One-minute read.
Have you ever felt so low you didn’t know how you would stand up? I have many times, and each time, the Lord lifts me up and helps me persevere.
When War Room[i] debuted in 2015, it profoundly affected my life. Ron and I saw the movie at a local theater. The film tells the tale of an older lady who has a prayer closet where she goes to meet with the Lord. Containing nothing but a wooden chair, she takes her Bible, gets on her knees, and goes to war with the Lord. As the story unfolds, miracle after miracle happens, people’s lives change, and God’s victory rules.
Leaving the theater, I knew exactly how I would spend my evening. Cleaning out the guest room closet, I made my war room and have met the Lord there ever since. The days I’m on the floor and can’t get up stand out the most. In my dismay, the Lord’s right hand lifts me to my feet and gives me the strength to carry on. Today’s verse makes me think of the times my heavenly Father has held me tight, picked me up, and not let go.
He will do the same for You. To receive the Lord’s assistance, we must seek it; when we do, we have nothing to fear.
Thank You for picking us up when we find ourselves in despair. Please help us remember Your presence in our battles, allowing You to lead us to victory. Let us hold on tight to Your right hand and never let it go.