One-minute read.

No rain came in late fall and early winter, and the land didn’t receive the nourishment needed to prepare it for planting. As a result of the drought, a non-Jewish woman faced starvation, with only enough flour and oil left to make a small loaf before they starved to death. God sent Elijah to her, and the prophet asked her to make him a cake before taking care of her needs.
“For thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘The jar of flour shall not be spent, and the jug of oil shall not be empty, until the day that the Lord sends rain upon the earth.’”
1 Kings 17:14
The widow did as Elijah asked without hesitation, and her flour and oil miraculously stayed filled. In God’s upside economy, doing the opposite of the world yields divine results. In need of food, instead of hoarding the last bit she had, the widow gave it away and received an endless supply of food.
Trusting the Lord means living counterculturally, giving freely to God, and trusting His provision. Our Provider multiplies our gifts. When Jesus fed the thousands, He offered the fish and loaves to His Father, who miraculously fed them all with multiple baskets left over. Twice we see Christ do this, like the widow, the supply never runs out.
What do you need today? Offer what you have of it and see what the Lord does. He’ll create a way where you can’t see one and miraculously provide your needs.
Thank You for supplying all our needs out of Your glorious riches. As we come to You today with our needs, help us lay them at the Cross. Multiply our efforts as we trust in You. Let Your divine provision reign in our lives.