One-minute read.

Following God makes life easier. God has already decided most of the decisions we must make. Tell the truth, don’t steal, cheat, or covet. Worship the Lord, take Sundays off, and prioritize your relationships. Don’t spend more than you make, pay off your debts, work as if to God, and on and on the list goes.
Reverential fear of the Creator motivates us to obey His commands, which leads to a fountain of life and victory over sin and death. Because of a deep respect for the Savior, we trust His promises that come to fruition in our obedience. Not only does God promise eternal life and victory over death, but He gives us the peace that surpasses all understanding, fruitful lives that produce much, and strength to face whatever comes our way.
Living waters flow from the Savior, His light shining brightly for all to see. Ever moving and changing, the adventure begins when we take our first step of faith, which never ends and always propels us forward. Vibrant, energizing, and invigorating, life with Jesus never gets old, only getting better and better with each day. Abundant life through Christ comes when we trust the Savior.
Thank You for giving us living water through Christ, strengthening and empowering us to live boldly for Him. Please help us obey Your commands and make the right decisions based on Your word.