One-minute read.

Listening to and applying God’s word helps us live without regret. Isaiah tells people to listen to him if they want to enjoy righteous lives. Following the law shows people the narrow path to abundant life. Unfortunately, we cannot follow the commandments perfectly, so Jesus came to reconcile us to our heavenly Father.
But we can try. And when we do, people won’t like it. Instead of caring what others think, we put the Lord’s desires ahead of the world, which leads to counter-cultural words and actions. Jesus started a revolution because He went against the norm; living for Him can accomplish the same thing today.
Many men and women have started movements because of their faith in Jesus. Billy Graham’s crusades enlarged the Lord’s kingdom. Martin Luther King Jr. changed a nation with his message of peace and love. Mother Teresa’s impact on the world resulted from her devotion to the Savior. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things for God.
Listen to the Savior, change the world by following Jesus and doing what He did. You don’t have to travel halfway around the planet to impact people’s lives; start with those around you, loving them for the Savior and introducing them to Christ, who can transform an ordinary life into an extraordinary one.
Thank You for helping us live righteous lives as we follow Your commands. Please strengthen us for the journey and help us turn the world upside down with Your love.