Two-minute read.

I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
Psalm 9:1
David, the author of Psalm 9, loves the Lord without reservation. Facing a distressing situation, David praises the Creator, anticipating victory through Him. When we follow David’s example, thanking God for deliverance before it happens, we keep the Son in our eyes. Instead of focusing on the problem, we concentrate on the solution, which only the Lord knows. Backed into a corner, we may not see a way out, but God always has a plan, and in His time, it will unfold.
Someone recently made an observation to me. He said we use the phrase “God has a plan” too much. In this person’s opinion, instead of offering help, we use those four words as a reason not to assist. Although I didn’t get to dive into the topic more with him that day, I have thought about it since. Maybe we do, I don’t know. But I believe God uses us to help His plans come to fruition, so while we wait for the Lord’s plan to unfold, we should ask what He wants us to do.
Each day, I ask the Lord to direct my path and not let me miss anything He has for me. Partnering with God, I expect Him to give me divine tasks: love this person, help that one, share grace in this situation, and work on self-control in another. The list goes on while I wait to see the plan unfold. David trusted God for victory, but he also understood the warrior had to fight the battle, as do we.
Trust God for the victory, praising Him for the wonderful deeds He will do. Then, ask God for your divine tasks and watch His plan unfold.
Praise God for His wonderful deeds.
Lord, thank You for what You do in me and through me, producing wonderful deeds. Please show us our part in Your story, assigning us divine tasks to complete. Let us honor and serve You well today.