands true for us as well. Everywhere we go, God goes first. Even though we may feel alone, the Almighty never leaves us. God’s presence accompanies us at the bottom of the pit, on top of the mountain, and in the routine activities of our daily lives.

“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

Jesus reiterated Moses’ message to Joshua and the people when He gave the disciples the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all the nations. Wherever God guides, He provides. The Lord calls us into uncomfortable situations and gives us the tools to deal with them. Because the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts, we can access divine power 24/7.

Often, we forget to ask. Caught up in the moment’s emotions, we forget God’s presence with us and do not tap into the resources He offers: strength, peace, wisdom, and discernment. Instead, we look at the mountain from our limited perspective and feel overwhelmed. But like with the Israelites, the Lord prepares the way before us. Then He walks with us on the journey, never leaving nor forsaking us. 

God journeys with you always until the end of the age. You can trust in Him.


The Lord never leaves you. Where you go, He goes, too.


God, thank You for Your presence, which never leaves us. When we feel alone, let the Holy Spirit prompt us from within our hearts, reminding us of Your constant presence in our lives. Help us remember Your promise to stay with us until the end of the age. IJNIP. Amen

Perfect Peace

One-minute read.

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

Isaiah 26:3

 Promise: Perfect Peace

Centered minds find perfect peace. As an avid golfer, the Masters tournament held every April captures the golfing world as elite athletes gather to compete at the top level of the game in the prestigious event. 2024’s winner, Scottie Scheffler, keeps his mind and priorities on God. Expecting his first child with his wife, Meredith, he made it clear throughout the tournament that if she went into labor, he would leave, no matter the standings. After winning, Scottie glorified God with his title:

“I’ve been given a gift of this talent, and I use it for God’s glory. That’s pretty much it…I compete to the best of my ability. I really want to win. I feel like that’s how I was designed…And I get to come out here and compete, enjoy it. At the end of the day, win or lose, my identity is secure.”

Scottie Scheffler, Masters 2024 Champion[1]

Staying in perfect peace requires focus on God. No matter what challenge you face or where God calls you, keeping your priorities straight and your mind focused on the Lord will help you maintain calm. Secure in his identity, Scottie trusts God’s sovereignty in the outcome of the tournament and his life.

Knowing your Maker and trusting His promises will help you keep your mind centered on Him, giving you the Lord’s perfect peace that surpasses all understanding.


Knowing your identity helps you stay centered on God and live in His peace.


Lord, thank You for giving us Your perfect peace. As our minds wander and the enemy attacks, help us stay centered on you. Remind us of our place in Your heart and our identity in Christ. Let nothing steer us away from You.  IJNIP. Amen

[1] https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ugbElRexbxg

Fear Not

One-minute read.

Promise: Fear Not

God holds us in His hand, strengthening and helping us through our trials. We need not fear because the Lord never leaves us. Taking steps of faith can seem daunting, but the Creator doesn’t act until we take a step. Overcoming our anxieties only happens when we move forward despite our fears.

Don’t let anxiety make your decisions for you.  If we feed our fears, they will grow.  But if we feed our faith, our fears will diminish as our confidence in God blossoms.  Doing things scared defines bravery.  Facing our giants requires a decision to move forward despite the possible outcomes.  Trusting the Lord for victory means we do what we know to do and count on God to do the rest.

After suffering two blood clots, I have a fear of developing another one.  On blood thinners, I must maintain a therapeutic level.  On a recent trip, I dropped below the recommended level, and when my leg swelled, I panicked.  Doing what I knew to do meant calling the doctor, going for a bike ride to increase circulation, and then elevating my leg.  The rest I trusted to the Lord, knowing He knew the inner workings of my body. 

Faith overcame my fear.


Overcome fear with steps of faith, trusting God’s promise to strengthen and help you as He holds you in His hand.


Lord, thank You for strengthening and helping us face our giants. As we take steps of faith, diminish our fear, moving forward boldly, knowing You have our backs. Show us what we can do, then do what only You can do.  In all things, honor and glory go to You.   Remove our fear and replace it with unwavering faith.  IJNIP. Amen