Two-minute read.

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57
Without sin, death would have no sting. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians includes his argument for resurrection. Verses 50-58 draw the apostle’s conclusion: to inherit the kingdom of God and eternal life, we must gain an imperishable body through Christ. Our physical body will perish, but our souls, given to Jesus, will never die. When the Savior returns, we will rise with Him at the sound of the trumpet. What a glorious day awaits us because of Jesus’s work on the cross.
Studying Leviticus, we just finished chapter fourteen, which details the cleansing needed for lepers after their healing. Jesus refers to the practice when He heals the ten lepers and tells them to show themselves to the priest for cleansing; only one returns to thank the Lord. As our High Priest, when we present our lives to Jesus, He cleanses us, washed by His blood. We no longer need to complete the Levitical cleansing, but we need to thank Him. So often, we take the Savior’s grace for granted and forget to thank Him, like the lepers.
Lepers lived as outcasts from society, unable to interact with people. When Jesus healed the ten diseased men, He gave them their lives back. And yet, only one thanked Him. Christ does the same for us, saving us from our sins and the rot and decay that comes with them. Thank the Lord today for giving you abundant life through His sacrifice on the cross. Let’s not take for granted what Christ did for us.
Praise Jesus for giving us eternal life.
Lord, thank You for sending Jesus to heal us from our sins and give us new life in Him. Please let us not take for granted the gift You gave us in Your Son. Through Him, we find life.