One-minute read.

Moses encourages the nation of Israel to remember God’s past victories. They witnessed the plagues that the Lord reigned down on Egypt, which caused Pharoah to release them. The Israelites stood before the Red Sea, watching it part, and walked through on dry land. For forty years, the people ate bread from heaven, fresh every morning, enough to sustain them on their journey.
And now, as the Israelites face the promised land, they fear the Canaanites who currently possess it. Moses tells the community that God will handle the enemy like He handled Pharoah and the Egyptians. Reminding the Israelites of God’s presence helped calm their fears.
The Israelites did drive out the Canaanites, little by little, taking possession of the land. Relying on God, they kept moving forward. We can do the same, one step at a time; we can trust the Savior to clear our paths and provide a way to reach our destination. Instead of letting fear paralyze you, list how God’s shown up for you in the past. Remind yourself of the Lord’s work in your life, and trust that if He did it once, He will do it again.
Thank You for caring for us and leading us to the promised land. Please remind us of Your works and help us trust You for the future.