Two-minute read.

Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.
Hebrews 13:15
God’s constant presence in our lives means we have reason to offer sacrifices of praise continually. As Christ’s followers, we believe God’s purpose unfolds continuously; the Creator’s will prevails in all circumstances. We take lunch breaks, but the Lord doesn’t. God’s purposes always come to fruition on the highest mountain tops in the darkest moments. We have reasons to praise Him constantly.
Having suffered the tragic loss of a young friend in the past months, we’ve walked through the valley of death. God calling home a loved one at only twenty years of age doesn’t seem right from my perspective, and it makes a sacrifice of praise difficult. But we praise God that she knew Jesus, that Christ met her in her moment of death, and that she now lives in His glory. We miss her presence on Earth, but I praise the Lord that she has eternal life with Him, and we will meet again one day.
Sometimes, we must search for a reason to praise the Lord. Other times, we can lift our voices in thankfulness easily. But in all things, we can find a reason to offer praises to the Lord, not for all things, but in them. As we know, the devil slinks around, causing havoc, but God always wins the battle, and we can find a reason to thank Him in the fight. Finding one thing to praise God for helps you see more things. Eventually, you will have a continuous list of praise sacrifices to offer.
Praise God for always working to unfold His purpose.
Lord, thank You for constantly working on our behalf to unfold Your purpose. Please give us eyes to see and ears to hear Your praiseworthy actions in our lives. Let us offer continuous sacrifices of praise to You.