One-minute read.

David credits the Lord with rescuing him from the Philistines at Gath. The warrior wants others to know what God did for him so they can also seek divine strength. As we follow Jesus, experiencing His saving grace in myriad ways, our faith deepens. As we draw closer to the Lord, we want to share what we have found with others so they can experience it.
Life’s fragility becomes a stark reality when near-death experiences happen. Taking care of my in-law’s property, we had to haul the riding lawn mower on a utility trailer. One day, after finishing the mowing, in a rush to get home, I pulled the pin out of the trailer with the heavy tractor still on it. The tongue of the cart flew up because of the unbalanced weight, barely missing me. To this day, I praise God when I think of that moment, realizing He saved me from certain death. And I learned my lesson about slowing down and listening to my husband.
David had a much more life-threatening experience escaping the Philistines. The Lord’s deliverance made him joyful, and David wanted everyone to know what God did. As do I when I think of the many times the Lord has protected me from my foolish actions.
When we cry out to the Creator, He answers. In our fears, the Lord has a remedy, His peace that surpasses all understanding. Face today confidently, knowing the Lord will answer Your call and rescue you from whatever dilemma you face.
Thank You for protecting us from ourselves, delivering us from our enemies, and answering our calls. Please help us not forget Your presence as we face the day’s troubles. Let us live abundantly in You.