Five-minute read.

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.
The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.
John 1:6-9
Riding with my husband to Myrtle Beach, SC, for a work trip, we left early in the morning for the 6-hour drive and returned home that evening. Knowing the long hours in the car, I packed craft projects to occupy my time. In early November, we drove the last two hours in the dark. Watching the sunrise as we left, we watched it set as well. And as the light diminished, I could no longer see my work. As I hot glued decor onto the Christmas ornaments, I remembered the light the blue crafting gun had on it. Pressing the yellow button, light pierced the darkness, and I could see again.
John came into the world to introduce the light of Jesus, speaking in terms we could understand; he awakened our need for a Savior. Just as the diminishing sunlight made me aware I needed help to see, John’s ministry opened people’s eyes to the darkness around them. Often, people don’t know they need a Savior until they flounder around in the dark, not knowing which way to go. John helped people find their way in the darkness by pointing them towards Jesus.
One true light illuminates our world: Jesus. Through Christ, we find truth. As we follow the Lord, His Word and Spirit guide us. Like solar lamps along a walkway, following the Lord turns on the next lamp, just as we need it, to find our way. The more I allow Jesus to order my steps, the better my life becomes. Struggles occur, mountains rise in front of me, and pain still pierces my soul, but with God, I overcome them all as I submit to His will for my life, knowing all things work for the good of those who believe and trust in Him.
God sent John into the world to bear witness to the light of Christ. Faithful throughout his earthly days, John served the Lord with his entire heart, mind, body, and soul. Although he suffered a tragic death at the hands of an executioner, John never wavered from his mission, fulfilling the Lord’s purpose for his life.
Following Jesus starts with a decision to submit to Him. Each morning, we must decide who we will follow. As a gentleman, God doesn’t force His will upon us, but He does give us a light to follow. Choose Jesus today and every day. Let Him light your path with His one true light.
Lord, thank You for lighting our world with Jesus. Praise God for the guidance You give us. As we seek You, illuminate our paths and order our steps. Let us faithfully serve You, one day at a time, honoring and glorifying You in all we do. When we flounder in the dark, help us find the lighted path. Protect us from our fleshly desires and keep us on the straight and narrow.