Perfect Harvest

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Two-minute read.

Allow both to grow together until the harvest, and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn.”’” 

Matthew 13:30 

Scattering weeds among the crops, the owner blames the enemy. Realizing that trying to separate them before the harvest causes extra work, the owner tells them to wait until time to gather the wheat. Binding the plentiful tares, another name for weeds, together and burning them gets rid of the pesky plants; they will no longer contaminate the grain.   

From a worldly perspective, the enemy scatters lies that take root in non-believers’ hearts and cause them to miss the truth of Jesus. Only with God’s Spirit can we discern the weeds from the crop, following Christ and receiving eternal life. Not until the final judgment will the Lord separate non-believers from believers. Until then, we can pray for those who believe lies to have eyes to see and ears to hear the truth, discover Jesus, and allow Him to transform their lives.  

Satan blankets our world in a web of deceit. Playing on emotions, the enemy leads people astray with subtleties that closely resemble truth. Planting honest seeds in people’s lives, praying they take root in good soil, and watering them with love will help them discover Jesus. When the harvest comes, God will separate the weeds from the crop, and they will perish in the fire. But until then, we can pray for them to see the truth, discover Jesus, and find eternal life in Him. 


Lord, thank You for giving us eyes to see and ears to hear the truth of Jesus. As we move through our days, help us share what we have found with others. Soften the hearts of non-believers, till up the soil of their soul, and let them receive the truth of Christ. 

IJNIP. Amen 

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