Two-minute read.

But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.
2 Corinthians 2:14
Because Jesus took on a battle not rightly His, we gain a victory nor rightly ours. Grace defined receiving what we don’t deserve. Paul thanks the Lord for the triumph Christ gave him, becoming a bondservant to the Savior and living for Him. As a result, Paul takes every opportunity to share what he has with everyone and anyone. But not all will listen.
We gain freedom through the Cross, no longer slaves to sin, but instead, captives of Christ, who gives us a new way to live, one that goes against our human nature. I’m working through complicated feelings towards neighbors who have sabotaged a community event. Afraid of the unknown and change, acting like children with hypocritical words, righteous anger soars within me at the injustice of the situation. But I must take those negative emotions captive, give them to Jesus, and respond with forgiveness and grace as He would. Unfortunately, my flesh rebels against the spirit, and I must fight to win the battle; only with submission to Jesus will I gain victory.
And so, I pray, “Lord, transform my heart.” I ask others to pray for me, and I submit my life to Jesus, knowing His will matters more than mine. In Him, I find true victory. Dying to our fleshly desires requires a conscious decision that takes effort. But as we move in the right direction, the Lord strengthens us and gives us victory.
Become captive to Christ today, allowing Him to transform your thoughts and actions. Through your words and deeds, spread the aroma of the knowledge of the Savior.
Praise God for making us His captives.
Lord, thank You for giving us an undeserved victory through Jesus, who fought for us and gave us the win. Please let us live well for You today, obeying Your commands and allowing You to control our thoughts and actions.