One-minute read.

Rarely does God find anyone wholly obedient and devoted to Him. Humanity gets in the way of our faith. Impatience, selfishness, and wrong thinking cause us to stray from the Lord’s commands and rebel against Him. The Israelites had barely begun their journey into the promised land, and they started rebelling, whaling that God should have left them in Egypt.
The minute things get complicated, people complain. How often do we rebel against God’s actions simply because He doesn’t do them the way we think He should? We forget our place and who Created us. Basing our judgment on our limited perspective, we can’t see the entire picture, even though we think we do.
The Israelites, about to enter the Promised Land, fear what will happen to them when they try to possess it. Forgetting all the miracles God did for them, they see only imminent danger instead of divine guidance. God forgives them, but only Caleb receives the inheritance of the land because he wholeheartedly followed the Lord, not doubting Him when things didn’t make sense.
Don’t let your limited perspective and fear of the unknown keep you from receiving the Lord’s blessing. Trust in the Maker and let Him guide you to the promised land, defeating the enemy and giving you divine victory.
Thank You for loving us despite our flaws. Please forgive our rebellious nature and help us focus on Your divine leading. Let us experience the blessing You have for us as we trust You in all things.