One-minute read.

Nothing people can do compares to what the Lord can do. Fearing God means having a healthy respect for His sovereignty. The Creator can and will do whatever He wants. People who deny His existence and turn their back on God’s presence will experience the consequences. Having just finished a study of Revelation, those who choose to separate themselves from their Maker have a bleak future ahead.
Humility leads to a relationship with the Savior. One must admit they don’t know everything or have all the answers to life’s difficult questions. Pride keeps us from submitting our will to the Lord. Wanting to do everything in our way and time, waiting for God’s guidance puts a crick in things. But we must bow to the Lord’s authority to receive the blessings He offers.
My heart aches for those who don’t fear God and give Him the proper respect He deserves. Not only do they miss out on the Lord’s blessings in this world, but they miss the glory that awaits them in the next. Put God first in Your life, submit to Him, and receive abundant life, now and to come. Don’t fear people; fear life without the Savior. The enemy wants you to believe you don’t need God or that He exists; don’t fall for his lies.
Give the Lord the rightful place in your life, above all others, worship Him. Allow Jesus to direct Your paths, following Him closely to your eternal home.
Thank You for sending Jesus to save us. Please help us keep our priorities straight, with Him leading our lives. Give eyes to see and ears to hear to those who believe the devil’s lies. Let them come to You and find the saving grace offered.