One-minute read.

To an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you.
1 Peter 1:4
Imperishable inheritance comes from the living hope we have in Christ’s resurrection. Born again into God’s family by faith in Jesus, nothing can break the connection or take the gift from us. The Lord’s Spirit takes up residency in us when we give our lives to Him, never leaving nor forsaking us, with us wherever we go. Peace on Earth comes from the Holy Spirit that guides and directs our path when we live for God. Our inheritance awaits us in heaven.
A pastor friend of ours slipped into the arms of Jesus a few days ago. After battling bile duct cancer, the Lord called Patrick home quietly during the night. Social media posts about his impact on people’s lives because of his faith flood my newsfeed. Pictures of his smiling face, microphone in hand, sharing the gospel with audiences worldwide, our friend served the Lord well. God’s Spirit exuded from Patrick in everything he did. Now, he resides in the promised land, experiencing overwhelming love and receiving the imperishable inheritance he lived for here on Earth.
Once saved, always saved. New birth in Christ brings salvation to our lives, giving us a living hope and imperishable inheritance that awaits us when our journey on Earth ends. One day, the Lord will call us home, and we will receive the glorious riches that await us. But until then, we can live joyfully, knowing we have a secure future in Jesus.
An imperishable inheritance awaits us in heaven.
Lord, thank You for saving us through Jesus, welcoming us into Your family, and creating an unbreakable bond. Please help us share the good news with others as we strive to love them to the best of our ability. Let us represent You well, drawing others into the family.