Five-minute read.

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”
Isaiah 6:8
Isaiah readily serves the Lord. When the prophet hears God’s call, he answers emphatically, “Here I am! Send me.” Titled “Isaiah’s Commission from the Lord,” the following five verses contain the message the Creator wants His servant to share with the people: the coming judgment. Because the people had heard the message but did not understand it, blinded by their sinful ways, a day of judgment awaited them, as it does us all. One day, we will stand before the Lord and answer for our life on Earth.
With Jesus as our Savior, He stands between us and the Lord, cleansing us in God’s eyes because of His sinless life. Visiting friends in Delaware, the youth did a skit on Sunday when we attended church with them. Setting the stage like a courtroom, God sat in the judge’s seat, the devil at the prosecutor’s table, and Jesus sat beside the sinner at the defense table. When the trial began, Satan laid out his case, listing the sins of the accused. Then Jesus got up and stood between the Lord and His defendant, hiding Him from view, taking on his client’s sins, making him pure in the judge’s sight, no crime committed, the devil’s ploys thwarted.
Jesus makes us white as snow, separating our sins as far as the “East is from the West” (Psalm 103:12). As much as I love the Savior, I still sin. Once I become aware of my misdeeds and confess them, I strive not to do it again, but the flesh constantly wages war. Just this morning, I wrote out Luke 10:27, which tells us to love God and others, and then confessed my unloving thoughts towards an individual who hurt me. “Lord, I need your help loving _____,” I wrote in my journal.
I know that when I get to heaven, God will want to know how I did at loving Him and people. Ultimately, we answer to the Creator. I pray that when I walk through the pearly gates, the Lord will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23). Isaiah proclaimed the day of judgment, one that will come to everyone. We can choose whose table we sit at that day, the prosecutors or the Defenders.
And so God asks us the same question He asked Isaiah, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Hopefully, like the prophet, we will respond, “Here am I! Send me.” We have a message to share with the world: the good news of Jesus. Pray for people to have eyes to see and ears to hear so they can receive the Savior into their lives and have no fear of the judgment that will one day come.
Lord, thank You for using us to share the Gospel’s good news with others. Please give us boldness as we go about our lives, fulfilling the Great Commandment with actions and words and sharing the Savior with all we meet. Let our efforts help build Your kingdom.