Two-minute read.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—
1 Timothy 2:1
Listening to a message by Pastor Jon Tyson of Church in the City in New York City, he used the phrase “shepherded by the algorithm,” describing the media’s manipulation of people’s minds. In other words, strategic media posts play on people’s emotions, and they follow them rather than the Savior. My heart aches at how political parties use this tactic to cause division, particularly in Christ-followers who seem to forget Jesus, worshipping their political affiliation more than the Son.
“When you think about people you know, don’t think about their flaws. Instead, think about their strengths. Think of the qualities that you enjoy in them, not the ones that irritate you.”
Joyce Meyers
As Christ’s followers, Jesus shepherds us, not the algorithm. When the media tries to play on our emotions, demonizing people because of their different beliefs, we must pray for them. If we can’t find qualities we appreciate, ask the Lord to give us eyes to see them. One such person in my life, who has dubbed himself a pastor, spreads hate because of his political views. When I read the quote from Joyce, I couldn’t find anything positive, so I asked the Lord to show me. Immediately, I recognized his passion as good and began praying that he would turn it towards the Lord instead of politics.
We all share the same purpose, love God and others (Mark 12:30-31). When we find it difficult to love someone, we must turn to the Lord for help and pray for all people, no matter our differences. Jesus died for everyone, not just those who agree with us. We’re the saved, not the Savior.
Praise God for the power of prayer.
Lord, thank You for listening to our petitions, prayers, and intercessions for others. Please help us focus on the positive qualities in people, not the ones that irritate us. Fill our hearts with love that overflows to all we meet.