One-minute read.

Meditating on God’s word, repeating it to yourself, and memorizing it all help you remember the Lord’s constant presence. Favorite passages become keys to life when unexpected crises develop. Relying on the truth of the Lord’s promises will help you remain strong and courageous in the face of adversity, not frightened or dismayed.
Praying over my verse of the year for 2025, Psalm 23:1 immediately came to mind:
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”
“That can’t be it,” I thought. But then, the more I prayed, the more it sank into my spirit, and the more I knew my word for the year: want. In the original Hebrew, “haser” means to cause to lack, withhold.[1] God will provide all my needs; I will lack nothing. The Lord wants me to work on relying on Him more and on myself less in 2025. Meditating on these nine words will help me remember God’s promise.
And I do need reminding that God never leaves nor forsakes me. When life happens, I must put myself in the backseat and let the Savior take the lead, but often I don’t. Only when chaos erupts do I remember to seek the Lord. He always answers, but how much better would things go if I called on Him first, not last?
God commands us to “be strong and courageous.” We must rely on Him to guide our paths, not ourselves. Remembering the Lord’s presence helps us to live boldly for Christ, knowing He never leaves our side.
Thank You for Your never-ending presence in our lives. Give us verses to meditate on that will draw us closer to You and remind us of Your presence.