One-minute read.

In sixth grade, Mr. Morgan taught us. Tall, with jet-black curly hair and a mustache, he had a deep voice and a hefty laugh. His mere presence demanded respect from my childish perspective. Always quick with a smile, I tested his patience one day, clowning around in class, not realizing I pushed the boundaries too far and received punishment. Five decades later, I still remember that moment. I never did it again, gaining wisdom from the event.
God loves us so dearly that He sent His Son to die on the cross for us. But we can still experience the Lord’s wrath if we don’t respect His authority. Just like Mr. Morgan had limits, so does God. The scriptures tell of the Creator’s commands and what happens when we don’t obey them. People often blame God when bad things happen, but their choices lead to unwanted consequences.
When we follow the Lord’s commands, we receive His blessing. Proper respect for the Savior will motivate us to obey Him. But when we act in the ways of the world, we’ll receive the consequences that come with those decisions.
Like I learned to respect Mr. Morgan’s ways, we must respect God’s even more. By fearing the Lord, we will discover abundant life as we pursue Him wholeheartedly, wisely following His commands rather than our selfish desires.
Thank You for Your word, which directs us on how to live. Please give us the wisdom and discernment to obey Your commandments and not follow our selfish desires.