One-minute read.

We must face our enemies, but we don’t do it alone; God goes with us. Whether dealing with sabotage at work, gossip at church, or an antagonistic acquaintance, we can find strength in the Lord’s presence when under persecution.
Matthew Emmons, in the 2004 Olympics, competed in sharpshooting. By the last round, he had the gold medal in his pocket, and if the bullet hit the target, he would go home as a medalist. Lining up his gun, he had the target in sight, pulling the trigger confidently. But he had one problem: he had his eye on the wrong target. Missing his mark, Emmons lost his chance at a medal because he lost focus.
When we take our eyes off Jesus, we will miss the mark and experience defeat. But keeping our eyes on the Savior will lead us to victory over our enemies as we put God’s word into practice in our lives. Keeping the Son in your eyes means you never face your enemies alone but have the strength of the Creator backing you up.
Thank You for never leaving or forsaking us. Please help us keep our eyes on You and not sway left or right. Give us the courage to face our enemies and find victory through Christ.