One-minute read.

At the precise time Jesus entered the world in human form, the angels made a bold proclamation:
“Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people.”
Christ didn’t discriminate, entering the world for everyone regardless of skin color. My Mom had a saying I loved, “When you turn people inside out, we all look the same.” Amen to that, Madre!
God judges by our hearts, knowing our innermost thoughts and feelings. Our intentions matter more than the outcome. If we strive to serve the Creator, obey His commands, and apply them to our lives, the Lord blesses our efforts.
Jesus invites everyone into a relationship with Him. One decision changes the trajectory of our lives, giving us hope and helping us find our purpose. Accepting the Lord’s gift frees us from our past, allowing us to try repeatedly; His mercy never ends.
Live fear-free by trusting the Savior. Receive the Lord’s gift of salvation and experience freedom like never before. In Him, we have all we need.
Thank You for sending Jesus to connect us with You. Please help us accept His gift and share it with others. Let us become more like the Savior with every passing day.