Two-minute read.

I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High.
Psalm 7:17
In Genesis 14:18-20,22, Melchizedek, a priest of God Most High, interacts with Abraham, who also refers to God by this name, the first time we see Yahweh (“the Lord) referred to as Most High. Describing the universal rule of God, as Christ’s followers, our hope lies in the coming judgment when He will remove evil from the world. The wicked will fall, but the righteous will experience deliverance from God’s wrath, and we will have plenty of reasons to praise Yahweh.
Looking back over my life, I can easily see times when the Lord rescued me from myself. Poor decisions led me to places I should never have gone, but God protected me. Where others fell, I miraculously did not. Only by the grace of the Lord go I. Each day, I recognize the gift God gives me to try and do better than the day before. Only by putting into practice the Creator’s commands can I become more like Jesus, leaving my selfish desires behind. God knows I fail more than I succeed, but each day, I improve.
In tennis, I call this the 1% rule. Whenever a student takes a lesson, I pray they improve by 1%. If they take one lesson a week for fifty weeks, they’ve experienced a 50% improvement at the end of that period. In the same way, if we improve by 1% each day in our walk with the Lord, sharing His love, grace, and mercy better, receiving His correction, and remaining humble and hungry for more, at the end of a year, we’ve become 365% more like Jesus. As with tennis, we never arrive at perfection; we always have more work to do.
Praise God for the work He continues to do in you, transforming you one day at a time into a better representative of Jesus. Becoming more like Christ helps us share the Gospel’s good news while loving God and others.
Praise the Most High for His righteousness.
Lord, thank you for helping us become more like Jesus, one day at a time. Please help us represent and serve You well today and every day.