One-minute read.

Like the Israelites wandering in the desert, God doesn’t want us to worry about tomorrow. The Lord gave them daily manna. He didn’t give the Israelites supplies to carry for the entire journey, wanting them to trust Him for their daily needs.
God gave His people enough food for the day, and the next morning, more bread appeared. The Lord’s daily manna stained the Israelites for the journey until they arrived in the promised land.
As we travel through this life to the promised land, the Lord doesn’t want us to worry about tomorrow’s needs. Instead, God wants us to trust Him for our daily requirements. When Jesus taught the disciples how to pray, He instructed them to ask the Lord for “daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). The Almighty only wants us to think about today, trusting His provision as we face the day’s challenges. Wherever God guides, He provides. He did it for the Israelites; the Lord will do it for us.
When God brings us to the Red Sea, He knows how He will part it. Let the Lord lead, enjoying the journey as He takes care of the trip.
Thank You for handling today’s problems. Please help us trust You more as anxiety tries to steal our joy. Keep our eyes focused on You, knowing You will part the Red Sea for us and show us the way.