One-minute read.

Mercy Me’s song, “I Can Only Imagine,”1 comes to mind when I read today’s verse. As the lyrics unfold, the musician wonders what will happen when he enters heaven and sees Jesus for the first time. Based on John’s vision, we’ll fall to our knees in awe, experiencing the Lord’s presence in a way we can’t even begin to imagine.
First and Last, Christ’s eternal presence in our lives culminates when He calls us home. John experienced this vision while exiled on the island of Patmos, the only disciple to live to old age and die of natural causes. Like prophets before him, the apostle felt fear and trembling in the presence of the Almighty, needing Christ’s reassurance to soothe him.
One day, we will experience John’s vision for ourselves. The Eternal One will greet us when we enter heaven, and the glory of the Lord will unfold before us. Living for the hope of eternity gives us the strength to persevere and release our fear. God’s will comes to fruition; nothing man can do will stop it.
The Living One, Christ, never changes; He alone can do everything. Linking His divine qualities to the Lord’s earthly existence, Jesus’s life revolves around the Cross and Resurrection, atonement for our sins, and connection with Him forever.
Thank You for giving Your life for ours, allowing us entrance into Your kingdom, and the ability to fall at Your feet in worship. Please help us live in the light of eternity, fearing not but walking boldly with You.