Greatly Loved

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One-minute read.

Daniel receives a divine message from an angelic messenger. Overcome with emotion, the Lord’s servant finds strength from God’s encouragement, ready to receive instruction and direction from above. Once we understand the depths of our Creator’s love for us, giving our lives to Him becomes a natural response to His affection.

We all share a common desire: to love and be loved. Having someone fully accept us, warts and all, fulfills a basic human need. We have that in the Lord. Not only does He greatly love us, but God created us out of His intense love for us.

The Almighty greatly loves you—so much so that God sent Jesus, in human form, to die for you on the cross, defeating death and establishing an eternal connection to the Lord.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16

If no one else existed on the Earth, Jesus would still have died for you. God goes after the one, leaving the 99. When someone places their faith in the Savior, the heavens rejoice.

God greatly loves you. Accept that truth today, ponder it, and let it fill your soul with peace.


Thank You for Your great love for us, which gives us an eternal connection to You no one can break. Please help us receive and accept Your love, allowing it to strengthen and encourage us.

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