Two-minute read.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7
Lacking thankfulness makes you vulnerable to doubt and spiritual delusion. When we search for things to praise God for in life, we find them. But when we look for things to complain about, we see them. What we choose to focus on determines our outlook. We don’t live a balanced life; we live a centered one, and when the Lord holds the center position, we will find ourselves rooted and built up in him.
Roots live deep under the ground, drawing water into the plant or tree, the more anchored and spread out, the more nourishment they receive. Young plants with shallow roots don’t withstand storm winds and easily uproot. But mighty oaks with thick, pervasive roots hold firm when hurricanes blow. As Christ’s followers, we build our root system every day we follow Jesus. Our roots grow deep as we spend time reading scripture, praying, journaling, fellowshipping with other believers, and serving. The more we pursue the Lord, the deeper our roots grow.
In my third decade of starting my mornings with the Lord and His word, I’ve grown deep roots. Each day, as I allow God to search my heart, adjust my attitude, and set my intentions for the day, the roots grow a little deeper, and my thankfulness overflows at all my Maker does for me. Centering my life on Christ strengthens my faith, helping me to live for Him and praise His wondrous and mighty deeds.
Center your life on Christ. Let your roots grow deep into Him, and experience His abundant life for you. Rooted and built up in Jesus, He will strengthen your faith, and thankfulness will overflow from your heart.
Praise God for rooting and building us up.
Lord, thank You for strengthening our faith, making our hearts overflow with thankfulness, rooting us in the ground, and building us up each day. Please help us stand strong in the storm winds, trusting You for protection. Let us become more like Christ every day.