Two-minute read.

For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.
Ephesians 1:15-16
After receiving news about the continuing faith and love of the Ephesians, Paul responds with thanksgiving. Following Jesus in faith results in acts of love. As we begin to grasp the depth of the Lord’s caring for us, we want to share it with others. And everything works for the good of those who believe and trust in God, even if we don’t understand it at the time.
Over the weekend, I finished a study on Leviticus. For 27 days, with a group of friends, I studied a chapter each morning using the Through the Wordi app, led by Pastor Peyton Jonesii, who adores the book. However, for most people, Leviticus requires discipline and perseverance. I now have a new appreciation for the book and the foreshadowing of Jesus found in it. From the Tabernacle to the sacrifices and feasts, they all point towards the Savior to come. I found new truths each morning, drawing me deeper into my relationship with Christ. The more I learned, the more I wanted to share with others so they could experience the incredible love of Jesus.
Studying God’s word with others, holding each other accountable, and striving to become more like Christ together makes me thankful. The Lord created us for community. He never intended for us to live out our faith alone. We need each other to grow in Christ and become the people God intends. Like Paul, we must remember each other, continue to give thanks for our brothers and sisters in Christ, and pray for their journey, which fulfills God’s purpose.
Praise God for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Lord, thank You for giving us a spiritual family to do life with on earth. Please help us support each other through thanksgiving and praise, spurring each other to complete our divine missions for You.