Two-minute read.

At that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children;
Matthew 11:25
Only with the Holy Spirit can we see the revealed truth of Jesus and His work. Once we place faith in the Savior, we gain a new vision. Looking through the lens of our heavenly Father, we find revealed truth. Like walking into a dark room, when you flip the light switch, you immediately see what the blackness hid; an awakening occurs. And once you know, you can’t unknow the truth.
“Aha” moments happen all the time. Suddenly, you see something you never saw before, like driving down the road and noticing an old building you had never noticed before. How you missed the structure, you don’t know, but now that you’ve seen it, you can’t unsee it. Biologically, the reticular activating system comes to life when you become aware of something you never noticed. I drive a white Subaru. Before I had the car, I had never noticed Subarus, but now I see them everywhere.
Jesus reveals the truth of our sinful nature to us. Once we become aware of our human frailties, we can’t unsee them. Our imperfections require a Savior, and Christ reveals that truth to us. God reveals the sin in our lives and gives us the solution, Jesus. We must place our faith in Him, allowing the Lord to illuminate our hearts, lighting the dark rooms, and exposing our iniquities. When we do, God reveals truth to us we can’t deny, and only Jesus can fix it. In Him, we become new.
Praise God for revealing our sins and giving us a solution.
Lord, thank You for Jesus and the truth He reveals to us. Please search our hearts and expose the sin within them, turning on the lights and eliminating our iniquities. Let us honor and serve You well today and always.