Remember the Lord

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One-minute read.

Reverential fear of the Lord and a deep respect for His sovereignty should guide our lives. We have nothing else to fear. Only God has power over life and death; we have everything we need in Him. Keeping Him at the forefront of our thoughts will help us fight for our loved ones and continually do the right thing.

Nehemiah lived with the Lord as his leader. Because of his unwavering faith, the cupbearer to the king helped rebuild Jerusalem’s walls. Paving the way with prayer, Nehemiah gained permission from the king to spend 52 days restoring the wall and repopulating the city. Standing beside his fellow Jews, the people had weapons in one hand and tools in the other, on guard for the enemy’s attacks while building the wall of protection.

We don’t know what the Lord will ask us to do in life, but we can fulfill our purpose without fear, knowing that when we follow God, He will protect us from the enemy. Pray for the people in your life, talk to the Creator about them, and ask for guidance and direction. Lean into the Lord, and He will direct your paths, providing everything you need for the journey.


Thank You for reminding us of Your power. Please help us keep our eyes on You, trusting Your guidance and relying on Your provision to accomplish our mission. Take us where You want us to go; lead us to our destiny.

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