Two-minute read.

Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:19-20
Filled with the Holy Spirit, songs of worship pour from the heart. When the worship band begins to play Sunday mornings, my soul rejoices as we praise the Lord. During my days, as I go about my work, playing worship music invigorates me as I thank God for my divine tasks. When we give our lives to the Creator, allowing His Spirit to fill us, we speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and praise.
Paul’s theme in these verses concerns living as children of the light. Because of the light of Christ, we shine brightly in the world, as He did. When Jesus walked the Earth, people flocked to Him. The counter-cultural teachings of the Lord made people want to know more and live differently. Christ’s grace and mercy gave them hope. When Jesus ascended into heaven, He didn’t leave us alone but gave us the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us. His eternal flame illuminates the world as we submit and follow the Lord.
Let the Holy Spirit’s influence in your life flow. Sing songs from the heart, creating beautiful music as you praise the Lord for His mighty work. Each day, as we seek the Lord and His will, we find reasons to rejoice and praise the Creator. Through Jesus, we can live abundantly, knowing He paid the price we never could. In Christ, we have all we need.
Praise God for His Spirit within us.
Lord, thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us. Please let us become sensitive to His promptings, filling our hearts with joy and causing us to sing praises from our souls that honor and glorify You.