Two-minute read.

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23
God’s unconditional love transforms us when we submit our will to His. Great in His faithfulness, the Lord has compassion on us when we falter. As we seek our Maker, drawing closer to Him in a relationship, we will become more sensitive to our shortcomings and aware of His unending mercy.
Picklegate, Ron, and I’s current first-world problem caused me to falter. Trying to build a program centered around pickleball that would benefit our community, we ran into political issues that stopped the event before it started. When confronted by the “perpetrator,” I responded poorly, letting my emotions lead my words. Although I spoke the truth, I did not do it in love, and I damaged the relationship, acting like Beth and not like Jesus. When I confessed my sin to God, He immediately forgave me and convicted me of the error of my ways.
And the Lord gave me work to do, first on myself, then with others.
God loves us, whatever the mess, but He doesn’t leave us in it. Instead, with great love, the Lord helps us learn from our mistakes and become more like Jesus as we learn to humble ourselves and seek His will instead of ours. God’s teaching me to view others not as my enemy but as fellow humans, full of imperfections, just like me. Instead of judging people, the Lord shows me how to love them and myself with His divine love. Asking God to keep my heart soft, developing an attitude of gratitude, and learning to walk in humility transforms me, little by little, each day. When you submit your life to the Great Lover, He will do the same for you.
Praise God for His great love for us.
Lord, thank You for loving us unconditionally and giving us new mercies each day. Please help us see ourselves as You do, letting us understand the depth of Your affection for us. Let us transform our lives as we allow Your truth to take root in our hearts, uprooting all the lies and making us more like Jesus.