Two-minute read.

I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30
“What are some positive things happening in your life?” My nurse coach, Angie(1) asked me during our last video meeting. As a trained specialist, my hour-long sessions with Angie focus on ways to become healthier from a holistic perspective: mind, body, and soul. Raised in the same area of Pennsylvania, I’ve known her my entire life, and since we began working together, God has deepened our relationship in ways only He can. Angie’s faith and perseverance inspire me and help me on my journey.
In this session, I felt deflated. A long week of battling negativity from the world around me had taken its toll. After unloading the burdens of my heart to Angie, she turned the conversation and my thoughts in a different direction. When she first asked me the question, I felt irritated because I wanted to stay buried in misery, but as I began to list blessings in my life, my attitude and my heart changed. Angie helped me focus my eyes back on Jesus and realize His involvement in everything that happened.
As Christ’s followers, we know He never leaves or forsakes us, so we always have a reason to praise Him. When we start to list the ways the Lord helps us and identify His blessings, we will magnify Him with thanksgiving. Later that morning, after my session with Angie, I had coffee with a friend struggling with negativity.
“How do you stay positive?” She asked me.
With a smile, I asked her the same question Angie had asked me, and the conversation changed, as did my friend’s heart. Singing praises to the Lord and magnifying Him with thanksgiving will transform you. Give it a try and see what God does.
Praise God for all He does for us.
Lord, thank You for never leaving nor forsaking us and always giving us a reason to praise You. As we move through our day, help us keep the Son in our eyes as we live in Your favor, allowing You to guide and direct our path.