One-minute read.

Eliphaz, a friend of Job who lost his family, health, and money, gives a long lecture explaining why God’s servant has endured such hardship. In Eliphaz’s opinion, Job’s sin caused heartache, and the Lord punished the non-Israelite for his actions. As a resident of the Land of Uz, scholars believe Job doesn’t come from one of the twelve tribes.
People want to explain what they don’t understand, especially in the face of tragedy. Asking “Why?” doesn’t dispel the pain. And even when we know the why, it still doesn’t remove the heartache. Only God can comfort us in our darkest valleys, and He does. We will all experience devastating days, but we can trust the Lord’s divine protection to get us through them.
Job waited on the Lord for 37 chapters before God spoke to him. The three friends show us what not to do when we comfort those in distress. Instead of trying to explain what we don’t know, the best course of action comes from presence. Sitting with someone amid grief, not speaking, but showing up for them, listening, and comforting them with your presence goes much further than any words you speak.
Thank You for the examples of what not to do when comforting a friend. Please help us use our words wisely, showing up for people in need and letting them do the talking.