Five-minute read.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
John 10:10
Jesus gave us salvation because He wants us to have abundant lives. As the Shepherd, salvation heals us from our sins and gives us access to the green pastures of eternity. Sheep need a shepherd; otherwise, they will get into trouble. “Prey Animals” sheep have many enemies; according to a governmental study, 226,910 sheep and lambs suffered death from predators.vii When John says the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, he means it. But we have a Shepherd who came to save and protect us from our enemy.
As our Shepherd, Jesus directs us on the right path. Leading us by still waters, sheep shy away from running water, afraid they will fall into it. Wet wool leads to a greater risk of drowning for the animals. If we apply that analogy to our lives, when we get caught up in the turbulent rapids of the world, we can get swept away into unwanted circumstances. But with Jesus as our Shepherd, He leads us to still waters where we can refresh ourselves without worry of danger.
Managing His flock, Jesus keeps a watchful eye on us, ensuring our health and safety. As our faithful companion, Christ goes everywhere we go, never wanting us to feel alone. The closer we follow the Savior, the more we will enjoy the green pastures and living water He offers. Jesus leads us to still waters as our Shepherd, restores our souls and shows us the path of righteousness for His name’s sake. We will walk through the valley of death, but don’t stay there. We needn’t fear evil because Jesus gave us victory through His death on the cross.
Christ knows we have an enemy that seeks to destroy us, and He gives us tools to protect ourselves from the devil’s ploys. Carrying us in His arms, Jesus provides a haven from the predator’s attacks, marking us as His own. When we go astray, the Lord comes after us and brings us back into the flock’s safety. Hedging us with His protection, we can trust the Savior to protect us.
And so, because the Shepherd cares for us, we can live abundantly in Him. Abundant: Plentiful; in great quantity; fully sufficient; as an abundant supply. In scripture, abounding; having in great quantity; overflowing with.viii Jesus saved us so we could have plentiful life, fully sufficient, abounding, in great quantity. Let’s live for Christ, trusting His guidance, allowing Him to shepherd us, and protecting us from the enemy so we can live abundantly.
Lord, thank You for saving us and giving us life in abundance. When we stray from the flock, bring us back quickly. Help us to live abundantly in You, not afraid of the enemy’s attacks, because we know You will protect us.