Five-minute read.

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”
John 14:1-3
After Judas’s departure, Jesus began the long farewell discourse to his disciples. Not understanding everything that happened, the Savior wants to put their hearts at ease. From John 13:31-14:31, Jesus speaks to the disciples about what will come, asking the eleven men to show their love for Him by obeying the commandments. The Prince of Peace tells them about the Helper He will send to them, the Holy Spirit. Christ goes first, preparing a place for us, and wants us to trust His promise.
I can’t imagine what the disciples felt as they watched Judas betray the Teacher. After all the miracles they witnessed and the incredible teachings of Jesus, the climax of the Savior’s ministry draws near, and the men don’t understand. We often don’t know why things happen the way they do; the workings of the Lord a mystery. Hindsight usually reveals the truth, but all may seem surreal amid the situation. Jesus wants us always to have peace and gives us the Holy Spirit to help us.
Trusting that Jesus prepares a place for us and will one day return to take us with Him opens the door to peace. The Savior came once, and He will come again. The things of this world will pass away, but God’s mansion for us in heaven never will. When we enter glory, the heartaches of today will no longer exist. Reunited with those who went before us, we will bask in the light of our heavenly Father, experiencing joy we can only imagine from this side of heaven.
Take heart and trust in the Savior’s promise. Find peace within your soul by believing the words of Jesus. Prince of Peace, He came to give us eternal life; no longer worrying about the temporary things of this world, we can receive His gift of tranquility. Allow the Lord’s peace to reign in your soul, giving you untroubled hearts by believing in Him.
Imagine the room Jesus prepares for you. A place where you will reside with God forever, walking on streets paved with gold, with no darkness and no tears, just unconditional love from the Creator of the world. One day, our stories will culminate with the Lord calling us to His mansion in the sky, our work on Earth done, we will receive the eternal rewards that await us. Until then, we can live with untroubled hearts as we obey Jesus’s teachings and await our heavenly home.
Oh Lord, thank You for preparing a place for us and giving us the Holy Spirit to help us find peace. Let us always seek Your peace, trust Your promises, and obey Your commandments. Help us serve You well as we complete our mission on Earth.